For a list of all members of this type, see DefaultConstants members.
Name | Description | |
D_AreaChartDrawStyle | Default value of AreaChartDrawStyle | |
D_AreaChartEndStyle | Default value of AreaChartEndStyle | |
D_AreaChartLineThickness | Default value of AreaChartLineThickness | |
D_AreaChartMidPointAnchors | Default value of AreaChartMidPointAnchors | |
D_AreaChartStartStyle | Default value of AreaChartStartStyle | |
D_AxisExtent | Default value of AxisExtent | |
D_AxisExtentMax | Default value of AxisExtentMax | |
D_AxisLabelFormat | Default value of AxisLabelFormat | |
D_AxisLabelFormatData | Default value of AxisLabelFormatData | |
D_AxisLabelFormatItem | Default value of AxisLabelFormatItem | |
D_AxisLabelFormatItemData | Default value of AxisLabelFormatItemData | |
D_AxisLabelFormatLinear | Default value of AxisLabelFormatLinear | |
D_AxisLabelFormatSeries | Default value of AxisLabelFormatSeries | |
D_AxisLabelFormatSet | Default value of AxisLabelFormatSet | |
D_AxisLabelItemFormat | Default value of AxisLabelItemFormat | |
D_AxisLabelSeriesFormat | Default value of AxisLabelSeriesFormat | |
D_AxisLabelVisible | Default value of AxisLabelVisible | |
D_AxisMajorGridLineVisible | Default value of AxisMajorGridLineVisible | |
D_AxisMinorGridLineVisible | Default value of AxisMinorGridLineVisible | |
D_AxisThickness | Default value of AxisThickness | |
D_AxisTickDistanceDefaultPercentage | Default value of AxisTickDistanceDefaultPercentage | |
D_AxisTickInterval | Default value of AxisTickInterval | |
D_AxisTickStyle | Default value of AxisTickStyle | |
D_AxisVisible | Default value of AxisVisible | |
D_BackImageFitStyle | Default value of BackImageFitStyle | |
D_BarColumnInterSpacing | Default value of BarColumnInterSpacing | |
D_BarColumnInterSpacingMax | Default value of BarColumnInterSpacingMax | |
D_BarColumnSeriesSpacing | Default value of BarColumnSeriesSpacing | |
D_BarColumnSeriesSpacingMax | Default value of BarColumnSeriesSpacingMax | |
D_BorderDrawStyle | Default value of BorderDrawStyle | |
D_BorderRaised | Default value of BorderRaised. | |
D_BorderThickness | Default value of BorderThickness | |
D_BottomTitleHeight | Default value of BottomTitleHeight | |
D_BottomTitleOrientation | Default value of BottomTitleOrientation | |
D_BottomTitleVisible | Default value of BottomTitleVisible | |
D_BubbleChartColorCueColumn | Default value of BubbleChartColorCueColumn | |
D_BubbleChartColumnR | Default value of BubbleChartColumnR | |
D_BubbleChartColumnX | Default value of BubbleChartColumnX | |
D_BubbleChartColumnY | Default value of BubbleChartColumnY | |
D_BubbleChartColumnZ | Default value of BubbleChartColumnZ | |
D_BubbleChartSortByRadius | Default value of SortByRadius | |
D_BubbleDefaultBubbleShape | Default value of BubbleShape | |
D_CandleAxisLabelDateFormatItem | Default value of CandleAxisLabelDateFormatItem | |
D_CandleHighLow | Default value of CandleHighLow | |
D_CandleLineThickness | Default value of CandleLineThickness | |
D_CandleOpenClose | Default value of CandleOpenClose | |
D_CandleShowVolume | Default value of CandleShowVolume | |
D_CandleSkipN | Default value of CandleSkipN | |
D_ChartTextPositionFromRadius | Default value of ChartTextPositionFromRadius. | |
D_ChartType | Default value of ChartType | |
D_ColorAlpha | Default value of ColorAlpha | |
D_ColorGrayscale | Default value of ColorGrayscale | |
D_ColorModel | Default value of ColorModel | |
D_ColorScaling | Default value of ColorScaling | |
D_ColumnIndexMax | Default value of ColumnIndexMax | |
D_CornerRadius | Default value of CornerRadius for Chart Control border. | |
D_CornerRadiusLegend | Default value of CornerRadius for Legend border. | |
D_DataMember | Default value of DataMember | |
D_DataRowLabelsColumn | Default value of DataRowLabelsColumn | |
D_DataSwapRowsAndColumns | Default value of DataSwapRowsAndColumns | |
D_DataUseRowLabels | Default value of DataUseRowLabels | |
