
AggregatedDataProvider Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by AggregatedDataProvider.

Public Constructors
Public Properties
Public PropertyActualCount  
Public PropertyActualSchema  
Public PropertyDeferAutoRefreshGets or sets whether automatic refreshes of the data provider should be deferred.  
Public PropertyExecutionContext  
Public PropertyFilterExpressionsGets the current filter descriptions assigned to the provider.  
Public PropertyGroupDescriptionsGets the current group descriptions assigned to the provider.  
Public PropertyIncludeParentSummaryGets or sets whether aggregation should include the parent summaries when multiple groupings are provided. If false aggregation will only provide the summaries for the lowest level grouping.  
Public PropertyIsFilteringSupportedGets whether the provider supports filtering at this level.  
Public PropertyIsGroupingSupportedGets whether the provider supports grouping at this level.  
Public PropertyIsItemIndexLookupSupported  
Public PropertyIsKeyIndexLookupSupported  
Public PropertyIsSortingSupportedGets whether the provider supports sorting at this level.  
Public PropertyItemsSourceGets or sets the local data for the provider.  
Public PropertyNotifyUsingSourceIndexes  
Public PropertyPropertiesRequested  
Public PropertySchemaHintsGets or sets hints for what the schema is for certain properties.  
Public PropertySortDescriptionsGets the current sort descriptions assigned to the provider.  
Public PropertySummaryDescriptionsGets the current summary descriptions assigned to the provider.  
Public PropertySummaryScopeGets or sets the scope which summaries are calculated for.  
Public PropertyTargetDataSource  
Public PropertyUpdateNotifier  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddItem  
Public MethodClone  
Public MethodFlushAutoRefreshForces an auto refresh to occur synchronously.  
Public MethodGetItemAtIndex  
Public MethodGetItemValue  
Public MethodIndexOfItem  
Public MethodIndexOfKey  
Public MethodNotifyClearItems  
Public MethodNotifyInsertItem  
Public MethodNotifyRemoveItem  
Public MethodNotifySetItem  
Public MethodQueueAutoRefreshQueues an auto refresh to take place.  
Public MethodRefreshSynchronously refresh the data provider.  
Public MethodRemoveItem  
Public MethodResolveSchemaPropertyType  
Public MethodSetItemValue  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedCalled when a property changes.  
Protected MethodPropertyUpdatedOverrideCalled when a property on the provider is updated.  
Protected MethodRefreshInternalOverrideIs overridden to provide refreshing logic.  
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChanged  
Public EventSchemaChangedIndicates that the schema for the provider has changed.  
See Also