For a list of all members of this type, see CrosshairLayer members.
Name | Description | |
ActualAppearanceMode | Gets or sets the mode used for shifting the annotation layer color based on the target series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
ActualAreaFillOpacity | Gets the actual opacity applied to the area fill visual. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualBrush | Gets the effective brush for the current series object. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualCloseLabel | Gets the text that is displayed for the Close label in the tooltip. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualFocusBrush | Gets the effective emphasis brush for the current series object. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualFocusMode | Gets actual Selection mode (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualHighLabel | Gets the text that is displayed for the High label in the tooltip. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualHighlightedValuesFadeOpacity | Gets actual HighlightedValues fade opacity (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualHighlightingFadeOpacity | Gets actual highlighting fade opacity (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualHighlightingMode | Gets actual highlighting mode (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualHitTestMode | Resolved method of hit testing to use when pointing to items in the chart. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualHorizontalAppearanceMode | Gets or sets the mode used for shifting the annotation layer color based on the target series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
ActualHorizontalDashArray | Gets or sets the mode used for shifting the annotation layer color based on the target series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
ActualHorizontalShiftAmount | Gets or sets the percentage amount to shift the appearance mode by. Value must range between -1.0 to 1.0. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
ActualLayers | Gets the actual extra layers for the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualLegendItemBadgeBrush | Gets the effective legend badge fill for the current series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualLegendItemBadgeOutline | Gets the effective legend badge outline for the current series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualLowLabel | Gets the text that is displayed for the Low label in the tooltip. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualMarkerFillOpacity | Gets the actual opacity applied to the fill of the markers. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualOpenLabel | Gets the text that is displayed for the Open label in the tooltip. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualOutline | Gets the effective outline for the current series object. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualRadiusLabel | Gets the text that is displayed for the Value label in the tooltip. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualResolution | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualSelectionBrush | Gets the effective emphasis brush for the current series object. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualSelectionMode | Gets actual Selection mode (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualShiftAmount | Gets or sets the percentage amount to shift the appearance mode by. Value must range between -1.0 to 1.0. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
ActualThickness | Gets the effective Thickness for the current series object. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualValueLabel | Gets the text that is displayed for the Value label in the tooltip. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ActualVerticalAppearanceMode | Gets or sets the mode used for shifting the annotation layer color based on the target series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
ActualVerticalDashArray | Gets or sets the mode used for shifting the annotation layer color based on the target series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
ActualVerticalShiftAmount | Gets or sets the percentage amount to shift the appearance mode by. Value must range between -1.0 to 1.0. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
ActualVolumeLabel | Gets the text that is displayed for the Volume label in the tooltip. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
AppearanceMode | Gets or sets the mode used for shifting the annotation layer color based on the target series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
AreaFillOpacity | Gets or sets the opacity applied to the area fill visual. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
AutoCalloutLabelFormat | Gets or sets the AutoCalloutLabel format string to use for the AutoCalloutLabel. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
AutoCalloutLabelFormatSpecifiers | Gets or sets the format specifiers to use with the AutoCalloutLabelFormat string. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
AutoCalloutValueLabelFormat | Gets or sets the AutoCalloutLabel format string to use for the AutoCalloutLabel. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
AutoCalloutValueLabelFormatSpecifiers | Gets or sets the format specifiers to use with the AutoCalloutValueLabelFormat string. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
Brush | Gets or sets the brush to use for the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
CursorPosition | Gets or sets the world position to use instead of the pointer position for this annotation layer. If you set this value, rather than responding to the pointer, this layer will be fixed on the provided world position. A world position has x and y values that range from 0 to 1 that represent the global position of the cursor relative to the entire ranges of the axes. The default of (NaN, NaN) means that the layer should react to pointer movement. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
DashArray | Gets or sets a collection of Double values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that is used to outline the current series object. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
DataLegendGroup | Gets or sets a name used for grouping multiple series in the Data Legend (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
DataLegendKey | Gets unique key used to identify the series in data legend (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
DataMember | Gets or sets the data member of the data source from which the Series's data items collection is populated. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
