
IText Interface Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see IText members.

Public Methods
 MethodAddContentOverloaded. Adds a character to the content of the text.  
 MethodAddDateTimeOverloaded. Adds a date and time element to the content of the text.  
 MethodAddLeaderOverloaded. Adds a leader element to the content of the text.  
 MethodAddLineBreakAdds a line break to the content of the text.  
 MethodAddMergeCodeOverloaded. Adds a merge code to the content of the text.  
 MethodAddPageNumberOverloaded. Adds a page number element to the content of the text.  
 MethodAddRichContentOverloaded. Adds an array of characters that contains html like formatted data to the content of the text.  
 MethodAddTargetOverloaded. Adds a target element to the content of the text.  
 MethodApplyPatternApplies a pattern to this text element.  
 MethodClearClears the content of the text.  
 MethodMeasureMeasures the text on a Letter size paper.  
See Also