For a list of all members of this type, see VisualBasicLanguage.SymbolNames members.
Name | Description | |
AddAssignment | Name for the AddAssignment symbol. | |
AddExpression | Name for the AddExpression symbol. | |
AddHandlerAccessorStatement | Name for the AddHandlerAccessorStatement symbol. | |
AddHandlerBlock | Name for the AddHandlerBlock symbol. | |
AddHandlerKeyword | Name for the AddHandlerKeyword symbol. | |
AddHandlerStatement | Name for the AddHandlerStatement symbol. | |
AddressOfExpression | Name for the AddressOfExpression symbol. | |
AddressOfKeyword | Name for the AddressOfKeyword symbol. | |
AggregateClause | Name for the AggregateClause symbol. | |
AggregateKeyword | Name for the AggregateKeyword symbol. | |
AggregationRangeVariable | Name for the AggregationRangeVariable symbol. | |
AliasImportsClause | Name for the AliasImportsClause symbol. | |
AliasKeyword | Name for the AliasKeyword symbol. | |
AmpersandEqualsToken | Name for the AmpersandEqualsToken symbol. | |
AmpersandToken | Name for the AmpersandToken symbol. | |
AndAlsoExpression | Name for the AndAlsoExpression symbol. | |
AndAlsoKeyword | Name for the AndAlsoKeyword symbol. | |
AndExpression | Name for the AndExpression symbol. | |
AndKeyword | Name for the AndKeyword symbol. | |
AnonymousObjectCreationExpression | Name for the AnonymousObjectCreationExpression symbol. | |
AnsiKeyword | Name for the AnsiKeyword symbol. | |
ArgumentList | Name for the ArgumentList symbol. | |
ArrayBoundList | Name for the ArrayBoundList symbol. | |
ArrayCreationExpression | Name for the ArrayCreationExpression symbol. | |
ArrayRankSpecifier | Name for the ArrayRankSpecifier symbol. | |
ArrayType | Name for the ArrayType symbol. | |
AscendingKeyword | Name for the AscendingKeyword symbol. | |
AscendingOrdering | Name for the AscendingOrdering symbol. | |
AsKeyword | Name for the AsKeyword symbol. | |
AsNewClause | Name for the AsNewClause symbol. | |
AssemblyKeyword | Name for the AssemblyKeyword symbol. | |
AssignmentStatement | Name for the AssignmentStatement symbol. | |
AsteriskEqualsToken | Name for the AsteriskEqualsToken symbol. | |
AsteriskToken | Name for the AsteriskToken symbol. | |
Attribute | Name for the Attribute symbol. | |
AttributeBlock | Name for the AttributeBlock symbol. | |
AutoKeyword | Name for the AutoKeyword symbol. | |
AutoPropertyStatement | Name for the AutoPropertyStatement symbol. | |
BackslashEqualsToken | Name for the BackslashEqualsToken symbol. | |
BackslashToken | Name for the BackslashToken symbol. | |
BinaryKeyword | Name for the BinaryKeyword symbol. | |
Block | Name for the Block symbol. | |
BooleanKeyword | Name for the BooleanKeyword symbol. | |
ByKeyword | Name for the ByKeyword symbol. | |
ByRefKeyword | Name for the ByRefKeyword symbol. | |
ByteKeyword | Name for the ByteKeyword symbol. | |
ByValKeyword | Name for the ByValKeyword symbol. | |
CallKeyword | Name for the CallKeyword symbol. | |
CallStatement | Name for the CallStatement symbol. | |
CaretEqualsToken | Name for the CaretEqualsToken symbol. | |
CaretToken | Name for the CaretToken symbol. | |
CaseBlock | Name for the CaseBlock symbol. | |
CaseElseBlock | Name for the CaseElseBlock symbol. | |
CaseElseClause | Name for the CaseElseClause symbol. | |
CaseElseStatement | Name for the CaseElseStatement symbol. | |
CaseEqualsClause | Name for the CaseEqualsClause symbol. | |
CaseGreaterThanClause | Name for the CaseGreaterThanClause symbol. | |
CaseGreaterThanOrEqualClause | Name for the CaseGreaterThanOrEqualClause symbol. | |
CaseKeyword | Name for the CaseKeyword symbol. | |
CaseLessThanClause | Name for the CaseLessThanClause symbol. | |
CaseLessThanOrEqualClause | Name for the CaseLessThanOrEqualClause symbol. | |
CaseNotEqualsClause | Name for the CaseNotEqualsClause symbol. | |
CaseRangeClause | Name for the CaseRangeClause symbol. | |
CaseStatement | Name for the CaseStatement symbol. | |
CaseValueClause | Name for the CaseValueClause symbol. | |
CatchFilterClause | Name for the CatchFilterClause symbol. | |
CatchKeyword | Name for the CatchKeyword symbol. | |
CatchPart | Name for the CatchPart symbol. | |
CatchStatement | Name for the CatchStatement symbol. | |
CBoolKeyword | Name for the CBoolKeyword symbol. | |
CByteKeyword | Name for the CByteKeyword symbol. | |
