
AnimationSpeed Property

Gets/sets the relative speed of the animation effect used when the desktop alert window is shown or automatically closed.
Public Property AnimationSpeed As AnimationSpeed
public AnimationSpeed AnimationSpeed {get; set;}

The AnimationSpeed property determines the number of frames that will be used when animating the showing/closing of the desktop alert window. A value of 'Slow' results in more animation frames, which results in less of a change in window size or opactity from one frame to another.

Note: The actual amount of time it takes for the animation sequence to execute is ultimately dependent on the performance capabilities of the local machine, as well as the number of processes being serviced by the CPU at the time the sequence is executed.

Note: Changing properties of the UltraDesktopAlert component when one or more desktop alert windows are open is not recommended; such changes will not be fully applied for desktop alert windows that are currently open. The HasOpenWindows property should be used to determine whether any desktop alert windows are currently open for this instance before changing property values.

The following code sample demonstrates how the properties of the UltraDesktopAlert component can be used to customize the appearance and behavior of all desktop alert windows displayed by the component:

For an overview of how to handle events in Visual Basic or Visual C#, see Event Handlers in Visual Basic and Visual C#. For specific information and code examples illustrating how to consume events in your application, see Consuming Events in the .NET Framework Developer's Guide.

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.Misc

    Private Sub button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button2.Click
        '  Make sure there are no desktop alert windows currently
        '  open before proceeding
        If (Me.desktopAlert.HasOpenWindows) Then Return

        '  Set the Opacity property to 90% opacity, to make the
        '  desktop alert window a little more noticable than it is with
        '  the default (80% opacity).
        Me.desktopAlert.Opacity = 0.9F

        '  Use the animation related properties to make the desktop alert
        '  window appear to fade into view, as well as scroll from the left
        '  edge of the screen towards the right. Use an animation speed of
        '  medium so the scrolling does not appear sluggish.
        Me.desktopAlert.AnimationSpeed = AnimationSpeed.Medium
        Me.desktopAlert.AnimationStyleShow = AnimationStyle.FadeAndScroll
        Me.desktopAlert.AnimationStyleAutoClose = AnimationStyle.FadeAndScroll
        Me.desktopAlert.AnimationScrollDirectionShow = AnimationScrollDirection.LeftToRight
        Me.desktopAlert.AnimationScrollDirectionAutoClose = AnimationScrollDirection.RightToLeft

        '  Disallow moving the desktop alert window, and prevent
        '  multiple alerts from appearing.
        Me.desktopAlert.AllowMove = DefaultableBoolean.False
        Me.desktopAlert.MultipleWindowDisplayStyle = MultipleWindowDisplayStyle.None

        '  Set AutoClose to true, and set AutoCloseDelay to a relatively
        '  high value so that the end user has enough time to notice the alert.
        Me.desktopAlert.AutoClose = DefaultableBoolean.True
        Me.desktopAlert.AutoCloseDelay = 30000

        '  Make the main image appear a bit larger than the default size,
        '  and the button images appear smaller.
        Me.desktopAlert.ImageSize = New Size(48, 48)
        Me.desktopAlert.ButtonImageSize = New Size(12, 12)

        '  Use the button appearances and the ButtonStyle property to
        '  change the visual appearance of the buttons.
        Me.desktopAlert.ButtonStyle = UIElementButtonStyle.PopupSoftBorderless

        Dim office2007Colors As Office2007ColorTable = Office2007ColorTable.Colors
        Dim normalButtonAppearance As New Infragistics.Win.Appearance()
        normalButtonAppearance.BackColor = office2007Colors.ToolbarGradientLight
        normalButtonAppearance.BackColor2 = office2007Colors.ToolbarGradientDark
        normalButtonAppearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.GlassTop37Bright

        '  Note that the ForeColor of the button appearances is used to render
        '  the dropdown button's arrow indicator and the close button's "x".
        normalButtonAppearance.ForeColor = office2007Colors.ToolbarUnderline

