
FileUploadLocale Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by FileUploadLocale.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorFileUploadLocale ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyErrorMessageAJAXRequestFileSizeGet or set error message when request to get file size fails  
Public PropertyErrorMessageCancelUploadGet or set error message when request for cancelling upload command fails If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.errorMessageCancelUpload from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyErrorMessageGetFileStatusGet or set error message when ajax call to get file status throws error If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.errorMessageGetFileStatus from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyErrorMessageMaxFileSizeExceededGet or set error message shown when max file size of the uploaded file exceeds the limit If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.errorMessageFileSizeExceeded from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyErrorMessageMaxSimultaneousFilesGet or set error message when maximum simultaneous files is less or equal to 0  
Public PropertyErrorMessageMaxUploadedFilesGet or set error message when maximum allowed files exceeded  
Public PropertyErrorMessageNoSuchFileGet or set error message when file is not found, when client request to get file with specified key If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.errorMessageNoSuchFile from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyErrorMessageOtherGet or set error message different from other messages  
Public PropertyErrorMessageValidatingFileExtensionGet or set error message when error is not defined  
Public PropertyIsEmptyChecks if ViewState has any property with not a default value. This property should be overriden by extended class when additional subobjects are supported. IsEmpty will then check each subobject and return a value based on the check of those objects plus itself.  
Public PropertyLabelAddButtonGet or set label for browse button in main container. If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.labelAddButton from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyLabelClearAllButtonGet or set label for summary Clear all button. It will be shown only in muliple upload mode. If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.labelClearAllButton from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyLabelHideDetailsGet or set label for show/hide details button when main container is shown. If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.labelHideDetails from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyLabelProgressBarFileNameContinueGet or set filename when it could not be shown the whole file name and should be shorten. If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.labelProgressBarFileNameContinue from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyLabelShowDetailsGet or set label for show/hide details button when main container is hidden. If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.labelShowDetails from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyLabelSummaryProgressBarTemplateGet or set template for showing uploading information in summary progress bar. It will be shown only in multiple upload mode. $0 uploaded filesize. $1 - total file size. If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.labelSummaryProgressBarTemplate from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyLabelSummaryProgressButtonCancelGet or set summary progressbar label for cancelling all files. Shown only in multiple upload mode. If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.labelSummaryProgressButtonCancel from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyLabelSummaryProgressButtonContinueGet or set summary progressbar label for start upload batch files. Shown only in multiple upload mode and autostartupload is false. If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.labelSummaryProgressButtonContinue from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyLabelSummaryProgressButtonDoneGet or set summary progressbar label when upload is finished. Shown only in multiple upload mode. If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.labelSummaryProgressButtonDone from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyLabelSummaryTemplateGet or set template for showing summary template. $0 is count of uploaded files. $1 is total count of file to be uploaded. If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.labelSummaryTemplate from the locale JS.  
Public PropertyLabelUploadButtonGet or set label for the first shown browse button. When file is selected for the first time this button is hidden. If this is empty, uses $.ig.FileUpload.locale.labelUploadButton from the locale JS.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyHasViewStateReturns true if ViewState has been initialized  
Protected PropertyViewStateReturns a StateBag for the ViewState  
Public Methods
Public MethodSetValueOverloaded. Sets an object value so that it is maintained in viewstate  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodLoadViewStateLoad data modified at run time.  
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangeOverloaded. Virtual method that is called whenever a server state property within the object has been changed.  
Protected MethodSaveViewStateSave data modified at run time.  
Protected MethodtoJQueryOptionNameReturns the name of the PropertyName (words start with caps) with the first letter made lowercase (as JQuery options are).  
Protected MethodToOptionNeed to override, otherwise returns an empty string  
Protected MethodTrackViewStateEnables view state tracking for sub-objects  
See Also