CCharKeyword | Name for the CCharKeyword symbol. | |
CDateKeyword | Name for the CDateKeyword symbol. | |
CDblKeyword | Name for the CDblKeyword symbol. | |
CDecKeyword | Name for the CDecKeyword symbol. | |
CharacterLiteralEnd | Name for the CharacterLiteralEnd symbol. | |
CharacterLiteralExpression | Name for the CharacterLiteralExpression symbol. | |
CharacterLiteralToken | Name for the CharacterLiteralToken symbol. | |
CharKeyword | Name for the CharKeyword symbol. | |
CIntKeyword | Name for the CIntKeyword symbol. | |
ClassBlock | Name for the ClassBlock symbol. | |
ClassConstraint | Name for the ClassConstraint symbol. | |
ClassKeyword | Name for the ClassKeyword symbol. | |
ClassStatement | Name for the ClassStatement symbol. | |
CLngKeyword | Name for the CLngKeyword symbol. | |
CloseBraceToken | Name for the CloseBraceToken symbol. | |
CloseParenToken | Name for the CloseParenToken symbol. | |
CObjKeyword | Name for the CObjKeyword symbol. | |
CollectionInitializer | Name for the CollectionInitializer symbol. | |
CollectionRangeVariable | Name for the CollectionRangeVariable symbol. | |
ColonEqualsToken | Name for the ColonEqualsToken symbol. | |
ColonToken | Name for the ColonToken symbol. | |
CommaToken | Name for the CommaToken symbol. | |
CompareKeyword | Name for the CompareKeyword symbol. | |
CompilationUnit | Name for the CompilationUnit symbol. | |
ConcatenateAssignment | Name for the ConcatenateAssignment symbol. | |
ConcatenateExpression | Name for the ConcatenateExpression symbol. | |
ConditionalExpression | Name for the ConditionalExpression symbol. | |
ConstantDeclarator | Name for the ConstantDeclarator symbol. | |
ConstantMemberDeclaration | Name for the ConstantMemberDeclaration symbol. | |
ConstKeyword | Name for the ConstKeyword symbol. | |
ConstraintList | Name for the ConstraintList symbol. | |
ConstructorBlock | Name for the ConstructorBlock symbol. | |
ConstructorStatement | Name for the ConstructorStatement symbol. | |
ContinueDoStatement | Name for the ContinueDoStatement symbol. | |
ContinueForStatement | Name for the ContinueForStatement symbol. | |
ContinueKeyword | Name for the ContinueKeyword symbol. | |
ContinueWhileStatement | Name for the ContinueWhileStatement symbol. | |
CSByteKeyword | Name for the CSByteKeyword symbol. | |
CShortKeyword | Name for the CShortKeyword symbol. | |
CSngKeyword | Name for the CSngKeyword symbol. | |
CStrKeyword | Name for the CStrKeyword symbol. | |
CTypeExpression | Name for the CTypeExpression symbol. | |
CTypeKeyword | Name for the CTypeKeyword symbol. | |
CUIntKeyword | Name for the CUIntKeyword symbol. | |
CULngKeyword | Name for the CULngKeyword symbol. | |
CUShortKeyword | Name for the CUShortKeyword symbol. | |
CustomKeyword | Name for the CustomKeyword symbol. | |
DateKeyword | Name for the DateKeyword symbol. | |
DateLiteralExpression | Name for the DateLiteralExpression symbol. | |
DateLiteralToken | Name for the DateLiteralToken symbol. | |
DecimalKeyword | Name for the DecimalKeyword symbol. | |
DeclareFunctionStatement | Name for the DeclareFunctionStatement symbol. | |
DeclareKeyword | Name for the DeclareKeyword symbol. | |
DeclareSubStatement | Name for the DeclareSubStatement symbol. | |
DefaultKeyword | Name for the DefaultKeyword symbol. | |
DelegateFunctionStatement | Name for the DelegateFunctionStatement symbol. | |
DelegateKeyword | Name for the DelegateKeyword symbol. | |
DelegateSubStatement | Name for the DelegateSubStatement symbol. | |
DescendingKeyword | Name for the DescendingKeyword symbol. | |
DescendingOrdering | Name for the DescendingOrdering symbol. | |
DictionaryAccess | Name for the DictionaryAccess symbol. | |
DimKeyword | Name for the DimKeyword symbol. | |
DirectCastExpression | Name for the DirectCastExpression symbol. | |
DirectCastKeyword | Name for the DirectCastKeyword symbol. | |
DistinctClause | Name for the DistinctClause symbol. | |
DistinctKeyword | Name for the DistinctKeyword symbol. | |
DivideAssignment | Name for the DivideAssignment symbol. | |
DivideExpression | Name for the DivideExpression symbol. | |
DoKeyword | Name for the DoKeyword symbol. | |
DollarSignToken | Name for the DollarSignToken symbol. | |
DoLoopBottomTestBlock | Name for the DoLoopBottomTestBlock symbol. | |
DoLoopForeverBlock | Name for the DoLoopForeverBlock symbol. | |