D_DataZeroAligned | Default value of DataZeroAligned | |
D_DateRulerGenre | Default value of JavaScriptFileName, for web chart | |
D_DoughnutChartInnerRadius | Default value of inner radius of Doughnut chart | |
D_EnableFadingEffect | Default value of JavaScriptFileName, for web chart | |
D_Grid3DPlaneAlphaValue | Default value of Grid3DPlaneAlphaValue | |
D_HeatMapRenderQuality | Default value of HeatMapRenderQuality | |
D_LeftTitleOrientation | Default value of LeftTitleOrientation | |
D_LeftTitleVisible | Default value of LeftTitleVisible | |
D_LeftTitleWidth | Default value of LeftTitleWidth | |
D_LegendBorderThickness | Default value of LegendBorderThickness | |
D_LegendDrawStyle | Default value of LegendDrawStyle | |
D_LegendFontSizeBestFit | Default value of LegendFontSizeBestFit | |
D_LegendFormatString | Default value of LegendFormatString | |
D_LegendLocation | Default value of LegendLocation | |
D_LegendSpanPercent | Default value of LegendSpanPercent | |
D_LegendVisible | Default value of LegendVisible | |
D_LineChartDrawStyle | Default value of LineChartDrawStyle | |
D_LineChartEndStyle | Default value of LineChartEndStyle | |
D_LineChartHightLightLines | Default value of HightLightLines | |
D_LineChartLineThickness | Default value of LineChartLineThickness | |
D_LineChartMidPointAnchors | Default value of LineChartMidPointAnchors | |
D_LineChartStartStyle | Default value of LineChartStartStyle | |
D_LineDrawStyle | Default value of LineDrawStyle | |
D_LineEndStyle | Default value of LineEndStyle | |
D_LineLineThickness | Default value of LineLineThickness | |
D_LineLineThicknessMax | Default value of LineLineThicknessMax | |
D_LineMidPointAnchors | Default value of LineMidPointAnchors | |
D_LineStartStyle | Default value of LineStartStyle | |
D_MarginsMax | Default value of MarginsMax | |
D_MovingAverageHingeColumn | Default value of MovingAverageHingeColumn | |
D_MovingAverageLineThickness | Default value of MovingAverageLineThickness | |
D_MovingAverageNPointAvg | Default value of MovingAverageNPointAvg | |
D_NullHandler | Default way to handle NULL data. | |
D_PieChartBreakAllSlices | Default value of PieChartBreakAllSlices. | |
D_PieChartBreakAlternatingSlices | Default value of PieChartBreakAlternatingSlices. | |
D_PieChartBreakDistancePercentage | Default value of PieChartBreakDistancePercentage. | |
D_PieChartBreakOthersSlice | Default value of PieChartBreakOthersSlice. | |
D_PieChartDataColIndex | Default value of PieChartDataColIndex. | |
D_PieChartLabelBorderDrawStyle | Default value of PieChartLabelBorderDrawStyle. | |
D_PieChartLabelBorderThickness | Default value of PieChartLabelBorderThickness. | |
D_PieChartLabelDataValue | Default value of PieChartLabelDataValue. | |
D_PieChartLabelFormat | Default value of PieChartLabelFormat. | |
D_PieChartLabelItemLabel | Default value of PieChartLabelItemLabel. | |
D_PieChartLabelLabelandPercent | Default value of PieChartLabelLabelandPercent. | |
D_PieChartLabelPercentValue | Default value of PieChartLabelPercentValue. | |
D_PieChartLeaderLines | Default value of PieChartLeaderLines. | |
D_PieChartLeaderLineThickness | Default value of PieChartLeaderLineThickness. | |
D_PieChartOthersCategoryPercent | Default value of PieChartOthersCategoryPercent. | |
D_PieChartOthersCategoryText | Default value of PieChartOthersCategoryText | |
D_PieChartStartAngle | Default value of PieChartStartAngle. | |
D_PieThickness | Default value of PieThickness. | |
D_PipedImageNoCache | Default value of PipedImageNoCache | |
D_PipedImageType | Default value of PipedImageType | |
D_PointChart3DSymbolIcon | Default value of PointChart3DSymbolIcon | |
D_PolarColumnX | Default value of PolarChartColumnX | |
D_PolarColumnY | Default value of PolarChartColumnY | |
D_Polyline_Resolution | Default value for the Infragistics.UltraChart.Core.Primitives.Polyline Resolution | |
D_RadarColorFill | Default value of Radar Radial Axis' Visibility | |
