| Name | Description |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | autoPostBackOnCustomButtonClick | Gets sets option to trigger postback on CustomButton click. Not 0 value means that full (1) or async (2) postback will be raised when Enter key is pressed. Note: new value does not persist to server. True: postback on button click (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | autoPostBackOnEnterKeyDown | Gets sets option to trigger postback when Enter key was pressed. Not 0 value means that full (1) or async (2) postback will be raised when Enter key is pressed. Note: new value does not persist to server. True: postback on enter key (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | autoPostBackOnValueChange | Gets sets option to trigger postback when value was changed (after lost focus or similar). Not 0 value means that full (1) or async (2) postback will be raised when Enter key is pressed. Note: new value does not persist to server. True: postback on value change (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | dataMode | Gets sets DataMode. Integer value which matches with corresponding enum on server. Notes: That method will adjust min/max limits, decimal places and MaxLength. However, control will not be repainted and current value in editor will not be modified. New value does not persist to server. Data mode |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | decimals | Gets sets maximum number of decimal digits, which is used when control has no focus. Note: new value does not persist to server. Maximum number of decimals |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | decimalSeparator | Gets sets decimal separator character. String with length of 1. Note: new value does not persist to server. Separator character |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | enabled | Gets sets enabled state of control.True: enabled (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | groups | Gets sets sizes of groups/thousands, which is used when control has no focus. That is array of numbers. Note: new value does not persist to server. Groups |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | groupSeparator | Gets sets group/thousand separator character. String with length of 1. Note: new value does not persist to server. Separator character |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | hideEnter | Gets sets option to hide the Enter keydown event from browser. Note: new value does not persist to server. True: hide enter key (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | inputElement | Gets reference to edit field. Reference to INPUT or TEXTAREA html element. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | maxLength | Gets sets maximum length of text. Value of 0, means that maximum length is not set. Note: new value does not persist to server. Maximum length (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | maxValue | Gets sets maximum value. Note: new value does not persist to server. Maximum number |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | minDecimals | Gets sets minimum number of decimal digits, which is used when control has no focus. Note: new value does not persist to server. Minimum number of decimals |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | minus | Gets sets minus sign character. String with length of 1. Note: new value does not persist to server. Minus sign character |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | minValue | Gets sets minimum value. Note: new value does not persist to server. Minimum number |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | negativePattern | Gets sets pattern for negative numbers, which is used when control has no focus. Note: new value does not persist to server. Pattern |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | nullable | Gets sets option to allow null value. Note: new value does not persist to server. True: nullable |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | nullText | Gets sets text which is used when value is not set (null or empty string) and control has no focus. Note: new value does not persist to server. Text for null value (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | nullValue | Gets value which used instead of null. Note: new value does not persist to server. Number which represents null |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | number | Gets value in editor as Number. Value as number |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | positivePattern | Gets sets pattern for positive numbers, which is used when control has no focus. Note: new value does not persist to server. Pattern |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | readOnly | Gets sets read-only state of control.True: read only (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | selectionOnFocus | Gets sets option which is used for selection when control gets focus. Note: new value does not persist to server. Possible values: 0 - select all text, 1 - unselect all and set caret to the beginning, 2 - unselect all and set caret to the end, 3 - browser default. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | spinDelay | Gets sets value in milliseconds which is used to delay next spin action when spin button is kept pressed. Note: new value does not persist to server. Delay in milliseconds (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | spinDelta | Gets sets value which is used to increment decrement value in control on spin events. Note: new value does not persist to server. Delta for spin |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | spinDownElement | Gets reference to lower spin button. Reference to TD html element or null. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | spinEnsureFocus | Gets sets ability to set input focus to control when buttons are clicked. Note: new value does not persist to server. True: ensure focus on spin (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | spinOnArrows | Gets sets ability of up/down arrow keys to trigger spin actions. Note: new value does not persist to server. True: spin on arrows (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | spinOnReadOnly | Gets sets ability to modify value in controls by spin actions when read only is enabled. Note: new value does not persist to server. True: spin on read only (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | spinSpeedUp | Gets sets rate to increase frequency of spin events if spin button is kept pressed. Note: new value does not persist to server. Speed up rate on spin (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | spinUpElement | Gets reference to upper spin button. Reference to TD html element or null. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | symbol | Gets sets symbol string, which is used when control has no focus. Note: new value does not persist to server. Symbol |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | text | Gets sets text in control.Current text (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.WebTextEditor) |
![Public Property](ajaximages/PublicProperty.gif) | value | Gets sets value in editor according to DataMode. |