DoLoopTopTestBlock | Name for the DoLoopTopTestBlock symbol. | |
DotToken | Name for the DotToken symbol. | |
DoubleKeyword | Name for the DoubleKeyword symbol. | |
EachKeyword | Name for the EachKeyword symbol. | |
ElseIfKeyword | Name for the ElseIfKeyword symbol. | |
ElseIfPart | Name for the ElseIfPart symbol. | |
ElseIfStatement | Name for the ElseIfStatement symbol. | |
ElseKeyword | Name for the ElseKeyword symbol. | |
ElsePart | Name for the ElsePart symbol. | |
ElseStatement | Name for the ElseStatement symbol. | |
EndAddHandlerStatement | Name for the EndAddHandlerStatement symbol. | |
EndClassStatement | Name for the EndClassStatement symbol. | |
EndConstructorStatement | Name for the EndConstructorStatement symbol. | |
EndEnumStatement | Name for the EndEnumStatement symbol. | |
EndEventStatement | Name for the EndEventStatement symbol. | |
EndFunctionStatement | Name for the EndFunctionStatement symbol. | |
EndGetStatement | Name for the EndGetStatement symbol. | |
EndIfStatement | Name for the EndIfStatement symbol. | |
EndInterfaceStatement | Name for the EndInterfaceStatement symbol. | |
EndKeyword | Name for the EndKeyword symbol. | |
EndModuleStatement | Name for the EndModuleStatement symbol. | |
EndNamespaceStatement | Name for the EndNamespaceStatement symbol. | |
EndOfStreamToken | Name for the EndOfStreamToken symbol. | |
EndOperatorStatement | Name for the EndOperatorStatement symbol. | |
EndPropertyStatement | Name for the EndPropertyStatement symbol. | |
EndRaiseEventStatement | Name for the EndRaiseEventStatement symbol. | |
EndRemoveHandlerStatement | Name for the EndRemoveHandlerStatement symbol. | |
EndSelectStatement | Name for the EndSelectStatement symbol. | |
EndSetStatement | Name for the EndSetStatement symbol. | |
EndStatement | Name for the EndStatement symbol. | |
EndStructureStatement | Name for the EndStructureStatement symbol. | |
EndSubStatement | Name for the EndSubStatement symbol. | |
EndSyncLockStatement | Name for the EndSyncLockStatement symbol. | |
EndTryStatement | Name for the EndTryStatement symbol. | |
EndUsingStatement | Name for the EndUsingStatement symbol. | |
EndWhileStatement | Name for the EndWhileStatement symbol. | |
EndWithStatement | Name for the EndWithStatement symbol. | |
EnumBlock | Name for the EnumBlock symbol. | |
EnumKeyword | Name for the EnumKeyword symbol. | |
EnumMemberDeclaration | Name for the EnumMemberDeclaration symbol. | |
EnumStatement | Name for the EnumStatement symbol. | |
EqualsExpression | Name for the EqualsExpression symbol. | |
EqualsKeyword | Name for the EqualsKeyword symbol. | |
EqualsToken | Name for the EqualsToken symbol. | |
EqualsValue | Name for the EqualsValue symbol. | |
EraseKeyword | Name for the EraseKeyword symbol. | |
EraseStatement | Name for the EraseStatement symbol. | |
ErrorKeyword | Name for the ErrorKeyword symbol. | |
ErrorStatement | Name for the ErrorStatement symbol. | |
EventBlock | Name for the EventBlock symbol. | |
EventKeyword | Name for the EventKeyword symbol. | |
EventMemberDeclaration | Name for the EventMemberDeclaration symbol. | |
EventStatement | Name for the EventStatement symbol. | |
ExclamationToken | Name for the ExclamationToken symbol. | |
ExitDoStatement | Name for the ExitDoStatement symbol. | |
ExitForStatement | Name for the ExitForStatement symbol. | |
ExitFunctionStatement | Name for the ExitFunctionStatement symbol. | |
ExitKeyword | Name for the ExitKeyword symbol. | |
ExitPropertyStatement | Name for the ExitPropertyStatement symbol. | |
ExitSelectStatement | Name for the ExitSelectStatement symbol. | |
ExitSubStatement | Name for the ExitSubStatement symbol. | |
ExitTryStatement | Name for the ExitTryStatement symbol. | |
ExitWhileStatement | Name for the ExitWhileStatement symbol. | |
ExplicitKeyword | Name for the ExplicitKeyword symbol. | |
ExpressionRangeVariable | Name for the ExpressionRangeVariable symbol. | |
FalseKeyword | Name for the FalseKeyword symbol. | |
FalseLiteralExpression | Name for the FalseLiteralExpression symbol. | |
FieldDeclaration | Name for the FieldDeclaration symbol. | |
FinallyKeyword | Name for the FinallyKeyword symbol. | |
FinallyPart | Name for the FinallyPart symbol. | |
FinallyStatement | Name for the FinallyStatement symbol. | |
FloatingPointLiteralToken | Name for the FloatingPointLiteralToken symbol. | |
