
Getting Started with UltraDataPieChart

Getting Started

To get started using the UltraDataPieChart control, see the Data Binding topic.

Essential UltraDataPieChart Properties

The following is a summary of some of the more essential properties of the Pie Chart control.

  • DataSource - Stores a reference to the Pie Chart’s data.

  • IncludedProperties - A string array specifying the property names on the underlying data model to be used as the value and label. This can be used instead of ValueMemberPath, listed below.

  • ExcludedProperties - A string array specifying the property names on the underlying data model to be ignored.

  • ValueMemberPath - A string specifying the property name on the data model to be used as value, i.e. the arc length of each pie slice.

  • LabelMemberPath - This string specifies the property name on the data model to be used as label, i.e. the text that appears on each pie slice and inside the legend.

  • Legend - Stores an optional reference to the ItemLegend object to be associated with the chart.

  • HighlightingBehavior - An enumerated type that determines how a slice or series in the chart is highlighted.

  • HighlightingMode - An enumerated type that determines the appearance of highlighted slices in the chart.

  • HighlightedDataSource - A collection representing a subset of the data plotted in the chart, used for a highlighting overlay to visualize that subset of data.

  • HighlightedValuesDisplayMode - An enumerated property that allows you to enable an overlay for representing the HighlightedDataSource.

  • RadiusExtent Determines the radius of the pie chart. When set to 1, the radius is equal to the maximum of the control’s Width and Height. The valid value range is between 0 and 1.

  • SelectionBehavior - An enumerated type that determines whether single, multiple, or no selection is enabled in the chart.

  • SelectionMode - An enumerated type that determines the behavior of the slices when they are selected.

  • SelectedSeriesItems - A collection of the underlying data items for each slice that describes which pie slices are currently selected.

  • SliceLabelContentMode - An enumerated type that specifies what to show in the labels for each slice.

  • SliceLabelPositionMode - An enumerated type that specifies how labels are arranged.

  • StartAngle - The offset angle, in degrees, at which pie slices start to be rendered.

  • SweepDirection - Determines the angular direction in which pie slices are rendered, beginning from the StartAngle.

  • Brushes - An optional reference to a collection of brushes, used in sequential order to color the pie slices.