Right-click on the Chart control on the Web Form and click on Properties to bring up the element designer.
All the properties specific to the chart element are located at the top of the designer under the Chart category.
Probably the most important property is ChartType , which can be directly changed to any available type in the dropdown list.
The properties can be further categorized by type as follows:
Border - settings for the general color and border style of the element
ColorModel - settings for the color model, which determines how the chart data is rendered
Data - settings for attaching real data to your chart and selecting how to use that data
ChartType (one of ColumnChart, BarChart, AreaChart, LineChart, PieChart, ScatterChart, BubbleChart, HeatMapChart) - settings specific to the current 'ChartType' including properties for AxisX and AxisY (where applicable), which include Labels, MajorGridLines, and MinorGridLines
Legend - settings for the chart legend including turning it on and off
TitleBottom - settings for the title panel below the chart area
TitleLeft - settings for the title panel to the left of the chart area
TitleRight - settings for the title panel to the right of the chart area
TitleTop - settings for the title panel above the chart area
The chart will be redrawn anytime you change a property that affects its look and feel.
All properties changed from their default value will be written to the XML of the WebForm and can be viewed in order to determine how to set properties at run time. This section of code should never be edited by hand as it will be regenerated each time you make changes at design time.