
About WebDocumentExporter

Exporting WebDataGrid / WebHierarchicalDataGrid data into XPS or PDF document

The WebDocumentExporter™ control, just like the WebExcelExporter control, allows you to automatically export WebDataGrid or WebHierarchicalDataGrid data, but in a document file format. The file formats that are supported are XPS and PDF document.

Here is a list of features that are currently supported by WebDocumentExporter:

  • Files can be either sent to the browser for automatic downloading, or just saved to a document instance, so you decide what to do with the result ( ExportMode property).

  • Exporting only grid data (when you have Paging or VirtualScrolling enabled) or the whole data in data source ( DataExportMode property).

  • Exporting into XPS or PDF document file formats( Format property).

  • Exporting styles, so you don’t lose the look and feel of your application ( EnableStylesExport property).

  • Customizing the page layout that the grid will be exported to ( Margins, TargetPaperSize and TargetPaperOrientation properties).

  • Server events, which you can handle to apply your custom logic before or after the data is exported, as well as on each exported row ( CellExporting, CellExported, RowExporting, events).