
IText Interface Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see IText members.

Public Properties
 PropertyAlignmentGets or sets the alignment of the content.  
 PropertyBackgroundGets or sets the background style.  
 PropertyBordersGets or sets the style of the borders.  
 PropertyCaptionGets or sets the caption.  
 PropertyFirstLetterGets or sets the style of the first letter. Allows to create drop caps.  
 PropertyHeadingGets or sets the type of the heading.  
 PropertyHeightGets or sets the height of the text.  
 PropertyIndentsGets or sets text indents.  
 PropertyIntervalGets or sets the interval between text lines.  
 PropertyKeepSolidGets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the text is a solid non breakable element.  
 PropertyLineNumberingGets or sets the style of line numbers.  
 PropertyMarginsGets or sets the spacing between elements.  
 PropertyPaddingsGets or sets the paddings between the borders and the content of an element.  
 PropertyParentGets the parent of the text element.  
 PropertyStyleGets or sets the style of the text.  
 PropertyStyleResolvedGets the style that has been assigned to the text element, or a default instance if none were specified.  
 PropertyTabsGets or sets a collection of tab stops.  
 PropertyWidthGets or sets the width of the text.  
See Also