
LinearGaugeBarMarker Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by LinearGaugeBarMarker.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorLinearGaugeBarMarker ConstructorLinearGaugeBarMarker constructor.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyBackgroundProperties which affect a background shape to be rendered behind the bar marker. This background shape will be seen extending from the value of the bar marker to the end of the gauge.  
Public PropertyBrushElementBrushElement defining how the background of this gauge marker is painted. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraGauge.Resources.GaugeMarker)
Public PropertyBulbSpanSpan of a thermometer-style bulb shape to be rendered at the start of this marker. To enable a bulb shape, set this property to a non-zero value greater than the difference of OuterExtent and InnerExtent.  
Public PropertyGaugeComponentThe Gauge Component (e.g. "UltraGauge1") in context. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraGauge.Resources.GaugeAppearanceObject)
Public PropertyInnerExtentExtent of the inner end of this marker. For horizontally oriented gauges, this is expressed as a percentage of the gauge height, and is measured from the bottom of the gauge. For vertically oriented gauges, this is expressed as a percentage of the gauge width, and is measured from the left of the gauge.  
Public PropertyKeyUnique identifier for this object in a collection. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraGauge.Resources.GaugeCollectionObject)
Public PropertyOuterExtentExtent of the outer end of this marker. For horizontally oriented gauges, this is expressed as a percentage of the gauge height, and is measured from the bottom of the gauge. For vertically oriented gauges, this is expressed as a percentage of the gauge width, and is measured from the left of the gauge.  
Public PropertyPrecisionPrecision used for this marker to point out values. Enable this marker to "snap to" distinct values on the parent gauge by setting this property to a non-zero value. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraGauge.Resources.GaugeMarker)
Public PropertyScaleThe parent scale. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraGauge.Resources.LinearGaugeMarker)
Public PropertySegmentSpanSpan of each segment in this bar marker. Set to a value less than 100 to break bars into segments.  
Public PropertyStartExtentExtent of the origin of this marker. For horizontally oriented gauges, this is expressed as a percentage of the gauge width, and is measured from the left side of the gauge. For vertically oriented gauges, this is expressed as a percentage of the gauge height, and is measured from the bottom of the gauge.  
Public PropertyStrokeElementThe StrokeElement defining the Pen used to outline this gauge marker. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraGauge.Resources.GaugeMarker)
Public PropertyValueThe value to be pointed at by this gauge marker. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraGauge.Resources.GaugeMarker)
Public PropertyVisibleDetermines whether or not this marker should be rendered. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraGauge.Resources.GaugeMarker)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertySortedPropertyNamesUsed by the TypeConverter to sort when listing properties. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraGauge.Resources.GaugeAppearanceObject)
Public Methods
Public MethodCloneCreates and returns a copy of this LinearGaugeBarMarker.  
Public MethodFillSceneGraphOverridden. Adds primitives to the scene in the form of this gauge marker.  
Public MethodGetScaleGets the Scale which is responsible for this marker. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraGauge.Resources.LinearGaugeMarker)
Public MethodMapGets the location of a given value on the gauge. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraGauge.Resources.LinearGaugeMarker)
Public MethodToStringReturns a string representation of this object.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodInvalidateInvalidates the Gauge Component (when available) and triggers a redraw of all elements. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraGauge.Resources.GaugeAppearanceObject)
See Also