| Class | Description |
| AdornmentLayer | Layer for adornments such as tooltips and highlights. |
| AnnotationLayer | Layer in which Annotations are added to the SceneGraph. |
| Area3DLayer | The 3-D Layer responsible for composing 3-D Area charts. |
| AreaLayer | This layer renders the graphical elements of an Area Chart. |
| Axis | Base class for Axes. |
| Axis3D | Base class for 3D Axes. |
| Bar3DLayer | Layer Class for 3D Bar Charts. |
| BarLayer | Layer responsible for drawing the Bar Chart (Stacked and non-Stacked). |
| BorderLayer | Layer class for border elements such as shading, background, and rounded corners |
| BoxChartLayer | Chart Layer class for Box Charts. |
| Bubble3DLayer | The 3-D Layer responsible for composing 3-D Bubble charts. |
| BubbleLayer | Layer for rendering the BubbleChart. |
| CandleLayer | Draws the Bar chart layer. |
| CandleLegendLayer | Layer used for rendering of the Candle Chart Legend. |
| ChartLayer | Base class for all Chart-composing Layers. |
| ChartLayer3D | Base class for all 3-D Chart compositional Layers. |
| ChartLayerCollection | Collection class for ChartLayerAppearance objects. |
| Column3DLayer | The 3-D Layer responsible for composing 3-D Column charts. |
| ColumnLayer | Layer responsible for drawing the Column Chart (Stacked and non-Stacked). |
| Cone3DLayer | Layer class for 3D cone charts. |
| DiscreteColorLegendLayer | Layer class for legends which represent data points as simple colored elements. |
| Doughnut3DLayer | Layer class for 3D doughnut charts. |
| DoughnutLayer | Layer class for doughnut charts. |
| DrillLayer | DrillLayer draws the Drill Back button, if active, in the upper left corner of the chart. |
| Funnel3DLayer | Layer class for 3D funnel charts. |
| FunnelLayer | Layer class for funnel charts. |
| GanttLayer | Gantt Chart Layer. |
| GridLayer | Layer class for the chart grid. |
| GroupedLabelAxis | Axis class to use for axes with labels arranged into series and items. |
| Heatmap3DLayer | The 3-D Layer responsible for composing 3-D Heat Map charts. |
| HeatMapLayer | Draws the Bar chart layer. |
| Hierarchical3DLayer | Layer class for 3D hierarchical charts. |
| HierarchicalLayer | Layer class for 3D hierarchical charts. |
| HistogramLayer | Histogram layer class |
| IconLegendLayer | Layer that adds the Icons to the Legend. |
| LabelAxisBase | Base class for axes with labels on them. |
| Layer | Class representing one layer of drawing on a chart. |
| LegendLayer | Chart Legend class. |
| Line3DLayer | The 3-D Layer responsible for composing 3-D Line charts. |
| LineLayer | A line chart that represents each row of data as a polyline plotted across the X axis |
| NumericAxis | Numeric axis class. |
| NumericAxis3D | Layer class for 3D Numeric axes. |
| ParetoLayer | Layer class used for constructing a Pareto Chart. |
| Pie3DLayer | Layer class for 3D pie charts. |
| PieLayer | Layer class for pie charts. |
| Point3DLayer | The 3-D Layer responsible for composing 3-D Point charts. |
| PolarLayer | Layer class used to render polar points to the SceneGraph. |
| ProbabilityLayer | Layer class used to render Probability scatter points to the SceneGraph. |
| Pyramid3DLayer | Layer class for 3D pyramid charts. |
| PyramidLayer | Layer class for pyramid charts. |
| RadarLayer | Layer class for Radar charts. |
| ScatterLayer | Layer class used to render scatter points to the SceneGraph. |
| SetAxis3D | Layer class for 3D Ordinal axes. |
| SetLabelAxis | Axis class used for set label axes. |
| SkinLayer | This Layer is responsible for the application of motifs onto graphical chart elements. |
| Spline3DLayer | The 3-D Layer responsible for composing 3-D Spline charts. |
| SplineArea3DLayer | The 3-D Layer responsible for composing 3-D SplineArea charts. |
| SplineAreaLayer | Chart layer class for spline area charts. |
| SplineLayer | Chart layer class for spline charts. |
| StepLineLayer | A line chart that represents each row of data as a polyline plotted across the X axis |
| ThreeDGridLayer | Layer class for the 3D grid. |
| TimeAxis | Axis used for Date/Time values. |
| TitleLayer | Layer class for chart titles. |
| TitlePanel | Internal class for each of the title panels - Top, Bottom, Left, and Right |
| TooltipLayer | Layer responsible for rendering Windows tool tip text messages. |
| TreeMapLayer | ChartLayer class for TreeMapChart. |
| TreeMapLegendLayer | Tree Map Chart Legend Layer. |
| TwoDGridLayer | Layer class for the chart grid. |
| XYChartLayer | Chart Layer used by charts which have two numeric axes, and exist in planar space based on X and Y coordinates. |