
What’s New in 2013 Volume 1

Topic Overview


This topic provides an overview of the new features for the ASP.NET 2013 Volume 1 release.

New Features

New features summary chart

The following table summarizes the new features for the ASP.NET 2013 Volume 1 release. Additional details about some of them are available after this summary table.

Control Feature Description

General improvements

In HTML-5-enabled browsers, the WebUpload control uses XMLHttpRequest Level 2 to get the status of the upload.

WebUpload allows you to process files as memory stream objects.

WebUpload allows users to select multiple files at once either from the browser’s open file dialog or by drag-and-drop. This feature works for HTML 5 enabled browsers.

Rows islands now support adding of child rows through code even where no child rows currently exist on a row island.


Saving files as memory stream

Prior to 13.1, the WebUpload component could only upload files as file stream objects. Now you can upload files as memory stream objects. This enables you to manipulate the files directly in memory (for example you can save them to database or compress them).

To handle this new capability, a new application-wide option – FileSaveType – has been added for the WebUpload . This option accepts as values either filestream or memorystream, each corresponding to the respective upload approach. By default, the FileSaveType option is set to filestream . This option enables the functionality in the WebUpload control.

Selecting multiple files at once for upload

Prior to 13.1, users had to select files one by one from the browser’s open file dialog. Now users can select multiple files at once, either from the browser’s open file dialog or by drag-and-drop.

To add multiple files to WebUpload, users can either:

  • Select multiple files at once from the file Open dialog, or

  • Drag-and-drop the files from Windows® Explorer onto the WebUpload control

The following screenshots illustrate the two alternative file selection approaches: selecting multiple files in the file Open dialog (left) or dragging and dropping them from Windows Explorer onto the WebUpload control panel (right). Multiple files selection in the file Open dialog

Whats New ASP.NET 2013 Volume 1 1.png

Dropping selected files from Windows Explorer onto WebUpload

Whats New ASP.NET 2013 Volume 1 2.png

Multiple files selection leverages the HTML 5 multiple attribute of the input element. The functionality is available only in the browsers which support that attribute.


Support for empty row islands

Prior to 13.1, the WebHierarchicalDataGrid only supported adding child rows to an empty row island through the use of the add row. Now, the WebHierarchicalDataGrid adds an improvement where rows islands support adding child rows through code even where no child rows currently exist on a row island. This was a limitation in previous releases and the WebHiearchicalDataGrid now supports this behavior.

To enable the feature, set the EnableChildlessRowsPopulation property to true off of the EditingCore behavior.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic explains how to process and save upload files as either file or memory streams. A detailed procedure is provided on saving files as memory stream by individual processing of each uploaded file chunk.

This topic explains, with code examples, how to configure the WebUpload control.