
Infragistics.WebUI.Data Namespace

ClassActivityBinding Data bindings for WebSchedule Activities.
ClassAppointmentBinding Data bindings for WebSchedule Appointments.
ClassDataBindingCollection Container that holds multiple ScheduleDataBindings during data bind processing.
ClassDataParameterSurrogate Implementation of the IDbDataParameter interface in a data provider independent manner.
ClassDataProviderErrorEventArgs Event arguments describing an error condition occuring in the WebSchedule data provider.
ClassDataProviderException Used to raise data provider related exceptions.
ClassInitializeActivityEventArgs Event arguments describing an Activity that has been fetched from the database.
ClassInitializeRecurrenceEventArgs Event arguments describing a Recurrence that has been fetched from the database.
ClassInitializeResourceEventArgs Event arguments describing the Resource that has been fetched from the database.
ClassOperationContext Maintains information helpful during the processing of database Command sequences.
ClassRecurrenceBinding Data bindings for WebSchedule Recurrences.
ClassResourceBinding Data bindings for WebSchedule Resources.
ClassScheduleDataBinding Base class for WebSchedule data binding classes.
ClassSmartDataReader Null handling data reader.
ClassVarianceBinding Data bindings for WebSchedule Variances.
ClassWebScheduleDataBindingAttribute Attribute marking WebSchedule DataBinding properties specifying binding members to be bound against from instances of WebSchedule Object Model types, such as Activity and Resource.
ClassWebScheduleDataProviderBase Abstract base class for the WebScheduleDataProviderBase classes.
ClassWebScheduleDbProvider Provides an enhanced data abstraction layer specialized for relational databases.
ClassWebScheduleOleDbProvider Data provider for WebSchedule and it's OLE DB compatible data model.
ClassWebScheduleSqlClientProvider Data provider for WebSchedule and it's Microsoft SQL Server data model.
DelegateDataProviderErrorEventHandler Handler to receive notifications when WebScheduleDataProvider errors occur (e.g., database errors).
DelegateInitializeActivityEventHandler Handler for a application-specified method that expects to be called back when the InitializeActivity event fires.
DelegateInitializeRecurrenceEventHandler Handler for a application-specified method that expects to be called back when the InitializeRecurrence event fires.
DelegateInitializeResourceEventHandler Handler for a application-specified method that expects to be called back when the InitializeResource event fires.
DelegateOperationContext.ParameterFactoryMethod Exposes to the consumer the right to determine how IDbDataParameter implementations are created.
EnumerationErrorCondition Enumeration listing potential WebScheduleDataProvider error conditions.
See Also