ForBlock | Name for the ForBlock symbol. | |
ForEachBlock | Name for the ForEachBlock symbol. | |
ForEachStatement | Name for the ForEachStatement symbol. | |
ForKeyword | Name for the ForKeyword symbol. | |
ForStatement | Name for the ForStatement symbol. | |
ForStepClause | Name for the ForStepClause symbol. | |
FriendKeyword | Name for the FriendKeyword symbol. | |
FromClause | Name for the FromClause symbol. | |
FromKeyword | Name for the FromKeyword symbol. | |
FunctionBlock | Name for the FunctionBlock symbol. | |
FunctionKeyword | Name for the FunctionKeyword symbol. | |
FunctionLambdaHeader | Name for the FunctionLambdaHeader symbol. | |
FunctionStatement | Name for the FunctionStatement symbol. | |
GenericName | Name for the GenericName symbol. | |
GetAccessorStatement | Name for the GetAccessorStatement symbol. | |
GetKeyword | Name for the GetKeyword symbol. | |
GetTypeExpression | Name for the GetTypeExpression symbol. | |
GetTypeKeyword | Name for the GetTypeKeyword symbol. | |
GetXmlNamespaceExpression | Name for the GetXmlNamespaceExpression symbol. | |
GetXmlNamespaceKeyword | Name for the GetXmlNamespaceKeyword symbol. | |
GlobalAttribute | Name for the GlobalAttribute symbol. | |
GlobalAttributeBlock | Name for the GlobalAttributeBlock symbol. | |
GlobalAttributeTarget | Name for the GlobalAttributeTarget symbol. | |
GlobalKeyword | Name for the GlobalKeyword symbol. | |
GoSubKeyword | Name for the GoSubKeyword symbol. | |
GoToKeyword | Name for the GoToKeyword symbol. | |
GotoStatement | Name for the GotoStatement symbol. | |
GreaterThanEqualsToken | Name for the GreaterThanEqualsToken symbol. | |
GreaterThanExpression | Name for the GreaterThanExpression symbol. | |
GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken | Name for the GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken symbol. | |
GreaterThanGreaterThanToken | Name for the GreaterThanGreaterThanToken symbol. | |
GreaterThanOrEqualExpression | Name for the GreaterThanOrEqualExpression symbol. | |
GreaterThanToken | Name for the GreaterThanToken symbol. | |
GroupByClause | Name for the GroupByClause symbol. | |
GroupJoinClause | Name for the GroupJoinClause symbol. | |
GroupKeyword | Name for the GroupKeyword symbol. | |
HandlesClause | Name for the HandlesClause symbol. | |
HandlesClauseItem | Name for the HandlesClauseItem symbol. | |
HandlesKeyword | Name for the HandlesKeyword symbol. | |
IdentifierBracketedToken | Name for the IdentifierBracketedToken symbol. | |
IdentifierCSK | Name for the IdentifierCSK symbol. | |
IdentifierName | Name for the IdentifierName symbol. | |
IdentifierToken | Name for the IdentifierToken symbol. | |
IfKeyword | Name for the IfKeyword symbol. | |
IfPart | Name for the IfPart symbol. | |
IfStatement | Name for the IfStatement symbol. | |
ImplementsClause | Name for the ImplementsClause symbol. | |
ImplementsKeyword | Name for the ImplementsKeyword symbol. | |
ImplementsStatement | Name for the ImplementsStatement symbol. | |
ImportsKeyword | Name for the ImportsKeyword symbol. | |
ImportsStatement | Name for the ImportsStatement symbol. | |
IncompleteMember | Name for the IncompleteMember symbol. | |
InferKeyword | Name for the InferKeyword symbol. | |
InferredFieldInitializer | Name for the InferredFieldInitializer symbol. | |
InheritsKeyword | Name for the InheritsKeyword symbol. | |
InheritsStatement | Name for the InheritsStatement symbol. | |
InKeyword | Name for the InKeyword symbol. | |
InstanceExpression | Name for the InstanceExpression symbol. | |
IntegerDivideAssignment | Name for the IntegerDivideAssignment symbol. | |
IntegerDivideExpression | Name for the IntegerDivideExpression symbol. | |
IntegerKeyword | Name for the IntegerKeyword symbol. | |
IntegerLiteralToken | Name for the IntegerLiteralToken symbol. | |
InterfaceBlock | Name for the InterfaceBlock symbol. | |
InterfaceEventStatement | Name for the InterfaceEventStatement symbol. | |
InterfaceFunctionStatement | Name for the InterfaceFunctionStatement symbol. | |
InterfaceIncompleteMember | Name for the InterfaceIncompleteMember symbol. | |
InterfaceInheritsStatement | Name for the InterfaceInheritsStatement symbol. | |
InterfaceKeyword | Name for the InterfaceKeyword symbol. | |
InterfaceMemberSpecifier | Name for the InterfaceMemberSpecifier symbol. | |
