
SmartDataReader Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by SmartDataReader.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorSmartDataReader ConstructorCreates a SmartDataReader around another IDataReader implementation.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyDepthGets the depth for this SmartDataReader.  
Public PropertyFieldCountGets the field count for this SmartDataReader.  
Public PropertyIsClosedIndicates whether the SmartDataReader has been closed, such as by the Close method.  
Public PropertyItemOverloaded. Indexer retrieving the variant Object value for the named field.  
Public PropertyRecordsAffectedGets the count of records affected.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCloseCloses the SmartDataReader.  
Public MethodDisposeDisposes of any resources held by the encapsulated IDataReader implementation.  
Public MethodGetBooleanGets a Boolean value from a specified field.  
Public MethodGetByteGets an octet value from a specified field.  
Public MethodGetBytesNot for public use.  
Public MethodGetCharGets a Unicode character value from a specified field.  
Public MethodGetCharsNot for public use.  
Public MethodGetDataNot for public use.  
Public MethodGetDataTypeNameGets the data type name of the specified field.  
Public MethodGetDateTimeGets a DateTime value from a specified field.  
Public MethodGetDecimalGets a decimal value from a specified field.  
Public MethodGetDoubleGets a double value from a specified field.  
Public MethodGetFieldTypeGets the field type for a specified field.  
Public MethodGetFloatGets a floating-point value from a specified field.  
Public MethodGetGuidGets a GUID value from the specified field.  
Public MethodGetInt16Gets a short integer value from a specified field.  
Public MethodGetInt32Gets an integer value from a specified field.  
Public MethodGetInt64Gets a long integer value from a specified field.  
Public MethodGetNameGets the name of the specified field.  
Public MethodGetOrdinalGets the zero-based field index corresponding to the field with the specified name.  
Public MethodGetSchemaTableGets the DataTable representing the schema for the read results.  
Public MethodGetSmartDateOverloaded. Gets a SmartDate value from a specified field.  
Public MethodGetStringGets a string value from a specified field.  
Public MethodGetValueGets the value from a specified field and wraps it in a variant object.  
Public MethodGetValuesGets a sequence of values from the fields of the current record.  
Public MethodIsDBNullIndicates whether the specified field contains the DBNull value.  
Public MethodNextResultGets the next result from the encapsulated IDataReader implementation.  
Public MethodReadReads the next row.  
See Also