DataSource | Gets or sets the data source from which the Series' data items collection is populated. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ExpectFunctions | Gets or sets whether the series should expect that properties in its items source may be functions that need to be evaluated to yield their value. This defaults to false, as there will be a subtle performance impact to using this feature. This value must be set before assigning an item's source to take effect. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
FinalValue | The final value of this series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
FocusBrush | Gets or sets the Focus brush to use for the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HasMarkers | Returns whether the current series supports visual markers. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HasOnlyMarkers | Gets whether the series has only marker as visuals (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HasValueAxis | Gets whether the current series shows an area shape. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HasVisibleMarkers | Returns whether the current series has a visible marker style. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HighlightedDataSource | Gets or sets the data to highlight for the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HighlightedLegendItemVisibility | Gets or sets whether the highlighted values layer should have a legend item. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HighlightedTitleSuffix | Gets or sets the HighlightedTitleSuffix property. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HighlightedValuesDataLegendGroup | Gets or sets a name used for grouping highlighted series in the Data Legend (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HighlightedValuesDisplayMode | Gets or sets whether and how to display highlighted values for the series. Note, this is distinct from the highlighting feature that indicates what is closest or under the mouse. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HighlightedValuesExtraPropertyOverlays | Gets the current extra layers for the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HighlightedValuesFadeOpacity | Gets or sets the target opacity to fade to for fade style HighlightedValues. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HighlightingFadeOpacity | Gets or sets the target opacity to fade to for fade style highlighting. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HitTestMode | Method of hit testing to use when pointing to items in this series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
HorizontalAppearanceMode | Gets or sets the mode used for shifting the annotation layer color based on the target series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
HorizontalDashArray | Gets or sets the mode used for shifting the annotation layer color based on the target series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
HorizontalLineStroke | Gets or sets the color to use for the horizontal line. Leave null for an automatic value. | |
HorizontalLineVisibility | Gets or sets whether to display the horizontal line. | |
HorizontalShiftAmount | Gets or sets the percentage amount to shift the appearance mode by. Value must range between -1.0 to 1.0. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
Index | Gets the Index property. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsActualLegendFinancial | Gets or sets whether the ActualLegend is FinancialLegend or normal Legend. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsAnnotationCalloutLayer | Gets whether the series is an callout annotation layer. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsAnnotationCrosshairLayer | Gets whether the series is an crosshair annotation layer. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsAnnotationFinalValue | Gets whether the series is final value annotation layer. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsAnnotationHoverLayer | Gets whether the series is an annotation layer displayed only when hovering over the chart. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsAnnotationLayer | Gets whether the series is an annotation layer. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsAnnotationValueLayer | Gets whether the series is a value annotation layer. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsArea | Gets whether the current series shows an area shape. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsAreaOrLine | Gets whether the current series shows an area or line shape. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsAxisAnnotationEnabled | Gets or sets whether to draw annotations over the axes where the crosshair meets with them. | |
IsBar | Gets whether the current series shows a horizontal column shape. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsCategory | Gets whether the current series is a category type series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsColoredItemwise | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsColumn | Gets whether the current series shows a column shape. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsComponentHighlightingModeIgnored | Gets or sets whether the component level highlight mode is ignored. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsDefaultCrosshairBehaviorDisabled | Gets whether the default crosshair behavior should be disabled if this series is present. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsDefaultCrosshairDisabled | Gets or sets whether the series viewer's default crosshair should be disabled by the presence of this layer. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
IsDefaultTooltipBehaviorDisabled | Gets whether the default tooltip behavior should be disabled if this series is present. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsFinancial | Gets whether the current series is a financial type series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsFinancialIndicator | Gets whether the series is financial indicator (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsFinancialOverlay | Gets whether the series is financial overlay (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsFinancialSeries | Gets whether the series has financial OHLC/candlestick visuals (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsFinancialWaterfall | Gets whether the series is financial waterfall (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsFragment | Gets whether the current series is a stack fragment. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsGeographic | Gets whether the current series is a geographic series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsHighlightingEnabled | Gets or sets whether highlighting should be enabled for this series, if this type of series supports highlighting. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsHighlightOverlay | Gets whether the series is a highlight overlay. