
Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report Namespace

ClassAutoHeight Represents a dynamic height. This class allows to set the height of an element according to its content.
ClassAutoWidth Represents a dynamic width. This class allows to set the width of an element according to its content.
ClassBackground Represents a background element.
ClassBorder Represents a single border.
ClassBorders Represents a set of borders.
ClassConstraint Represents a constrained range.
ClassContentAlignment Represents alignment properties.
ClassCorner Represents a single corner.
ClassCorners Represents a set of corners.
ClassFixedHeight Represents a fixed type of the height of an element.
ClassFixedWidth Represents a fixed type of the width of an element.
ClassHeight Represents an abstract base class to set the height of an element.
ClassHorizontalMargins Represents the horizontal spacings between elements.
ClassIndents Represents indents.
ClassMargins Represents spacings between elements.
ClassMaxHeight Represents a maximum available height.
ClassMaxWidth Represents a maximum available width.
ClassPaddings Represents paddings between the borders and the content of an element.
ClassPageMargins Represents margins on a printed page.
ClassPageNumberAlignment Defines the alignment for the page numbers.
ClassPageSize Represents a page size. This class allows to set the width and the height of a page.
ClassPageSizes Implements a set of predefined page sizes.
ClassPublishProgressEventArgs Reports progress information about the PDF publishing process.
ClassRelativeHeight Represents a relative height. This class allows to set the height of an element as a percentage to the available vertical space left on a dynamic page.
ClassRelativeWidth Represents a relative width. This class allows to set the width of an element as a percentage to the width of the container.
ClassReport Represents the base element from which all documents are built.
ClassTextAlignment Represents text alignment properties.
ClassVerticalMargins Represents the vertical spacings between elements.
ClassWidth Represents an abstract base class to set the width of an element.
InterfaceICallback Represents a callback interface.
InterfaceICanvas Represents a canvas element. Implements the Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Graphics.IGraphics interface.
InterfaceIChain Represents a chain element.
InterfaceICondition Represents a condition element.
InterfaceIContainer Represents a container element.
InterfaceIDrawing Represents a custom drawing interface.
InterfaceIFontLoader Provides an interface to provide custom loading of fonts when publishing a report from an XML file.
InterfaceIGap Represents a gap element.
InterfaceIGroup Represents a basic container element.
InterfaceIImage Represents an image element.
InterfaceIImageLoader Provides an interface to provide custom loading of images when publishing a report from an XML file.
InterfaceIInfo Represents info properties.
InterfaceIMetafile Represents a metafile element.
InterfaceIMetafileLoader Provides an interface to provide custom loading of metafiles when publishing a report from an XML file.
InterfaceIPathResolver Provides an interface to resolve paths.
InterfaceIQuickImage Represents a quick image element.
InterfaceIRotator Represents a rotator element.
InterfaceIRule Represents a horizontal rule element.
InterfaceISite Represents an element whose contents are placed by absolute coordinates.
InterfaceIStretcher Represents a stretcher element.
EnumerationAlignment Defines alignment types.
EnumerationAlphabetAlignment Defines alphabet alignment types.
EnumerationBulletType Defines bullet styles.
EnumerationFileFormat Defines file formats.
EnumerationFontVariant Defines text styles.
EnumerationImageAlignment Defines image alignment types.
EnumerationLayout Defines layout types.
EnumerationLeaderFormat Defines leader formats.
EnumerationMasterRange Defines master page ranges.
EnumerationPageNumberFormat Defines page number formats.
EnumerationPageOrientation Defines page orientation types.
EnumerationTextHeading Defines text headings.
See Also