
Band Property (BandHeader)

Returns the UltraGridBand that the object belongs to, if any. This property is read-only at run-time. This property is not available at design-time.
Public Overrides NotOverridable ReadOnly Property Band As UltraGridBand
public override UltraGridBand Band {get;}

The Band property of an object refers to a specific band in the grid as defined by an UltraGridBand object. You use the Band property to access the properties of a specified UltraGridBand object, or to return a reference to the UltraGridBand object that is associated with the current object.

UltraGridBand objects are the foundation of the hierarchical data structure used by UltraWinGrid. Any row or cell in the grid must be accessed through its UltraGridBand object. Bands are also used to apply consistent formatting and behavior to the rows that they comprise. A UltraGridBand object is used to display all the data rows from a single level of a data hierarchy. UltraGridBand objects contain multiple sets of child UltraGridRow objects that actually display the data of the recordset. All of the rows that are drawn from a single Command in the DataEnvironment make up a band.

The rows of a band are generally displayed in groups of one more in order to show rows from subsequent bands that are linked to rows in the current band via the structure of the data hierarchy. For example, if a hierarchical recordset has Commands that display Customer, Order and Order Detail data, each one of these Commands maps to its own UltraGridBand in the UltraWinGrid. The rows in the Customer band will appear separated by any Order data rows that exist for the customers. By the same token, rows in the Order band will be appear separated to make room for Order Detail rows. How this looks depends on the ViewStyle settings selected for the grid, but the concept of visual separation is readily apparent when the UltraWinGrid is used with any hierarchical recordset.

Although the rows in a band may appear to be separated, they are treated contiguously. When selecting a column in a band, you will see that the cells of that column become selected in all rows for the band, regardless of any intervening rows. