
CalendarLayout Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by CalendarLayout.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCalendarLayout ConstructorDefault constructor.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllowNullAbility to unselect a date in the calendar.  
Public PropertyCalendarReference to the WebCalendar.  
Public PropertyCalendarStyleStyle that is applied to the html-element that renders the calendar.  
Public PropertyCellPaddingPadding of day cells in the calendar.  
Public PropertyCellSpacingSpacing between cells of days in the calendar.  
Public PropertyChangeMonthToDateClickedAutomatically change the displayed month when a day located on the next or previous month was selected.  
Public PropertyCultureThe System.Globalization.CultureInfo.DateTimeFormat property of the System.Globalization.CultureInfo object is used by the control.  
Public PropertyDayHeaderStyleStyle that is applied to the html-elements that render the names of days of the week in the calendar.  
Public PropertyDayNameFormatFormat of text strings that represent days of the week: full, short, 2 letters, 1 letter.  
Public PropertyDayStyleStyle that is applied to the html-elements that render days of the month.  
Public PropertyDropDownStyleStyle that is applied to the html-elements that render month and year selectors with drop-down lists.  
Public PropertyDropDownYearsNumberNumber of items in the drop-down list of years.  
Public PropertyEnableWeekNumbersGets sets an option to show week numbers.  
Public PropertyFirstDayOfWeekFirst day of the week used by the calendar: Sunday, Monday, etc.  
Public PropertyFooterFormatFormat of the string that appears on the footer of the calendar.  
Public PropertyFooterStyleStyle that is applied to the html-element that renders the footer area of the calendar.  
Public PropertyFooterTemplateThe template property used to fill the footer at design time.  
Public PropertyGridLineColorColor of horizontal and vertical grid lines between days in the calendar.  
Public PropertyHideOtherMonthDaysHide day numbers in day-cells that belong to previous and next months.  
Public PropertyMaxDateMaximum date that can be selected in the calendar.

Note: if the calendar is used as drop-down of WebDateChooser, then this property has no effect.  
Public PropertyMinDateMinimum date that can be selected in the calendar.

Note: if the calendar is used as drop-down of WebDateChooser, then this property has no effect.  
Public PropertyMonthSelectorWidthWidth of the drop-down month selector.  
Public PropertyNextMonthAlternateText

Value of the alt attribute for the html element which represents the next month button.

Public PropertyNextMonthImageUrlImage that appears on the active area in the calendar that allows you to increment the displayed month.  
Public PropertyNextMonthTextText that appears on the active area in the calendar that allows you to increment the displayed month.  
Public PropertyNextPrevFormatFormat of text strings that appear on the active areas of the calendar that allow you to increment and decrement the displayed month.  
Public PropertyNextPrevStyleStyle that is applied to the html-elements that render active aeras in the calendar used to increment and decrement the displayed month.  
Public PropertyOtherMonthDayStyleStyle that is applied to the html-elements that render days of the next and previous months.  
Public PropertyPrevMonthAlternateText

Value of the alt attribute for the html element which represents the previous month button.

Public PropertyPrevMonthImageUrlImage that appears on the active area in the calendar that allows you to decrement the displayed month.  
Public PropertyPrevMonthTextText that appears on the active area in the calendar that allows you to decrement the displayed month.  
Public PropertyReadOnlyAbility to change the selected date in the calendar.  
Public PropertySelectedDateSelected date in the calendar.

Note: if the calendar is used as a drop-down of WebDateChooser, then this property has no effect.  
Public PropertySelectedDayStyleStyle that is applied to the html-element that renders the selected day.  
Public PropertyShowFooterVisibility of the footer area in the calendar which may display the current-date-button or a template.  
Public PropertyShowGridLinesVisibility of horizontal and vertical grid lines between days in the calendar.  
Public PropertyShowMonthDropDownVisibility of the selector with the drop-down list of months that allows you to change the visible month in the calendar.  
Public PropertyShowNextPrevMonthVisibility of the active areas in the calendar that allow you to increment and decrement the displayed month.  
Public PropertyShowTitleVisibility of the text string in the calendar that shows the displayed month and year.  
Public PropertyShowYearDropDownVisibility of the selector with a drop-down list of years that allows you to change the visible year in the calendar.  
Public PropertyTitleFormatFormat of the text string in the calendar that shows the displayed month and year.  
Public PropertyTitleStyleStyle that is applied to the html-element that renders the title area of the calendar.  
Public PropertyTodayDayStyleStyle that is applied to the html-element that renders the today day.  
Public PropertyVisibleDayNamesVisibility of the text strings that represent days of the week: all, only week-days, none.  
Public PropertyVisibleMonthCurrently displayed month and year in the calendar.

Note: if the calendar is used as a drop-down of WebDateChooser, then this property has no effect.  
Public PropertyWeekendDayStyleStyle that is applied to the html-elements that render days of the weekends.  
Public PropertyWeekendStylePriorityPriority of the WeekendDayStyle over the OtherMonthDayStyle.  
Public PropertyWeekNumberStyleStyle that is applied to the html-elements that render the week numbers in the calendar.  
Public PropertyWeekRuleGets sets rule for week numbers.  
Public PropertyYearSelectorWidthWidth of the drop-down year selector.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyViewState  
Public Methods
Public MethodResetReset all properties besides the FooterTemplate to thier defaults.  
Public MethodResetAppearanceReset only properties that are used by CalendarStylePresets class.  
Public MethodToStringString formatted for visual designer.  
See Also