
TextSearchCriteria Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TextSearchCriteria.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorTextSearchCriteria ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyIsCaseSensitiveReturns whether the find operation is case sensitive (read-only).  
Public PropertyRegexOptionsReturns the regex options to use for the search (read-only).  
Public PropertyRegexPatternReturns the regex pattern to use for the search (read-only).  
Public PropertySearchBackwardsReturns the search direction (.i.e. whether the search should look forwards or backwards in the text) (read-only).  
Public PropertyTextToFindReturns the text to search for (read-only).  
Public PropertyWholeWordOnlyReturns whether to ignore partial matches within words (read-only).  
See Also