
Display Modes

WebTab™ supports different types of rendering mode so that the tabs are arranged in a single row or in multi rows or with scroll buttons. The following are the different types of display mode ( TabDisplayMode enumeration) that can be set in a WebTab:

  • SingleRow – Tabs are placed in a single row without scroll buttons.


When there are more number of tabs with width set on the control, some tabs may not be visible even handling the tabs overflow.

  • Scrollable – Tabs are placed in a single row with scroll buttons.

  • MultiRow – Tabs are placed in multiple rows with predefined row breaks.


ContentTabItem object’s NextRow property is used to force the tab onto the next row when DisplayMode is set to MultiRow.

  • MultiRowAuto – Tabs are placed in multiple, rows and row breaks are adjusted dynamically on the client.


<ig:WebTab ID="WebTab1" runat="server" Height="500px" Width="60%"
        DisplayMode = "Scrollable" >

In Visual Basic:

WebTab1.DisplayMode = TabDisplayMode.Scrollable

In C#:

WebTab1.DisplayMode = TabDisplayMode.Scrollable;