
WebTab Smart Tag

In Visual Studio 2005/2008 (.NET Framework 2.0/3.5), each Ultimate UI for ASP.NET control/component is equipped with a Smart Tag. By selecting the control/component, a Smart Tag anchor appears. When you click this anchor, a pop-up panel appears, providing you with quick and easy access to the most common properties and settings of the control/component.

The WebTab™ Smart Tag contains the following items:

  • Display Mode – Allows you to set the display mode of tabs, such as single row or scrollable single row or multi row.

  • Location – Allows you to set the location of the tabs relative to the content pane.

  • Orientation – Allows you to set the horizontal or vertical orientation of the text and images of the tabs.

  • Enable Close Button – Allows you to enable the close button on the tabs.

  • Enable Add New Tab Button – Allows you to enable the button to add new tabs.

  • Enable Moving On Client – Allows your end users to move the tabs.

  • Auto Reduce Sizes of Tabs – Allows you to reduce the size of the tabs if all the tabs do not fit in the size of the control.


This property has effect only when TabOrientation is horizontal and DisplayMode is single row or multi row, with width set on the tab.

  • Enable ContentPane Rounded Background – Allows you to show the content pane of the WebTab with rounded background.

  • Enable Activation – Allows you to set focus and respond on keys in order to change active tab and select it.

  • Enable Load On Demand – Allows you to enable load-on-demand in WebTab.

  • Enable Ajax – Allows you to enable asynchronous postback of WebTab.


Asynchronous functionality can be achieved by wrapping the content of the tabs into UpdatePanels.

  • Enable Overlapping Tabs – Allows a tab header to be overlapped with the concurrent tab header.

The WebTab Smart Tag contains the following links:

  • Edit Tabs – Brings up the Edit WebTab dialog for adding or removing tabs, and setting their properties.

  • Add Tab Item – Adds a new tab to the tabs collection.

  • About — Clicking this opens the WebTab product information. It contains information such as Status, Version, Expiration and Product Key.

  • Add Extender – Clicking this will bring up a dialog that shows all of the control extenders that can be used with the WebTab.

See the table below for a description of the item, as well as the item’s corresponding property in the properties grid.

Items Description CorrespondingProperty

Display Mode

Gets sets the display mode of the WebTab.



Gets sets location of tabs relative to content pane.



Gets sets horizontal or vertical orientation of text and images in tabs.


Enable Close Button

Shows or hides close buttons on tabs.


Enable Add New Tab Button

Gets sets visibility of a button item which allows to add new TabItem on client.


Enable Moving On Client

Gets sets ability to move TabItem by mouse drag.


Auto Reduce Size of Tabs

Gets sets option to reduce sizes of tabs if their overall size does not fit in size of control.


Enable ContentPane Rounded Background

Gets sets option to draw rounded background under content pane.
