
Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework Namespace (Infragistics.Web.jQuery)

ClassAssemblyVersionJQuery A class containing strings for the versioning of the files
ClassClientControlClientEventsBase Base class for ClientSideEvents properties exposed by controls. This object handles the persistence and rendering of client events on behalf of a control. This object also enables the developer to determine if a client event will cause a postback to the server when fired. The GetClientEventNameList method is called by the base class to allow derived classes to add their client events to the list which will be processed at render time.
ClassClientControlMain A class encapsulating most of the common logic for creating a JQuery Control on the server
ClassClientDataBot A class with some static methods for working with data
ClassClientObjectBase A class for complex objects used for properties in JQuery controls
ClassClientObjectCollection Abstract collection that all collections for client control wrappers should derive from
ClassClientSideEventArgumentsAttribute ClientSideEventArgumentsAttribute class is used to provide a standart way of passing event arguments for client side event handlers.
ClassImportManager Summary description for ImportManager.
ClassSwitchToDesignViewAttribute SwitchToDesignViewAttribute class is used to determine whether automatically switching to Design View is allowed.
InterfaceIJQueryOption An interface that objects that will be output as a jQuery option should implement
See Also