
WorksheetHyperlink Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see WorksheetHyperlink members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyDisplayTextGets or sets the text to display in the cell when the hyperlink is added to a worksheet, or null to use the target text.  
Public PropertyIsSealedGets the value indicating whether the hyperlink is sealed and cannot be modified.  
Public PropertySourceAddressGets or sets the address of the cell or region on which the hyperlink resides.  
Public PropertySourceCellGets or sets the cell on which the hyperlink resides.  
Public PropertySourceRegionGets or sets the region on which the hyperlink resides.  
Public PropertyTargetGets or sets the target of the hyperlink, which can be a string, WorksheetCell, WorksheetRegion, or NamedReference instance. For bookmarks in an external document, separate the sub-address with a #, such as "File.xlsx#Sheet1!C3". For email addresses, use a target string with the format "" or "".  
Public PropertyTargetAddressGets or sets the target address of the hyperlink. For bookmarks in an external document, separate the sub-address with a #, such as "File.xlsx#Sheet1!C3". For email addresses, use a target string with the format "" or "".  
Public PropertyTargetCellGets or sets the target cell of the hyperlink.  
Public PropertyTargetNamedReferenceGets or sets the target named reference of the hyperlink.  
Public PropertyTargetRegionGets or sets the target region of the hyperlink.  
Public PropertyToolTipGets or sets the text to use in a tool tip when hovering over the source cell or region, or null to use the default tool tip.  
Public PropertyWorksheetGets the worksheet to which the hyperlink belongs.  
See Also