

WebProgressBar™ supports different type of animations for indicating the progress. You can easily set the animation duration and threshold by setting the WebProgressBar control’s AnimationDuration and AnimationThreshold properties respectively. The following are the different types of animation properties of the AnimationType object that you can set for indicating the progress:

  • Linear — Progress is shown with constant speed, based on the animation duration.

  • EaseIn — Progress is slow at the beginning but accelerates afterwards based on the animation duration.

  • EaseOut — Progress is fast at the beginning but decelerates afterwards based on the animation duration.

  • EaseInOut — Progress is slow at the beginning but accelerates afterwards and then again decelerates at the end, based on the animation duration.

  • Bounce — The progress value first reaches the maximum value and then decreases to a certain value and again reaches the maximum value.


Animations are only applicable on client side and can be turned off by setting the AnimationDuration property to -1.