
Condition Property (DataProviderErrorEventArgs)

The ErrorCondition enumeration constant associated with the current data provider error.
Public ReadOnly Property Condition As ErrorCondition
public ErrorCondition Condition {get;}

Applications listening to the DataProviderError event can derive their response to an error condition based on the value of the Condition property. See the ErrorCondition enumeration for a description of it's possible values.

The following list describes common responses to the variety of ErrorConditions that may arise:

  • The contents of Message are for informational purposes only.
  • Check the Connection property on the data provider to ensure it refers to a valid, non-null (not Nothing in Visual Basic .NET) implementation of IDbConnection. Further, check that it's ConnectionString is valid (if you don't directly attach a Connection component to the WebSchedule data provider, and instead connection via the Connect method or via a ConnectionStringDefault on a custom data provider, check those) and that any logon credentials in the connection string are correctly authenticating you as an authorized user.
  • The requested data provider operation specified by DataContext could not be completed, because it attempts to modify information stored by the data provider that has already been modified by another user since this user's view of the information was last updated. Therefore, portions of the information on which this user has made the decision to submit a change are out-of-date. When this happens, the WebSchedule data model must discard the submitted changes, and the application should refresh the user's display with the current view of information (and a message explaining that their update could not be completed because another user had already updated the database).
  • Describes an error with a data provider command (perhaps an improperly configured stored procedure name, or a data table not fitting the expected schema codified into a dynamic SQL select statement) or while data binding values to the WebSchedule object model (for example, a type mismatch between the data type (Real) of an extended property added with a ResourceDataBinding subclass and the actual property type (boolean) on a subclass of Resource in the object model).

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also