
Activity Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Activity.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorActivity ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllDayEventDetermines whether the Activity is an all day event.  
Public PropertyDataKeyGets/sets unique key object used in data binding. For keys that are of type string, the Key property can also be used. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebDataObject)
Public PropertyDataRowA.T. DataRow reference  
Public PropertyDurationReturns or sets the time duration of the Activity.  
Public PropertyEnableReminderDetermines whether the Reminder is enabled.  
Public PropertyEnableReminderResolvedIndicates whether a reminder notification will be displayed for an Activity.  
Public PropertyEndDateTimeReturns or sets the end date/time of the Activity.  
Public PropertyEndDateTimeUtcReturns or sets the end date/time of the Activity.  
Public PropertyHasResourceIndicates whether this Activity has an organizing Resource.  
Public PropertyHasScheduleInfoIndicates whether the ScheduleInfo property has been initialized on the current Activity to a WebScheduleInfo owner.  
Public PropertyHasStyleIndicates whether a Style object has been created.  
Public PropertyImportanceIndicates if the Activity is of High, Medium or Low Importance.  
Public PropertyIsEmptyCheck if object contains only default values. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebObjectBase)
Public PropertyIsMultiDayDetermines whether the Activity spans multiple days (read-only).  
Public PropertyIsOccurrence  
Public PropertyIsRecurring  
Public PropertyIsStandAlone  
Public PropertyIsVariance  
Public PropertyKeyGets/sets unique key string used in data binding. For keys that are not of type string, use the DataKey property. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebDataObject)
Public PropertyOriginalStartDateTimeUtcReturns or sets the original start date/time of the Activity in a recurring series.  
Public PropertyRecurrenceGets/sets the Recurrence object that describes the recurrence pattern that determines the frequency at which individual occurrences occur.  
Public PropertyRecurrenceKeyGets/sets the key of the assigned Recurrence.  
Public PropertyRecurrencePatternA.T. RecurrencePattern - the encoded recurrence information: used in the GenericProvider  
Public PropertyReminderIntervalDetermines the length of time before an activity is due that the reminder dialog is displayed.  
Public PropertyResourceGets/sets the Resource associated with this Activity as it's organizer.  
Public PropertyResourceKeyGets/sets the key of the assigned Resource.  
Public PropertyScheduleInfoGets the WebScheduleInfo element owning this Activity object.  
Public PropertyShowTimeAsIndicates how the Activity should be displayed.  
Public PropertyStartDateTimeReturns or sets the start date/time of the Activity in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).  
Public PropertyStartDateTimeUtcReturns or sets the start date/time of the Activity.  
Public PropertyStatusIndicates the Status of the Activity. Normal Status means that the Activity's due date has not yet arrived. Expired indicates that the due date of the Activity has arrived and that the Resource that owns the Activity has been notified via the firing of an event.  
Public PropertyStyleReturns or sets the Style object that controls the Activity's formatting.  
Public PropertyVisibleDetermines whether the Activity can be displayed.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyEnableViewStateTurns on ViewState tracking for this WebObject (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebObjectBase)
Protected PropertyEndDateTimeResolved  
Protected PropertyStartDateTimeResolved  
Protected PropertySubObjects (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebObjectBase)
Protected PropertyViewStateGets a dictionary of state information (StateBag) that allows you to save and restore the view state of a server control across multiple requests for the same page. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebObjectBase)
Public Methods
Public MethodCreateOccurrenceVirtual function to create an Occurrence of an Activity within a Recurring Activity. Used by inheritors of Activities to create type specific activities within recurring activities. This method is called by the RecurrenceEngine in order to create specific instances, (occurrences) of a recurring activity.  
Public MethodCreateRecurrence  
Public MethodCreateVariance  
Public MethodGetValueOverloaded. Obtains a property value from ViewState based on the string id define as a constant in the derived class. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebObjectBase)
Public MethodIsDirtyOverloaded. Public shortcut to check if object has had data changes (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebObjectBase)
Public MethodOnItemBoundCalled when an object has been bound to a datastore (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebDataObject)
Public MethodResetClears the values of all properties within the object and also clears the viewstate for the object (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebObjectBase)
Public MethodResetKeySets the key back to null. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.KeyedWebObjectBase)
Public MethodSetRecurrence  
Public MethodSetValueSets an object value so that it is maintained in viewstate (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebObjectBase)
Public MethodToStringString formatted for visual designer. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebObjectBase)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCreateSubObjectOverridden.   
Protected MethodGetSubObjectObtains a subobject reference based on the specified id value. SubObjects are automatically managed for ViewState (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebObjectBase)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChange (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebDataObject)
Protected MethodSetSubObject (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.WebDataObject)
See Also