
DataPointCollection Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DataPointCollection.

Public Properties
Public PropertyChartReturns the owning chart (read-only) (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Charts.ChartObject)
Public PropertyCountReturns the number of items in the collection (read-only)  
Public PropertyItemReturns the DataPoint instance at the specified ordinal position within this collection.  
Public PropertyOwnerreturns this object's owner. (read-only) (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Charts.ChartObject)
Public PropertySheetThe owning sheet (read-only) (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Charts.ChartObject)
Public PropertyWorkbookThe owning workbook (read-only) (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Charts.ChartObject)
Public PropertyWorksheetThe owning worksheet (read-only) (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Charts.ChartObject)
Public Methods
Public MethodContainsDetermines if the collection contains thhe item  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorGets an enumerator for the items in the collection  
Public MethodIndexOfReturns the index of the item in the collection  
See Also