For a list of all members of this type, see Axis members.
Name | Description | |
ActualMajorStroke | Gets or sets the ActualMajorStroke property. | |
ActualMinorStroke | Gets or sets the ActualMinorStroke property. | |
ActualStroke | Gets or sets the effective stroke used for the axis. | |
Annotations | Gets the current annotations for the axis. | |
CrossingAxis | Gets or sets the CrossingAxis property. | |
CrossingValue | Gets or sets the CrossingValue property. | |
EnhancedIntervalMinimumCharacters | Gets or sets the minimum desired characters to be displayed for horizontal axes when using advanced label heuristics. -1 will attempt to adjust the interval to precisely fit the horizontal labels. | |
EnhancedIntervalPreferMoreCategoryLabels | Gets or sets whether the enhanced interval management should prefer to show all the labels if possible without collisions for supported types of category axes. This is for use with EnhancedIntervalMinimumCharacters = -1 and axes that have an integral interval. | |
ExpectFunctions | Gets or sets whether the series should expect that properties in its items source may be functions that need to be evaluated to yield their value. This defaults to false, as there will be a subtle performance impact to using this feature. This value must be set before assigning an item's source to take effect. | |
IsAngular | Gets if the current axis is of angular axis type | |
IsCategory | Gets or sets if the current axis is of category axis type | |
IsCategoryDateTime | Gets if the current axis is of category date time axis type | |
IsContinuous | Gets if the current axis is a continuous rather than a discrete scale | |
IsDateTime | Gets or sets if the current axis is of date time axis type | |
IsDisabled | Gets or sets the IsDisabled property. If true, the axis will not be rendered. | |
IsInverted | Gets or sets the IsInverted property. | |
IsNumeric | Gets or sets if the current axis is of numeric axis type | |
IsOrdinal | Gets or sets if the current axis is of ordinal axis type | |
IsPiecewise | Gets or sets if the axis is a piecewise scaling function. | |
IsRadial | Gets or sets if the current axis is of radial axis type | |
IsSorting | Gets or sets if the current axis is sorting data items | |
IsVertical | Gets if the current axis is a vertical axis. | |
Label | Gets or sets the axis label format string. | |
LabelAngle | Gets or Sets the Angle of the Axis Label. | |
LabelExtent | Gets or sets the distance between the edge of the control and the label. | |
LabelFontFamily | Gets or Sets the Font Family of the Axis Label. | |
LabelFontSize | Gets or Sets the Font Size of the Axis Label. | |
LabelFormat | Gets or sets the label format string to use for the label. | |
LabelFormatSpecifiers | Gets or sets the format specifiers to use with the LabelFormat string. | |
LabelHorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets the HorizontalAlignment property. | |
LabelLocation | Gets or sets the Location property. | |
LabelMargin | Specifies the space between the Label and other elements. | |
LabelsVisible | Gets or sets the Visibility property. | |
LabelTextColor | Gets or sets the color of the Axis Label text. | |
LabelTextStyle | Gets or sets the Font Style applied to the Label's text. | |
LabelVerticalAlignment | Gets or sets the VerticalAlignment property. | |
MajorStroke | Gets or sets the MajorStroke property. | |
MajorStrokeDashArray | Gets or sets the MajorStrokeDashArray property. | |
MajorStrokeThickness | Gets or sets the MajorStrokeThickness property. | |
MinorStroke | Gets or sets the MinorStroke property. | |
MinorStrokeDashArray | Gets or sets the MinorStrokeDashArray property. | |
MinorStrokeThickness | Gets or sets the MinorStrokeThickness property. | |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the Axis. | |
Opacity | Gets or sets the Opacity of the Axis. | |
SeriesViewer | Gets the containing series viewer for this axis. | |
ShouldAvoidAnnotationCollisions | Gets or sets whether annotations should be shifted to avoid collision, even if this would result in them appearing where they shouldn't be along the scale. | |
ShouldKeepAnnotationsInView | ets or sets whether annotations should be kept in view, even if they aren't positioned where they should appear on the scale. | |
ShowFirstLabel | Gets or sets whether the first label is displayed when the zoom level is set to 1. | |
Strip | Gets or sets the Strip property. | |
Stroke | Gets or sets the Stroke property. | |
StrokeDashArray | Gets or sets the StrokeDashArray property. | |
StrokeThickness | Gets or sets the StrokeThickness property. | |
TickLength | Gets or sets the TickLength property. | |
TickStroke | Gets or sets the TickStroke property. | |
TickStrokeDashArray | Gets or sets the TickStrokeDashArray property. | |
TickStrokeThickness | Gets or sets the TickStrokeThickness property. | |
Title | Gets or sets the Title property. | |
TitleAngle | Gets or Sets the Angle of the Axis Title. | |
TitleFontFamily | Gets or Sets the Font Family of the Axis Title. | |
TitleFontSize | Gets or Sets the Font Size of the Axis Title. | |
TitleHorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets the HorizontalAlignment property. | |
TitleMargin | Specifies the space between the Title and other elements. | |
TitlePosition | Gets or sets the TitlePosition property. | |
TitleTextColor | Gets or sets the color of the Axis Title text. | |
TitleTextStyle | Gets or sets the Font Style applied to the Title's text. | |
TitleVerticalAlignment | Gets or sets the VerticalAlignment property. | |
UseEnhancedIntervalManagement | Gets or sets whether to use more advanced heuristics when determining the initial number of labels to render, before resolving collisions, etc. | |
UsePerLabelHeightMeasurement | Gets or sets whether to use label height measurement when determining the initial number of labels to render, before resolving collisions, etc. | |
Visibility | Gets or sets the display state of an Axis. |