        Dim hotTrackButtonAppearance As New Infragistics.Win.Appearance()
        hotTrackButtonAppearance.BackColor = office2007Colors.HighlightPressedGradientLight
        hotTrackButtonAppearance.BackColor2 = office2007Colors.HighlightPressedGradientDark
        hotTrackButtonAppearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.GlassBottom37Bright

        Dim pressedButtonAppearance As New Infragistics.Win.Appearance()
        pressedButtonAppearance.BackColor = office2007Colors.HighlightPressedGradientDark
        pressedButtonAppearance.BackColor2 = office2007Colors.HighlightPressedGradientLight
        pressedButtonAppearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.GlassTop37Bright

        Me.desktopAlert.ButtonAppearance = normalButtonAppearance
        Me.desktopAlert.ButtonHotTrackAppearance = hotTrackButtonAppearance
        Me.desktopAlert.ButtonPressedAppearance = pressedButtonAppearance

        '  Make the dropdown button visible, and hook the DropDownButtonClicked
        '  event so we can handle clicks on the button. Also, handle the
        '  DesktopAlertClosing event so we can keep the window open when the
        '  ContextMenu is visible
        Me.desktopAlert.DropDownButtonVisible = DefaultableBoolean.True
        AddHandler Me.desktopAlert.DropDownButtonClicked, AddressOf Me.OnDropDownButtonClicked
        AddHandler Me.desktopAlert.DesktopAlertClosing, AddressOf Me.OnDesktopAlertClosing

        '  Create a ContextMenu which we will display when the dropdown
        '  button is clicked.
        Me._contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Cut", AddressOf Me.OnMenuItemClick))
        Me._contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Copy", AddressOf Me.OnMenuItemClick))
        Me._contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Paste", AddressOf Me.OnMenuItemClick))

        '  Add some alert buttons, which appear alongside the bottom edge
        '  of the desktop alert window. Hook the AlertButtonClicked event
        '  so we can handle clicks on the buttons.
        Dim closeButton As UltraDesktopAlertButton = Me.desktopAlert.AlertButtons.Add("close")
        closeButton.Appearance.Image = New Icon("C:\Icons\Close.ico").ToBitmap()
        closeButton.ToolTipText = "Close the application"

        Dim viewButton As UltraDesktopAlertButton = Me.desktopAlert.AlertButtons.Add("view")
        viewButton.Appearance.Image = New Icon("C:\Icons\View.ico").ToBitmap()
        viewButton.ToolTipText = "Refresh the view"

        AddHandler Me.desktopAlert.AlertButtonClicked, AddressOf Me.OnAlertButtonClicked
    End Sub
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.Misc;
using System.Diagnostics;

    private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //  Make sure there are no desktop alert windows currently
        //  open before proceeding
        if ( this.desktopAlert.HasOpenWindows )

        //  Set the Opacity property to 90% opacity, to make the
        //  desktop alert window a little more noticable than it is with
        //  the default (80% opacity).
        this.desktopAlert.Opacity = .9f;

        //  Use the animation related properties to make the desktop alert
        //  window appear to fade into view, as well as scroll from the left
        //  edge of the screen towards the right. Use an animation speed of
        //  medium so the scrolling does not appear sluggish.
        this.desktopAlert.AnimationSpeed = AnimationSpeed.Medium;
        this.desktopAlert.AnimationStyleShow = AnimationStyle.FadeAndScroll;
        this.desktopAlert.AnimationStyleAutoClose = AnimationStyle.FadeAndScroll;
        this.desktopAlert.AnimationScrollDirectionShow = AnimationScrollDirection.LeftToRight;
        this.desktopAlert.AnimationScrollDirectionAutoClose = AnimationScrollDirection.RightToLeft;
        //  Disallow moving the desktop alert window, and prevent
        //  multiple alerts from appearing.
        this.desktopAlert.AllowMove = DefaultableBoolean.False;
        this.desktopAlert.MultipleWindowDisplayStyle = MultipleWindowDisplayStyle.None;

        //  Set AutoClose to true, and set AutoCloseDelay to a relatively
        //  high value so that the end user has enough time to notice the alert.
        this.desktopAlert.AutoClose = DefaultableBoolean.True;
        this.desktopAlert.AutoCloseDelay = 30000;

