
UIElement Property (UltraNavigationBarActionButton)

Returns the ActionButtonUIElement which represents this UltraNavigationBarActionButton instance in the user interface.
Public ReadOnly Property UIElement As ActionButtonUIElement
public ActionButtonUIElement UIElement {get;}
The following code sample demonstrates how to use the UIElement property of the UltraNavigationBar, UltraNavigationBarLocation, and UltraNavigationBarActionButton classes for hit testing:

Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.Misc
Imports Infragistics.Win.Misc.UltraWinNavigationBar

    Private Function NavigationBarLocationFromPoint(ByVal navigationBar As UltraNavigationBar, ByVal point As Point) As UltraNavigationBarLocation

        '  Throw an exception if the caller specified a null control reference.
        If navigationBar Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("navigationBar")

        '  Get the control's UIElement.
        Dim controlElement As UIElement = navigationBar.UIElement

        '  Get the lowest-level UIElement at the specified point
        Dim locationElement As LocationUIElement = Nothing
        Dim elementAtPoint As UIElement = controlElement.ElementFromPoint(point)

        While (Not elementAtPoint Is Nothing)

            If elementAtPoint.GetType() Is GetType(LocationUIElement) Then
                locationElement = elementAtPoint
                Exit While
            End If

            elementAtPoint = elementAtPoint.Parent
        End While

        Return locationElement.Location
    End Function

    Private Function GetBounds(ByVal location As UltraNavigationBarLocation, ByVal screen As Boolean) As Rectangle

        '  Throw an exception if the caller specified a null location.
        If location Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("location")

        '  Return an empty rectangle if the Visible or VisibleResolved property
        '  is set to false. Note that we check Visible first because VisibleResolved
        '  must walk up the location's ancestor chain, which could potentially be
        '  expensive.
        If location.Visible = False Or location.VisibleResolved = False Then Return Rectangle.Empty

        '  Get the location's UIElement, and its bounds
        Dim locationElement As UIElement = location.UIElement
        Dim retVal As Rectangle = Rectangle.Empty
        If Not locationElement Is Nothing Then retVal = locationElement.Rect

        '  If the caller specified that we should convert to screen coordinates, convert
        If screen AndAlso retVal.IsEmpty = False Then
            Dim navigationBar As UltraNavigationBar = location.NavigationBar
            If Not navigationBar Is Nothing Then retVal = navigationBar.RectangleToScreen(retVal) Else retVal = Rectangle.Empty
        End If

        Return retVal

    End Function

    Private Function NavigationBarActionButtonFromPoint(ByVal navigationBar As UltraNavigationBar, ByVal point As Point) As UltraNavigationBarActionButton

        '  Throw an exception if the caller specified a null control reference.
        If navigationBar Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("navigationBar")

        '  Get the control's UIElement.
        Dim controlElement As UIElement = navigationBar.UIElement

        '  Get the lowest-level UIElement at the specified point
        Dim actionButtonElement As ActionButtonUIElement = Nothing
        Dim elementAtPoint As UIElement = controlElement.ElementFromPoint(point)

        While (Not elementAtPoint Is Nothing)

            If elementAtPoint.GetType() Is GetType(ActionButtonUIElement) Then
                actionButtonElement = elementAtPoint
                Exit While
            End If

            elementAtPoint = elementAtPoint.Parent
        End While

        Return actionButtonElement.ActionButton
    End Function

    Private Function GetBounds(ByVal actionButton As UltraNavigationBarActionButton, ByVal screen As Boolean) As Rectangle

        '  Throw an exception if the caller specified a null actionButton.
        If actionButton Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("actionButton")

        '  Return an empty rectangle if the Visible property is set to false.
        If actionButton.Visible = False Then Return Rectangle.Empty

        '  Get the actionButton's UIElement, and its bounds
        Dim actionButtonElement As UIElement = actionButton.UIElement
        Dim retVal As Rectangle = Rectangle.Empty
        If Not actionButtonElement Is Nothing Then retVal = actionButtonElement.Rect

        '  If the caller specified that we should convert to screen coordinates, convert
        If screen AndAlso retVal.IsEmpty = False Then
            Dim navigationBar As UltraNavigationBar = actionButton.NavigationBar
            If Not navigationBar Is Nothing Then retVal = navigationBar.RectangleToScreen(retVal) Else retVal = Rectangle.Empty
        End If