InterfacePropertyStatement | Name for the InterfacePropertyStatement symbol. | |
InterfaceStatement | Name for the InterfaceStatement symbol. | |
InterfaceSubStatement | Name for the InterfaceSubStatement symbol. | |
IntoKeyword | Name for the IntoKeyword symbol. | |
InvocationExpression | Name for the InvocationExpression symbol. | |
IsExpression | Name for the IsExpression symbol. | |
IsFalseKeyword | Name for the IsFalseKeyword symbol. | |
IsKeyword | Name for the IsKeyword symbol. | |
IsNotExpression | Name for the IsNotExpression symbol. | |
IsNotKeyword | Name for the IsNotKeyword symbol. | |
IsTrueKeyword | Name for the IsTrueKeyword symbol. | |
JoinClause | Name for the JoinClause symbol. | |
JoinCondition | Name for the JoinCondition symbol. | |
JoinKeyword | Name for the JoinKeyword symbol. | |
KeyKeyword | Name for the KeyKeyword symbol. | |
LabelStatement | Name for the LabelStatement symbol. | |
LambdaExpression | Name for the LambdaExpression symbol. | |
LeftShiftAssignment | Name for the LeftShiftAssignment symbol. | |
LeftShiftExpression | Name for the LeftShiftExpression symbol. | |
LessThanEqualsToken | Name for the LessThanEqualsToken symbol. | |
LessThanExpression | Name for the LessThanExpression symbol. | |
LessThanGreaterThanToken | Name for the LessThanGreaterThanToken symbol. | |
LessThanLessThanEqualsToken | Name for the LessThanLessThanEqualsToken symbol. | |
LessThanLessThanToken | Name for the LessThanLessThanToken symbol. | |
LessThanOrEqualExpression | Name for the LessThanOrEqualExpression symbol. | |
LessThanToken | Name for the LessThanToken symbol. | |
LetKeyword | Name for the LetKeyword symbol. | |
LetQueryOperator | Name for the LetQueryOperator symbol. | |
LibKeyword | Name for the LibKeyword symbol. | |
LikeExpression | Name for the LikeExpression symbol. | |
LikeKeyword | Name for the LikeKeyword symbol. | |
LineContinuationToken | Name for the LineContinuationToken symbol. | |
LineTerminatorToken | Name for the LineTerminatorToken symbol. | |
LiteralExpression | Name for the LiteralExpression symbol. | |
LocalDeclaration | Name for the LocalDeclaration symbol. | |
LongKeyword | Name for the LongKeyword symbol. | |
LoopKeyword | Name for the LoopKeyword symbol. | |
MeKeyword | Name for the MeKeyword symbol. | |
MemberAccessExpression | Name for the MemberAccessExpression symbol. | |
MembersImportsClause | Name for the MembersImportsClause symbol. | |
MidAssignment | Name for the MidAssignment symbol. | |
MidKeyword | Name for the MidKeyword symbol. | |
MinusEqualsToken | Name for the MinusEqualsToken symbol. | |
MinusToken | Name for the MinusToken symbol. | |
ModifiedIdentifier | Name for the ModifiedIdentifier symbol. | |
ModKeyword | Name for the ModKeyword symbol. | |
ModuleBlock | Name for the ModuleBlock symbol. | |
ModuleKeyword | Name for the ModuleKeyword symbol. | |
ModuleStatement | Name for the ModuleStatement symbol. | |
ModuloExpression | Name for the ModuloExpression symbol. | |
MultiLineFunctionLambdaExpression | Name for the MultiLineFunctionLambdaExpression symbol. | |
MultiLineFunctionLambdaHeader | Name for the MultiLineFunctionLambdaHeader symbol. | |
MultiLineIfBlock | Name for the MultiLineIfBlock symbol. | |
MultiLineSubLambdaExpression | Name for the MultiLineSubLambdaExpression symbol. | |
MultiplyAssignment | Name for the MultiplyAssignment symbol. | |
MultiplyExpression | Name for the MultiplyExpression symbol. | |
MustInheritKeyword | Name for the MustInheritKeyword symbol. | |
MustOverrideFunctionStatement | Name for the MustOverrideFunctionStatement symbol. | |
MustOverrideKeyword | Name for the MustOverrideKeyword symbol. | |
MustOverridePropertyStatement | Name for the MustOverridePropertyStatement symbol. | |
MustOverrideSubStatement | Name for the MustOverrideSubStatement symbol. | |
MyBaseKeyword | Name for the MyBaseKeyword symbol. | |
MyClassKeyword | Name for the MyClassKeyword symbol. | |
NamedArgument | Name for the NamedArgument symbol. | |
NamedFieldInitializer | Name for the NamedFieldInitializer symbol. | |
NamespaceBlock | Name for the NamespaceBlock symbol. | |
NamespaceKeyword | Name for the NamespaceKeyword symbol. | |
NamespaceStatement | Name for the NamespaceStatement symbol. | |
NarrowingKeyword | Name for the NarrowingKeyword symbol. | |
