For a list of all members of this type, see Axis3D members.
Name | Description | |
axisLineEnd | Axis line end point | |
axisLineStart | Axis line start point | |
axisSpan | Axis span | |
ChartColorModel | Gets/Sets Color model for this layer (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.Layer) | |
ChartComponent | Gets or Sets the UltraChart control for which this layer is being applied. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.Layer) | |
ChartCore | Gets or Sets the Chart Core, through which many members relevant to the chart's current context can be accessed. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.Layer) | |
ChartData | Sets and gets the IChartData (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.Layer) | |
dataMax | Maximum data value passed to this layer. | |
dataMin | Minimum data value passed to this layer. | |
DateDataColumn | Date data column index. | |
DateInterval | Date Interval (for Date Axis). | |
DateSkipN | Dates-To-Skip number. | |
drawingStyle | Drawing style. | |
endDate | End Date (for Date Axis). | |
Exponent_max | Gets/Sets the Logarithmic Exponent Maximum for the Axis. | |
Exponent_min | Gets/Sets the Logarithmic Exponent Minimum for the Axis. | |
Exponent_Range | Gets the Logarithmic Exponent Range for the Axis. | |
ExponentWindowMax | Gets the Logarithmic Exponent Window Maximum for the axis. | |
ExponentWindowMin | Gets the Logarithmic Exponent Window Minimum for the axis. | |
ExponentWindowRange | Gets the Logarithmic Exponent Window Range for the axis. | |
Grid | Gets and Sets the grid axes used by this layer. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.Layer) | |
HasEmptyValues | Whether or not this layer contains values which should be represented as empty. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.ChartLayer) | |
InsetCount | Inset Count. | |
inter_series_spacing | Inter Series Spacing. | |
InterBarSpacing | Spacing between items. | |
interItemSpacing | Inter Item Spacing. | |
InterSeriesSpacing | Spacing between series. | |
IntervalPercentageTotal | Interval percentage total. | |
IntervalPercentageWindow | Interval percentage window. | |
ItemCount | Item Count. | |
itemLabelFormat | Item Label Format. | |
labelArray | Array of labels used by this axis. | |
labelFormat | Format of labels on this axis. | |
labelStyle | LabelStyle used by this axis. | |
LayerID | Sets and gets the ID to be used in the Hashtable (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.Layer) | |
lineColor | Line color used by this axis. | |
lineStyle | LineStyle used by this axis. | |
lineThickness | Stroke width for the axis line. | |
LogBase | Gets the Log Base for the Axis. | |
majorGridLineColor | Major Grid Line Color. | |
majorGridLineStyle | Major Grid Line Style. | |
majorGridLineThickness | Major Grid Line Thickness. | |
MajorLabelStyle | LabelStyle used for axis labels at major intervals. | |
majorTickWidth | Major tick width | |
MapMaximum | Gets/Sets the Map Maximum location for the Axis. | |
MapMinimum | Gets/Sets the Map Minimum location for the Axis. | |
MapRange | Gets the Map range for the Axis. | |
Maximum | Gets/Sets the Maximum value for the Axis. | |
Minimum | Gets/Sets the Minimum value for the Axis. | |
minorGridLineColor | Minor Grid Line Color. | |
minorGridLineStyle | Minor Grid Line Style. | |
minorGridLineThickness | Minor Grid Line Thickness. | |
minorTickWidth | Minor tick width | |
OuterBound | Gets or Sets the Outer Bounds available in the current layer. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.Layer) | |
Path | A string representation of the location of this layer. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.Layer) | |
RangeMax | Gets/Sets the Range Maximum for the Axis. | |
RangeMin | Gets/Sets the Range Minimum for the Axis. | |
RangeRange | Gets the Range Size for the Axis. | |
RangeType | Gets/Sets the RangeType for the Axis. | |
RulerType | Gets/Sets the Numeric Type for the Axis. | |
Scale | Gets/Sets the Scale factor for the Axis, which determines the fraction of the Axis which is visible at one time. | |
Scroll | Gets/Sets the Scroll factor for the Axis, which determines the scrolled location between the Axis Minimum and Maximum. | |
seriesLabelFormat | Series Label Format. | |
seriesLabelStyle | LabelStyle used for series labels on this axis. | |
span_1 | Span location 1 | |
span_2 | Span location 2 | |
spanEnd1 | Span end location | |
spanStart1 | Span start location | |
Stacked | Indicates whether the chart type is in a stacked configuration. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.ChartLayer) | |
stackIt | Field which determines whether or not the axis is for a stacked chart type. | |
stackStyle | Field which determines the stacked style of this axis, if it is stacked. | |
startDate | Start Date (for Date Axis). | |
strLabels | Labels array | |
tickInterval | Tick Interval. | |
tickPercentage | Tick Percentage. | |
TotalRange | Gets the Range for this Axis. | |
Visible | Gets/Sets whether or not the layer is visible. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.Layer) | |
WindowInterval | Window interval. | |
WindowMaximum | Gets/Sets the Maximum value for the Window on this Axis. | |
WindowMinimum | Gets/Sets the Minimum value for the Window on this Axis. | |
WindowRange | Gets the Range for the Window on this Axis. | |
Zero | Gets the Value of Zero for this Axis. |
Name | Description | |
axisNumber | Represents which axis is represented: X, Y, X2, Y2, etc... | |
LogNegativeHandling | ||
LogZero | ||
NullHandling | Determines how nulls are handled in this chart layer. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Layers.ChartLayer) | |
widthOrHeight | Width or height |