D_RadarDataLineEndStyle | Default value of Lines End Cap Style | |
D_RadarDataLineStyle | Default value of Data Lines Style | |
D_RadarDataLineThickness | Default value of Data Lines Thickness | |
D_RadarMidPoints | Default value whether mid-point anchors are to be shown or not. | |
D_RadarShowGridLine | Default value of Radar Grid's Visibility | |
D_RandomSeed | Default value for randomly-generated demonstration data for display at design-time. | |
D_RightTitleOrientation | Default value of RightTitleOrientation | |
D_RightTitleVisible | Default value of RightTitleVisible | |
D_RightTitleWidth | Default value of RightTitleWidth | |
D_ScatterChartColumnX | Default value of ScatterChartColumnX | |
D_ScatterChartColumnY | Default value of ScatterChartColumnY | |
D_ScatterChartConnectWithLines | Default value of ConnectWithLines | |
D_ScatterChartGroupByColumn | Default value of ScatterChartGroupByColumn | |
D_ScatterChartSymbol | Default value of ScatterChartSymbol | |
D_ScatterChartSymbolIcon | Default value of ScatterChartSymbolIcon | |
D_ScatterChartSymbolIconSize | Default value of ScatterChartSymbolIconSize | |
D_ScatterChartUseGroupByColumn | Default value of ScatterChartUseGroupByColumn | |
D_SeriesLabelFormat | Default value of SeriesLabelFormat | |
D_SplineChartSplineTension | Default value of Spline Tension of Spline chart | |
D_StackStyle | Default stacking style for Bar/Column 2D/3D charts. | |
D_StripLineGradient | Default value of Gradient of Color of StripLine | |
D_StripLineInterval | Default value of Interval of StripLine | |
D_StripLineStrokeOpacity | Default value of Stroke Opacity of StripLine | |
D_StripLineStrokeWidth | Default value of StrokeWidth of StripLine | |
D_StripLineVisibility | Default value of StripLine Visibility | |
D_TextClipText | Default value of TextClipText | |
D_TextFontSizeBestFit | Default value of TextFontSizeBestFit | |
D_TextHorizontalAlign | Default value of TextHorizontalAlign | |
D_TextOrientation | Default value of TextOrientation | |
D_TextRotationAngle | Default value of TextRotationAngle | |
D_TextVerticalAlign | Default value of TextVerticalAlign | |
D_TextWrapText | Default value of TextWrapText | |
D_TitleExtentMax | Default value of TitleExtentMax | |
D_TitleTextAlignment | Default value of TitleTextAlignment | |
D_TooltipAutoMouseClick | Default value of TooltipAutoMouseClick | |
D_TooltipAutoMouseMove | Default value of TooltipAutoMouseMove | |
D_TooltipFormat | Default value of TooltipFormat | |
D_TooltipFormatData | Default value of TooltipFormatData | |
D_TooltipFormatLabelPlusData | Default value of TooltipFormatLabelPlusData | |
D_TooltipFormatRowColumnPlusData | Default value of TooltipFormatRowColumnPlusData | |
D_TooltipHighlightData | Default value of TooltipHighlightData | |
D_TooltipOverflow | Default value of TooltipOverflow | |
D_TopTitleHeight | Default value of TopTitleHeight | |
D_TopTitleOrientation | Default value of TopTitleOrientation | |
D_TopTitleVisible | Default value of TopTitleVisible | |
D_ValueLabelFormat | Default value of ValueLabelFormat | |
D_View3DPerspective | Default value of View3DPerspective | |
D_View3DScale | Default value of View3DScale | |
D_View3DScaleDelta | Default value of View3DScaleDelta | |
D_View3DXrot | Default value of View3DXrot | |
D_View3DYrot | Default value of View3DYrot | |
D_View3DZrot | Default value of View3DZrot | |
D_ZeroLabelFormat | Default value of ZeroLabelFormat | |
DefAltFormatString | Default value for AltFormatString. | |
DefAltText | Default value for AltText. | |
DefAngleUnit | Default value of AngleUnit. | |
DefConnectWithLines | Default value of Polar connect with lines. | |
DefDescriptionLinkUrl | Default value for DescriptionLinkUrl. | |
DefEnableLabelFlipping | Default value of DefEnableLabelFlipping | |
DefFillArea | Default value of Polar Chart Fill Area. | |
DefFreeStandingAxis | Default value of Polar Free standing axis. | |
DefImageType | Default Image Type used for Chart Image. | |
