
Ajax Indicator Support for WebTab

The WebTab™ control’s AJAX Indicator displays a wait notification for end users whenever the control is waiting for a callback to complete. By default, the AJAX Indicator is shared with other Ultimate UI for ASP.NET AJAX controls; however the shared AJAX Indicator settings can be overridden on the control level. The wait message is configurable to show text or an image, by using the Text or the ImageUrl property settings. You can also set the screen location of the indicator by using the Location property. For more information on the AJAX Indicator please see the About AJAX Indicator topic.


Ajax Indicator is not only used for Ajax requests made by UpdatePanels, but also for ContentUrls (local aspx pages).


<AjaxIndicator Enabled="True" Text="Ajax Call Wait"  Location="AboveCenter" RelativeToControl="True" />

In Visual Basic:

' Enable Ajax Indicator at control level
Me.WebTab1.AjaxIndicator.Enabled = Infragistics.Web.UI.DefaultableBoolean.True
' Set the Ajax Indicator’s wait message
Me.WebTab1.AjaxIndicator.Text = "Ajax Call Wait"
' Set the Ajax Indicator’s Location
Me.WebTab1.AjaxIndicator.Location = Infragistics.Web.UI.RelativeLocation.AboveCenter
' Set the location of the Ajax Indicator specific to the control.
Me.WebTab1.AjaxIndicator.RelativeToControl = Infragistics.Web.UI.DefaultableBoolean.True

In C#:

// Enable Ajax Indicator at control level
this.WebTab1.AjaxIndicator.Enabled = Infragistics.Web.UI.DefaultableBoolean.True;
// Set the Ajax Indicator’s wait message
this.WebTab1.AjaxIndicator.Text = "Ajax Call Wait";
// Set the Ajax Indicator’s Location
this.WebTab1.AjaxIndicator.Location = Infragistics.Web.UI.RelativeLocation.AboveCenter;
// Set the location of the Ajax Indicator specific to the control.
this.WebTab1.AjaxIndicator.RelativeToControl = Infragistics.Web.UI.DefaultableBoolean.True;