
WebImageViewer Accessibility Compliance

All of our ASP.NET controls and components comply with section 508, subpart 1194.22 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Below is a table containing only the rules of subpart 1194.22 that apply to this control and how we comply with each rule. In some cases, you may have to set a property. In other cases, you won’t have to do anything as our control does all the work for you.

Rules How We Comply with the Rules


All non-text elements render a text equivalent.


A text equivalent is supplied by default, but this can be customized to suit your needs.


End users can, under abnormal use by jiggling the mouse back and forth between two images, cause the hover effect to flash faster than 2 Hz. You can workaround this by using a custom Hover CSS class on the Image item to disable the possibility of any flashing.


By setting the control’s TabIndex property to a value higher then 0, the control will participate in the tab sequence of the page, and receive focus.