        //  Make the main image appear a bit larger than the default size,
        //  and the button images appear smaller.
        this.desktopAlert.ImageSize = new Size( 48, 48 );
        this.desktopAlert.ButtonImageSize = new Size( 12, 12 );

        //  Use the button appearances and the ButtonStyle property to
        //  change the visual appearance of the buttons.
        this.desktopAlert.ButtonStyle = UIElementButtonStyle.PopupSoftBorderless;

        Office2007ColorTable office2007Colors = Office2007ColorTable.Colors;
        Infragistics.Win.Appearance normalButtonAppearance = new Infragistics.Win.Appearance();
        normalButtonAppearance.BackColor = office2007Colors.ToolbarGradientLight;
        normalButtonAppearance.BackColor2 = office2007Colors.ToolbarGradientDark;
        normalButtonAppearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.GlassTop37Bright;

        //  Note that the ForeColor of the button appearances is used to render
        //  the dropdown button's arrow indicator and the close button's "x".
        normalButtonAppearance.ForeColor = office2007Colors.ToolbarUnderline;

        Infragistics.Win.Appearance hotTrackButtonAppearance = new Infragistics.Win.Appearance();
        hotTrackButtonAppearance.BackColor = office2007Colors.HighlightPressedGradientLight;
        hotTrackButtonAppearance.BackColor2 = office2007Colors.HighlightPressedGradientDark;
        hotTrackButtonAppearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.GlassBottom37Bright;

        Infragistics.Win.Appearance pressedButtonAppearance = new Infragistics.Win.Appearance();
        pressedButtonAppearance.BackColor = office2007Colors.HighlightPressedGradientDark;
        pressedButtonAppearance.BackColor2 = office2007Colors.HighlightPressedGradientLight;
        pressedButtonAppearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.GlassTop37Bright;

        this.desktopAlert.ButtonAppearance = normalButtonAppearance;
        this.desktopAlert.ButtonHotTrackAppearance = hotTrackButtonAppearance;
        this.desktopAlert.ButtonPressedAppearance = pressedButtonAppearance;

        //  Make the dropdown button visible, and hook the DropDownButtonClicked
        //  event so we can handle clicks on the button. Also, handle the
        //  DesktopAlertClosing event so we can keep the window open when the
        //  ContextMenu is visible
        this.desktopAlert.DropDownButtonVisible = DefaultableBoolean.True;
        this.desktopAlert.DropDownButtonClicked += new DropDownButtonClickedHandler(this.OnDropDownButtonClicked);
        this.desktopAlert.DesktopAlertClosing += new DesktopAlertClosingHandler(this.OnDesktopAlertClosing);

        //  Create a ContextMenu which we will display when the dropdown
        //  button is clicked.
        EventHandler clickHandler = new EventHandler( this.OnMenuItemClick );
        this.contextMenu.MenuItems.Add( new MenuItem( "Cut", clickHandler ) );
        this.contextMenu.MenuItems.Add( new MenuItem( "Copy", clickHandler ) );
        this.contextMenu.MenuItems.Add( new MenuItem( "Paste", clickHandler ) );

        //  Add some alert buttons, which appear alongside the bottom edge
        //  of the desktop alert window. Hook the AlertButtonClicked event
        //  so we can handle clicks on the buttons.
        UltraDesktopAlertButton closeButton = this.desktopAlert.AlertButtons.Add( "close" );
        closeButton.Appearance.Image = new Icon( @"C:\Icons\Close.ico" ).ToBitmap();
        closeButton.ToolTipText = "Close the application";

        UltraDesktopAlertButton viewButton = this.desktopAlert.AlertButtons.Add( "view" );
        viewButton.Appearance.Image = new Icon( @"C:\Icons\View.ico" ).ToBitmap();
        viewButton.ToolTipText = "Refresh the view";

        this.desktopAlert.AlertButtonClicked += new AlertButtonClickedHandler(this.OnAlertButtonClicked);

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also