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsIndexed | Gets if the series uses an index, which can be used to auto-assign it a color. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsLayer | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsLineContour | Gets whether the current series shows a line contour shape. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsLineOnly | Gets whether the current series shows only line shapes. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsMarkerlessDisplayPreferred | Overridden by derived series classes to indicate when markerless display is preferred or not. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsNegativeColorSupported | Overridden by derived series classes to indicate when negative colors are supported or not. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsPie | Gets whether the current series shows a pie shape. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsPixel | Gets whether the current series shows pixels. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsPolar | Gets whether the current series is a polar type series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsPolygon | Gets whether the current series shows a polygon shape. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsPolyline | Gets whether the current series shows a polyline shape. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsRadial | Gets whether the current series is a radial type series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsRange | Gets whether the current series is a range type series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsScatter | Gets whether the current series is a scatter type series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsShape | Gets whether the current series is a shape type series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsShapeControl | Gets whether the current series shows interactive shape controls. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsSpline | Gets whether the current series shows a spline shape. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsStacked | Gets whether the current series is a stacked type series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsStep | Gets whether the current series shows step shapes. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsSummarizationSupported | Gets whether the series supports summarization in Data Legend and Data Tooltip. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsTile | Gets whether the current series shows a tile imagery. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsUsableInLegend | Gets if the series should appear in any legends. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsValueAxisInverted | Gets whether the current series shows an area shape. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsValueOverlay | Gets whether the series is a value overlay. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsVertical | Gets whether the current series is oriented vertically. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
IsWaterfall | Gets whether the current series shows a waterfall column shape. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
Layers | Gets the current extra layers for the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
Legend | Gets or sets a legend for the current series object. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
LegendItemBadgeMode | Gets or sets the mode of legend badge representing the current series in a legend. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
LegendItemBadgeShape | Gets or sets the type of legend badge representing the current series in a legend. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
LegendItemVisibility | Gets or sets whether or not the current series will have a legend item displayed in a legend. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
LineCap | Gets or sets the style of the starting point of any lines or polylines representing this series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
LineJoin | Gets or sets the brush that specifies current series object's line join style. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
MarkerFillOpacity | Gets or sets the opacity applied to the fill of the markers. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
MouseOverEnabled | Gets or sets the whether the chart reacts to mouse move events. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the Series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
Opacity | Gets or sets the Opacity of the Series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
Outline | Gets or sets the brush to use for the outline of the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
OutlineMode | Gets or sets the outline mode to use for the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
PercentChange | The percent change from the beginning to the end of this series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
Resolution | Gets or sets the current series object's rendering resolution. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
SafeActualBrush | Gets the effective brush for the current series object with opacity removed so its contrasty for use as a font color. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
SelectionBrush | Gets or sets the selection brush to use for the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
SeriesViewer | Gets the containing series viewer for this series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ShiftAmount | Gets or sets the percentage amount to shift the appearance mode by. Value must range between -1.0 to 1.0. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
ShouldAnimateOnDataSourceSwap | Gets or sets whether and how to display highlighted values for the series. Note, this is distinct from the highlighting feature that indicates what is closest or under the mouse. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ShouldHideAutoCallouts | Gets or sets whether this series should suppress it's auto callouts (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ShouldRemoveHighlightedDataOnLayerHidden | Gets or sets whether the opacity should be automatically shifted for the safe actual brush. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ShouldRenderAsOverlay | Gets or sets whether this layer renders as an overlay or not. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
ShouldShiftOpacityForSafeActualBrush | Gets or sets whether the opacity should be automatically shifted for the safe actual brush. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
ShowDefaultTooltip | Gets or sets whether default tooltip will be shown. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
