For a list of all members of this type, see Vector members.
Name | Description | |
Abs | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Abs(y[i]). | |
Acos | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Acos(y[i]). | |
Add | Overloaded. Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with y[i] + x. | |
Arg | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Arg(y[i]). | |
Asin | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Asin(y[i]). | |
Atan | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Atan(y[i]). | |
Bin | Overloaded. Modifies the Vector by replacing its element with a bin number. | |
Ceiling | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Ceiling(y[i]). | |
Clone | Returns a copy of the Vector instance. | |
CompareTo | Overloaded. Modifies the Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with CompareTo(y[i],x[i]). | |
CopyTo | Overloaded. Overridden. Copies the base Vector to an array starting at a particular index. | |
Cos | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Cos(y[i]). | |
Cosh | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Cosh(y[i]). | |
CumProduct | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with y[0]*...*y[i]. | |
CumSum | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with y[0]+...+y[i]. | |
Divide | Overloaded. Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with y[i] / x[i]. | |
Equals | Compares the Vector with x for equality. | |
Exp | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Exp(y[i]). | |
Floor | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Floor(y[i]). | |
GetEnumerator | Overridden. Returns an enumerator for the Vector. | |
GetHashCode | Returns hash code for the Vector. | |
IsColumn | Determines whether the MatrixBase is a column MatrixBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase) | |
IsEmpty | Determines whether the MatrixBase is empty. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase) | |
IsRow | Determines whether the MatrixBase is a row MatrixBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase) | |
IsSquare | Determines whether the MatrixBase is square. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase) | |
IsTwoDimensional | Determines if the MatrixBase has exactly two dimensions. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase) | |
IsUnitary | Determines whether the MatrixBase is unitary. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase) | |
Log | Overloaded. Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Log(y[i]). | |
Log10 | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Log10(y[i]). | |
Log2 | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Log2(y[i]). | |
Mod | Overloaded. Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with y[i] % x[i]. | |
Multiply | Overloaded. Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with y[i] * x[i]. | |
Pow | Overloaded. Modifies the Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Pow(y[i],x[i]). | |
Reverse | Modifies a Vector by reversing the order of its elements. | |
Round | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Round(y[i]). | |
Sign | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Sign(y[i]). | |
Sin | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Sin(y[i]). | |
Sinh | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Sinh(y[i]). | |
Sort | Modifies the Vector by sorting the elements by value in ascending order. | |
Sqrt | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Sqrt(y[i]). | |
Squeeze | Removes unitary dimensions from MatrixBase instances with greater than two dimensions. (Inherited from Infragistics.Math.MatrixBase) | |
Subtract | Overloaded. Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with y[i] - x[i]. | |
Tan | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Tan(y[i]). | |
Tanh | Modifies a Vector, y, by replacing each element y[i] with Tanh(y[i]). | |
ToString | Returns the string representation of a Vector. | |
Transpose | Modifies a Vector by switching its orientation. A row Vector is converted to a column Vector and vice versa. |