
NonTerminalSymbol Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see NonTerminalSymbol members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyGrammarGets the Grammar to which the Symbol belongs. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Parsing.Symbol)
Public PropertyHasPriorityGets or sets the value indicating whether the NonTerminalSymbol has priority over other non-terminals when a global ambiguity is detected.  
Public PropertyIsErrorGets or sets a value indicating whether this non-terminal represents an error when it is found in the parsed document.  
Public PropertyIsStartOfErrorRecoveryPairGets or sets a value indicating whether the presence of the Symbol followed by a specific TerminalSymbol signals the middle or end of a structure being parsed. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Parsing.Symbol)
Public PropertyIsStartSymbolGets a value indicating whether the NonTerminalSymbol is the Grammar.StartSymbol value of the associated Grammar and therefore if it must be at the root of the syntax tree of the parsed document.  
Public PropertyNameReturns the name of the symbol. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Parsing.Symbol)
Public PropertyPreventBacktrackingGets or sets the value indicating whether nodes associated with the NonTerminalSymbol can be backtracked by the error handling routine.  
Public PropertyPreventPruningGets or sets the value indicating whether nodes representing the NonTerminalSymbol should always remain in the SyntaxTree, regardless of the Grammar.SyntaxTreePruningMode value.  
Public PropertyRuleGets or sets the SyntaxRule which defines what can be legally represented by the non-terminal.  
Public PropertySuppressAmbiguityWarningsGets or sets the value indicating whether Grammar.Analyze should suppress ambiguity warnings when this non-terminal symbol's reduction is possible.  
See Also