DefLabelFlippingEndAngle | Default value of DefLabelFlippingEndAngle | |
DefLabelFlippingStartAngle | Default value of DefLabelFlippingStartAngle | |
DefLongDescUrl | Default value for LongDescUrl. | |
DefMarginType | Default margin type. | |
DefPieLabelVisible | Default value for PieChart.Labels.Visible | |
DefScrollBarImagesPrefix | Default value for ScrollBarImagesPrefix. | |
DefSection508Compliant | Default value for Section508Compliant. | |
DefShowLabels | Default value for ShowLabels. | |
DefSwapRowsAndColumns | Default value of swap rows and columns flag for chart layer. | |
DefTitleFormatString | Default value for TitleFormatString. | |
ENV_DATA_COLUMN | Default value of DATA_COLUMN | |
ENV_DATA_ROW | Default value of DATA_ROW | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE | Default value of DATA_VALUE | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_ACCUMULATED_ELEMENT | Default value of DATA_VALUE_ACCUMULATED_ELEMENT, required especially for the Stacked chart's individual elements | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_BOTTOMLEFT | Default value of DATA_VALUE_BOTTOMLEFT, required especially for left bottom point in heatmap charts | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_BOTTOMRIGHT | Default value of DATA_VALUE_BOTTOMRIGHT, required especially for leftt bottom point in heatmap charts | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_INNERLEFT | Default value of DATA_VALUE_INNERLEFT, required especially for left and inner side of a plane on an HeatMap 3D | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_INNERRIGHT | Default value of DATA_VALUE_INNERRIGHT, required especially for right and innner side of a plane on an HeatMap 3D | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_LEFT | Default value of DATA_VALUE_LEFT, required especially for left side value of a point on an Area Chart | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_OUTERLEFT | Default value of DATA_VALUE_OUTERLEFT, required especially for left and outer side of a plane on an HeatMap 3D | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_OUTERRIGHT | Default value of DATA_VALUE_OUTERRIGHT, required especially for right and outer side of a plane on an HeatMap 3D | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_RADIUS | Default value of DATA_VALUE_RADIUS, required especially for the RADIUS value on a bubble chart | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_RIGHT | Default value of DATA_VALUE_RIGHT, required especially for left side value of a point on an Area Chart | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_TOPLEFT | Default value of DATA_VALUE_TOPLEFT, required especially for left top point in heatmap charts | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_TOPRIGHT | Default value of DATA_VALUE_TOPRIGHT, required especially for right top point in heatmap charts | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_W | Default value of DATA_VALUE_W, required especially for the W value on a 3D Bubble chart | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_X | Default value of DATA_VALUE_X, required especially for the X value on a bubble and scatter chart | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_Y | Default value of DATA_VALUE_Y, required especially for the Y value on a bubble and scatter chart | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE_Z | Default value of DATA_VALUE_Z, required especially for the Z value on a 3D Point and 3D Bubble chart | |
ENV_DATA_VALUE2 | Default value of DATA_VALUE2, required especially for scatter charts | |
ENV_ITEM_LABEL | Default value of ITEM_LABEL | |
ENV_SERIES_LABEL | Default value of SERIES_LABEL | |
ENV_TODAY_DATE | Default value of TODAY_DATE | |
FormatSeperater | LabelFormatter seperator character | |
PieRadiusFactor | Default value for the PieRadiusFactor. | |
TagEnd | LabelFormatter Tag end character | |
TagStart | LabelFormatter Tag start character |