
WorksheetTable Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see WorksheetTable members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAreaFormatsGets the collection of formats used for each area of the WorksheetTable.  
Public PropertyColumnsGets the collection of columns in the table.  
Public PropertyCommentGets or sets the comment associated with the named reference or table. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.NamedReferenceBase)
Public PropertyDataAreaRegionGets the WorksheetRegion which represents the region of cells in the data area of the table.  
Public PropertyDisplayBandedColumnsGets or sets the value which indicates whether the alternate column format should be applied to the appropriate columns of the WorksheetTable.  
Public PropertyDisplayBandedRowsGets or sets the value which indicates whether the alternate row format should be applied to the appropriate rows of the WorksheetTable.  
Public PropertyDisplayFirstColumnFormattingGets or sets the value which indicates whether the first column format should be applied to the appropriate column of the WorksheetTable.  
Public PropertyDisplayLastColumnFormattingGets or sets the value which indicates whether the last column format should be applied to the appropriate column of the WorksheetTable.  
Public PropertyHeaderRowRegionGets the WorksheetRegion which represents the region of cells in the header row of the table.  
Public PropertyIsFilterUIVisibleGets or sets the value indicating whether to allow filtering and show filter buttons in the table headers.  
Public PropertyIsHeaderRowVisibleGets or sets the value which indicates whether the row containing column headers should be displayed.  
Public PropertyIsTotalsRowVisibleGets or sets the value which indicates whether the row containing column totals should be displayed.  
Public PropertyNameGets or sets the name of the reference. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.NamedReferenceBase)
Public PropertyScopeGets the scope of the named reference. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.NamedReferenceBase)
Public PropertySortSettingsGets the settings which determine how the data within the table should be sorted.  
Public PropertyStyleGets or sets the style to use on the WorksheetTable.  
Public PropertyTotalsRowRegionGets the WorksheetRegion which represents the region of cells in the totals row of the table.  
Public PropertyWholeTableRegionGets the WorksheetRegion which represents the region of cells in the whole table, including the header and totals rows, if visible.  
Public PropertyWorksheetGets the Worksheet to which the table belongs.  
See Also