        Return retVal

    End Function
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.Misc;
using Infragistics.Win.Misc.UltraWinNavigationBar;

    //  Returns the UltraNavigationBarLocation instance at the specified point
    //  (expressed in client coordinates), or null if none is found.
    private UltraNavigationBarLocation NavigationBarLocationFromPoint( UltraNavigationBar navigationBar, Point point )
        //  Throw an exception if the caller specified a null control reference.
        if ( navigationBar == null )
            throw new ArgumentNullException("navigationBar");

        //  Get the control's UIElement.
        UIElement controlElement = navigationBar.UIElement;

        //  Get the lowest-level UIElement at the specified point
        LocationUIElement locationElement = null;
        UIElement elementAtPoint = controlElement.ElementFromPoint( point );

        while ( elementAtPoint != null )
            locationElement = elementAtPoint as LocationUIElement;
            if ( locationElement != null )

            elementAtPoint = elementAtPoint.Parent;
        return locationElement.Location;

    //  Returns the bounds of the specified UltraNavigationBarLocation instance,
    //  optionally expressed in screen coordinates, or Rectangle.Empty if the
    //  specified location is currently off screen.
    private Rectangle GetBounds( UltraNavigationBarLocation location, bool screen )
        //  Throw an exception if the caller specified a null location.
        if ( location == null )
            throw new ArgumentNullException("location");

        //  Return an empty rectangle if the Visible or VisibleResolved property
        //  is set to false. Note that we check Visible first because VisibleResolved
        //  must walk up the location's ancestor chain, which could potentially be
        //  expensive.
        if ( location.Visible == false || location.VisibleResolved == false )
            return Rectangle.Empty;

        //  Get the location's UIElement, and its bounds
        UIElement locationElement = location.UIElement;
        Rectangle retVal = locationElement != null ? locationElement.Rect : Rectangle.Empty;

        //  If the caller specified that we should convert to screen coordinates, convert
        if ( screen && retVal.IsEmpty == false )
            UltraNavigationBar navigationBar = location.NavigationBar;
            retVal = navigationBar != null ? navigationBar.RectangleToScreen(retVal) : Rectangle.Empty;
        return retVal;

    //  Returns the UltraNavigationBarActionButton instance at the specified point
    //  (expressed in client coordinates), or null if none is found.
    private UltraNavigationBarActionButton NavigationBarActionButtonFromPoint( UltraNavigationBar navigationBar, Point point )
        //  Throw an exception if the caller specified a null control reference.
        if ( navigationBar == null )
            throw new ArgumentNullException("navigationBar");

        //  Get the control's UIElement.
        UIElement controlElement = navigationBar.UIElement;

        //  Get the lowest-level UIElement at the specified point
        ActionButtonUIElement actionButtonElement = null;
        UIElement elementAtPoint = controlElement.ElementFromPoint( point );

        while ( elementAtPoint != null )
            actionButtonElement = elementAtPoint as ActionButtonUIElement;
            if ( actionButtonElement != null )

            elementAtPoint = elementAtPoint.Parent;
        return actionButtonElement.ActionButton;

    //  Returns the bounds of the specified UltraNavigationBarActionButton instance,
    //  optionally expressed in screen coordinates, or Rectangle.Empty if the
    //  specified actionButton is currently off screen.
    private Rectangle GetBounds( UltraNavigationBarActionButton actionButton, bool screen )
        //  Throw an exception if the caller specified a null actionButton.
        if ( actionButton == null )
            throw new ArgumentNullException("actionButton");

        //  Return an empty rectangle if the Visible property is set to false.
        if ( actionButton.Visible == false )
            return Rectangle.Empty;

        //  Get the actionButton's UIElement, and its bounds
        UIElement actionButtonElement = actionButton.UIElement;
        Rectangle retVal = actionButtonElement != null ? actionButtonElement.Rect : Rectangle.Empty;

        //  If the caller specified that we should convert to screen coordinates, convert
        if ( screen && retVal.IsEmpty == false )
            UltraNavigationBar navigationBar = actionButton.NavigationBar;
            retVal = navigationBar != null ? navigationBar.RectangleToScreen(retVal) : Rectangle.Empty;
        return retVal;

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also