NegateExpression | Name for the NegateExpression symbol. | |
NewConstraint | Name for the NewConstraint symbol. | |
NewKeyword | Name for the NewKeyword symbol. | |
NewLineToken | Name for the NewLineToken symbol. | |
NextKeyword | Name for the NextKeyword symbol. | |
NextLabel | Name for the NextLabel symbol. | |
NextStatement | Name for the NextStatement symbol. | |
NotEqualsExpression | Name for the NotEqualsExpression symbol. | |
NotExpression | Name for the NotExpression symbol. | |
NothingKeyword | Name for the NothingKeyword symbol. | |
NothingLiteralExpression | Name for the NothingLiteralExpression symbol. | |
NotInheritableKeyword | Name for the NotInheritableKeyword symbol. | |
NotKeyword | Name for the NotKeyword symbol. | |
NotOverridableKeyword | Name for the NotOverridableKeyword symbol. | |
NullableType | Name for the NullableType symbol. | |
NumericLiteralExpression | Name for the NumericLiteralExpression symbol. | |
ObjectCollectionInitializer | Name for the ObjectCollectionInitializer symbol. | |
ObjectCreationExpression | Name for the ObjectCreationExpression symbol. | |
ObjectKeyword | Name for the ObjectKeyword symbol. | |
ObjectMemberInitializer | Name for the ObjectMemberInitializer symbol. | |
OffKeyword | Name for the OffKeyword symbol. | |
OfKeyword | Name for the OfKeyword symbol. | |
OmittedArgument | Name for the OmittedArgument symbol. | |
OnErrorGoToLabelStatement | Name for the OnErrorGoToLabelStatement symbol. | |
OnErrorGoToMinusOneStatement | Name for the OnErrorGoToMinusOneStatement symbol. | |
OnErrorGoToZeroStatement | Name for the OnErrorGoToZeroStatement symbol. | |
OnErrorResumeNextStatement | Name for the OnErrorResumeNextStatement symbol. | |
OnKeyword | Name for the OnKeyword symbol. | |
OpenBraceToken | Name for the OpenBraceToken symbol. | |
OpenParenToken | Name for the OpenParenToken symbol. | |
OperatorBlock | Name for the OperatorBlock symbol. | |
OperatorKeyword | Name for the OperatorKeyword symbol. | |
OperatorStatement | Name for the OperatorStatement symbol. | |
OptionalKeyword | Name for the OptionalKeyword symbol. | |
OptionKeyword | Name for the OptionKeyword symbol. | |
OptionStatement | Name for the OptionStatement symbol. | |
OrderByClause | Name for the OrderByClause symbol. | |
OrderKeyword | Name for the OrderKeyword symbol. | |
OrElseExpression | Name for the OrElseExpression symbol. | |
OrElseKeyword | Name for the OrElseKeyword symbol. | |
OrExpression | Name for the OrExpression symbol. | |
OrKeyword | Name for the OrKeyword symbol. | |
OutKeyword | Name for the OutKeyword symbol. | |
OverloadsKeyword | Name for the OverloadsKeyword symbol. | |
OverridableKeyword | Name for the OverridableKeyword symbol. | |
OverridesKeyword | Name for the OverridesKeyword symbol. | |
ParamArrayKeyword | Name for the ParamArrayKeyword symbol. | |
Parameter | Name for the Parameter symbol. | |
ParameterList | Name for the ParameterList symbol. | |
ParameterModifier | Name for the ParameterModifier symbol. | |
ParenthesizedExpression | Name for the ParenthesizedExpression symbol. | |
PartialKeyword | Name for the PartialKeyword symbol. | |
PlusEqualsToken | Name for the PlusEqualsToken symbol. | |
PlusExpression | Name for the PlusExpression symbol. | |
PlusToken | Name for the PlusToken symbol. | |
PowerAssignment | Name for the PowerAssignment symbol. | |
PowerExpression | Name for the PowerExpression symbol. | |
PredefinedCastExpression | Name for the PredefinedCastExpression symbol. | |
PredefinedType | Name for the PredefinedType symbol. | |
PreprocessorConstContent | Name for the PreprocessorConstContent symbol. | |
PreprocessorConstToken | Name for the PreprocessorConstToken symbol. | |
PreprocessorElseIfToken | Name for the PreprocessorElseIfToken symbol. | |
PreprocessorElseToken | Name for the PreprocessorElseToken symbol. | |
PreprocessorEndIfToken | Name for the PreprocessorEndIfToken symbol. | |
PreprocessorEndRegionToken | Name for the PreprocessorEndRegionToken symbol. | |
PreprocessorIfContent | Name for the PreprocessorIfContent symbol. | |
PreprocessorIfToken | Name for the PreprocessorIfToken symbol. | |
PreprocessorLabelContent | Name for the PreprocessorLabelContent symbol. | |
PreprocessorLabelEnd | Name for the PreprocessorLabelEnd symbol. | |
