
ConditionRow Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ConditionRow.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorConditionRow ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyConditionReturns the Infragistics.Win.ICondition associated with the row.  
Public PropertyDataValueGets/sets the value associated with the condition.  
Public PropertyIsCaseSensitiveGets/sets whether the condition is case-sensitive.  
Public PropertyIsComplementGets/sets whether the condition returned should be a Infragistics.Win.ComplementCondition.  
Public PropertyOperatorGets/sets the Infragistics.Win.ConditionOperator associated with the condition.  
Public Methods
Public MethodIsValidReturns false for this base class implementation. Wil be overridden in derived classes.  
See Also