SkipUnknownValues | Gets or sets whether to skip unknown values when searching for series values. | |
TargetSeries | Gets or sets the series to target this annotation to. If null, this annotation targets all series simultaneously. | |
TargetSeriesName | Gets or sets the name of the series to target this annotation to. If null, this annotation targets all series simultaneously. | |
Thickness | Gets or sets the width of the current series object's line thickness. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
Title | Gets or sets the Title property. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
TransitionDuration | Gets or sets the duration of the current series' morph. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
TransitionEasingFunction | Gets or sets the easing function used to morph the current series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
TransitionInDuration | Gets or sets the duration of the current series' transition in morph. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
TransitionInEasingFunction | Gets or sets the EasingFunction used to morph the current series during the initial transition. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
TransitionInSpeedType | Gets or sets the duration of the current series' transition in morph. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
TransitionOutDuration | Gets or sets the duration of the current series' transition out morph. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
TransitionOutSpeedType | Gets or sets the duration of the current series' transition out morph. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
UseIndex | Gets or sets whether this series should take up an index for auto brush coloring. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
UseInterpolation | Gets or sets whether to use value interpolation when drawing a line through the best value for the cursor position. | |
UseItemWiseColors | Gets or sets whether the series should use individual palette colors for each item. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
UseLegend | Gets or sets whether this series interacts with the chart legend. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
VerticalAppearanceMode | Gets or sets the mode used for shifting the annotation layer color based on the target series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
VerticalDashArray | Gets or sets the mode used for shifting the annotation layer color based on the target series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
VerticalLineStroke | Gets or sets the color to use for vertical line. Leave null for an automatic value. | |
VerticalLineVisibility | Gets or sets whether to display the vertical line. | |
VerticalShiftAmount | Gets or sets the percentage amount to shift the appearance mode by. Value must range between -1.0 to 1.0. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.AnnotationLayer) | |
Visibility | Gets or sets the display state of a Series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
VisibleRangeMarginBottom | Gets or sets the bottom margin to use when getting a visible axis range for the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
VisibleRangeMarginLeft | Gets or sets the left margin to use when getting a visible axis range for the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
VisibleRangeMarginRight | Gets or sets the right margin to use when getting a visible axis range for the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
VisibleRangeMarginTop | Gets or sets the top margin to use when getting a visible axis range for the series. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
VisibleRangeMode | Gets or sets the visible range mode to use. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.Series) | |
XAxisAnnotationBackground | Gets or sets the color to use for the x axis annotation backing. Leave unset for an automatic value. | |
XAxisAnnotationBackgroundCornerRadius | Gets or sets the corner radius to use for the x axis annotation backing. Leave unset for an automatic value. | |
XAxisAnnotationInterpolatedValuePrecision | Gets or sets the precision to use displaying values for interpolated crosshair positions. | |
XAxisAnnotationOutline | Gets or sets the color to use for the x axis annotation outline. Leave unset for an automatic value. | |
XAxisAnnotationPaddingBottom | Gets or sets the padding to use withing the axis annotation callout. Leaving this NaN will use an automatic value related to the axis label margins. | |
XAxisAnnotationPaddingLeft | Gets or sets the padding to use withing the axis annotation callout. Leaving this NaN will use an automatic value related to the axis label margins. | |
XAxisAnnotationPaddingRight | Gets or sets the padding to use withing the axis annotation callout. Leaving this NaN will use an automatic value related to the axis label margins. | |
XAxisAnnotationPaddingTop | Gets or sets the padding to use withing the axis annotation callout. Leaving this NaN will use an automatic value related to the axis label margins. | |
XAxisAnnotationStrokeThickness | Gets or sets the stroke thickness for the x axis annotation backing. Leave unset for an automatic value. | |
XAxisAnnotationTextColor | Gets or sets the color to use for the x axis annotation text. Leave unset for an automatic value. | |
YAxisAnnotationBackground | Gets or sets the color to use for the y axis annotation backing. Leave unset for an automatic value. | |
YAxisAnnotationBackgroundCornerRadius | Gets or sets the corner radius to use for the y axis annotation backing. Leave unset for an automatic value. | |
YAxisAnnotationInterpolatedValuePrecision | Gets or sets the precision to use displaying values for interpolated crosshair positions. | |
YAxisAnnotationOutline | Gets or sets the color to use for the y axis annotation outline. Leave unset for an automatic value. | |
YAxisAnnotationPaddingBottom | Gets or sets the padding to use withing the axis annotation callout. Leaving this NaN will use an automatic value related to the axis label margins. | |
YAxisAnnotationPaddingLeft | Gets or sets the padding to use withing the axis annotation callout. Leaving this NaN will use an automatic value related to the axis label margins. | |
YAxisAnnotationPaddingRight | Gets or sets the padding to use withing the axis annotation callout. Leaving this NaN will use an automatic value related to the axis label margins. | |
YAxisAnnotationPaddingTop | Gets or sets the padding to use withing the axis annotation callout. Leaving this NaN will use an automatic value related to the axis label margins. | |
YAxisAnnotationStrokeThickness | Gets or sets the stroke thickness for the y axis annotation backing. Leave unset for an automatic value. | |
YAxisAnnotationTextColor | Gets or sets the color to use for the y axis annotation text. Leave unset for an automatic value. |