PreprocessorLabelStart | Name for the PreprocessorLabelStart symbol. | |
PreprocessorRegionToken | Name for the PreprocessorRegionToken symbol. | |
PreprocessorThenToken | Name for the PreprocessorThenToken symbol. | |
PreserveKeyword | Name for the PreserveKeyword symbol. | |
PrivateKeyword | Name for the PrivateKeyword symbol. | |
PropertyBlock | Name for the PropertyBlock symbol. | |
PropertyGetBlock | Name for the PropertyGetBlock symbol. | |
PropertyKeyword | Name for the PropertyKeyword symbol. | |
PropertySetBlock | Name for the PropertySetBlock symbol. | |
PropertyStatement | Name for the PropertyStatement symbol. | |
ProtectedKeyword | Name for the ProtectedKeyword symbol. | |
PublicKeyword | Name for the PublicKeyword symbol. | |
QualifiedName | Name for the QualifiedName symbol. | |
QualifiedNamespaceName | Name for the QualifiedNamespaceName symbol. | |
QualifiedOpenTypeName | Name for the QualifiedOpenTypeName symbol. | |
QueryExpression | Name for the QueryExpression symbol. | |
QuestionToken | Name for the QuestionToken symbol. | |
RaiseEventBlock | Name for the RaiseEventBlock symbol. | |
RaiseEventHandlerAccessorStatement | Name for the RaiseEventHandlerAccessorStatement symbol. | |
RaiseEventKeyword | Name for the RaiseEventKeyword symbol. | |
RaiseEventStatement | Name for the RaiseEventStatement symbol. | |
RangeArgument | Name for the RangeArgument symbol. | |
ReadOnlyKeyword | Name for the ReadOnlyKeyword symbol. | |
ReDimKeyword | Name for the ReDimKeyword symbol. | |
ReDimPreserveStatement | Name for the ReDimPreserveStatement symbol. | |
ReDimStatement | Name for the ReDimStatement symbol. | |
RemKeyword | Name for the RemKeyword symbol. | |
RemoveHandlerAccessorStatement | Name for the RemoveHandlerAccessorStatement symbol. | |
RemoveHandlerBlock | Name for the RemoveHandlerBlock symbol. | |
RemoveHandlerKeyword | Name for the RemoveHandlerKeyword symbol. | |
RemoveHandlerStatement | Name for the RemoveHandlerStatement symbol. | |
ResumeKeyword | Name for the ResumeKeyword symbol. | |
ResumeNextStatement | Name for the ResumeNextStatement symbol. | |
ResumeStatement | Name for the ResumeStatement symbol. | |
ReturnKeyword | Name for the ReturnKeyword symbol. | |
ReturnStatement | Name for the ReturnStatement symbol. | |
RightShiftAssignment | Name for the RightShiftAssignment symbol. | |
RightShiftExpression | Name for the RightShiftExpression symbol. | |
SByteKeyword | Name for the SByteKeyword symbol. | |
SelectBlock | Name for the SelectBlock symbol. | |
SelectClause | Name for the SelectClause symbol. | |
SelectKeyword | Name for the SelectKeyword symbol. | |
SelectStatement | Name for the SelectStatement symbol. | |
SetAccessorStatement | Name for the SetAccessorStatement symbol. | |
SetKeyword | Name for the SetKeyword symbol. | |
ShadowsKeyword | Name for the ShadowsKeyword symbol. | |
SharedKeyword | Name for the SharedKeyword symbol. | |
ShortKeyword | Name for the ShortKeyword symbol. | |
SimpleArgument | Name for the SimpleArgument symbol. | |
SimpleArgumentRequired | Name for the SimpleArgumentRequired symbol. | |
SimpleAsClause | Name for the SimpleAsClause symbol. | |
SimpleNameExpression | Name for the SimpleNameExpression symbol. | |
SingleKeyword | Name for the SingleKeyword symbol. | |
SingleLineComment | Name for the SingleLineComment symbol. | |
SingleLineElsePart | Name for the SingleLineElsePart symbol. | |
SingleLineFunctionLambdaExpression | Name for the SingleLineFunctionLambdaExpression symbol. | |
SingleLineIfPart | Name for the SingleLineIfPart symbol. | |
SingleLineIfStatement | Name for the SingleLineIfStatement symbol. | |
SingleLineSubLambdaExpression | Name for the SingleLineSubLambdaExpression symbol. | |
SkipClause | Name for the SkipClause symbol. | |
SkipKeyword | Name for the SkipKeyword symbol. | |
SkipWhileClause | Name for the SkipWhileClause symbol. | |
SlashEqualsToken | Name for the SlashEqualsToken symbol. | |
SlashToken | Name for the SlashToken symbol. | |
StatementTerminator | Name for the StatementTerminator symbol. | |
StaticKeyword | Name for the StaticKeyword symbol. | |
StepKeyword | Name for the StepKeyword symbol. | |
StopKeyword | Name for the StopKeyword symbol. | |
StopStatement | Name for the StopStatement symbol. | |
StrictKeyword | Name for the StrictKeyword symbol. | |
StringKeyword | Name for the StringKeyword symbol. | |
StringLiteralContent | Name for the StringLiteralContent symbol. | |
StringLiteralEnd | Name for the StringLiteralEnd symbol. | |
StringLiteralExpression | Name for the StringLiteralExpression symbol. | |
StringLiteralStart | Name for the StringLiteralStart symbol. | |
StringLiteralToken | Name for the StringLiteralToken symbol. | |
StructureBlock | Name for the StructureBlock symbol. | |
StructureConstraint | Name for the StructureConstraint symbol. | |
StructureKeyword | Name for the StructureKeyword symbol. | |
StructureStatement | Name for the StructureStatement symbol. | |
SubBlock | Name for the SubBlock symbol. | |
SubKeyword | Name for the SubKeyword symbol. | |
SubLambdaHeader | Name for the SubLambdaHeader symbol. | |
SubStatement | Name for the SubStatement symbol. | |
SubtractAssignment | Name for the SubtractAssignment symbol. | |
SubtractExpression | Name for the SubtractExpression symbol. | |
SyncLockBlock | Name for the SyncLockBlock symbol. | |
SyncLockKeyword | Name for the SyncLockKeyword symbol. | |
SyncLockStatement | Name for the SyncLockStatement symbol. | |
TakeClause | Name for the TakeClause symbol. | |
TakeKeyword | Name for the TakeKeyword symbol. | |
TakeWhileClause | Name for the TakeWhileClause symbol. | |
TextKeyword | Name for the TextKeyword symbol. | |
ThenKeyword | Name for the ThenKeyword symbol. | |
ThrowKeyword | Name for the ThrowKeyword symbol. | |
ThrowStatement | Name for the ThrowStatement symbol. | |
ToKeyword | Name for the ToKeyword symbol. | |
TrueKeyword | Name for the TrueKeyword symbol. | |
TrueLiteralExpression | Name for the TrueLiteralExpression symbol. | |
TryBlock | Name for the TryBlock symbol. | |
TryCastExpression | Name for the TryCastExpression symbol. | |
TryCastKeyword | Name for the TryCastKeyword symbol. | |
TryKeyword | Name for the TryKeyword symbol. | |
TryPart | Name for the TryPart symbol. | |
TryStatement | Name for the TryStatement symbol. | |
TypeArgument | Name for the TypeArgument symbol. | |
TypeArgumentList | Name for the TypeArgumentList symbol. | |
TypeArityList | Name for the TypeArityList symbol. | |
TypeConstraint | Name for the TypeConstraint symbol. | |
TypeOfIsExpression | Name for the TypeOfIsExpression symbol. | |
TypeOfKeyword | Name for the TypeOfKeyword symbol. | |
TypeParameter | Name for the TypeParameter symbol. | |
TypeParameterList | Name for the TypeParameterList symbol. | |
TypeParameterMultipleConstraintClause | Name for the TypeParameterMultipleConstraintClause symbol. | |
TypeParameterSingleConstraintClause | Name for the TypeParameterSingleConstraintClause symbol. | |
UIntegerKeyword | Name for the UIntegerKeyword symbol. | |
ULongKeyword | Name for the ULongKeyword symbol. | |
UnicodeKeyword | Name for the UnicodeKeyword symbol. | |
UnrecognizedToken | Name for the UnrecognizedToken symbol. | |
UntilClause | Name for the UntilClause symbol. | |
UntilKeyword | Name for the UntilKeyword symbol. | |
UShortKeyword | Name for the UShortKeyword symbol. | |
UsingBlock | Name for the UsingBlock symbol. | |
UsingKeyword | Name for the UsingKeyword symbol. | |
UsingResources | Name for the UsingResources symbol. | |
UsingStatement | Name for the UsingStatement symbol. | |
VariableDeclarator | Name for the VariableDeclarator symbol. | |
VariantKeyword | Name for the VariantKeyword symbol. | |
WendKeyword | Name for the WendKeyword symbol. | |
WhenKeyword | Name for the WhenKeyword symbol. | |
WhereClause | Name for the WhereClause symbol. | |
WhereKeyword | Name for the WhereKeyword symbol. | |
WhileBlock | Name for the WhileBlock symbol. | |
WhileClause | Name for the WhileClause symbol. | |
WhileKeyword | Name for the WhileKeyword symbol. | |
WhileStatement | Name for the WhileStatement symbol. | |
WhitespaceToken | Name for the WhitespaceToken symbol. | |
WideningKeyword | Name for the WideningKeyword symbol. | |
WithBlock | Name for the WithBlock symbol. | |
WithEventsKeyword | Name for the WithEventsKeyword symbol. | |
WithKeyword | Name for the WithKeyword symbol. | |
WithStatement | Name for the WithStatement symbol. | |
WriteOnlyKeyword | Name for the WriteOnlyKeyword symbol. | |
XMLNamespaceName | Name for the XMLNamespaceName symbol. | |
XorExpression | Name for the XorExpression symbol. | |
XorKeyword | Name for the XorKeyword symbol. |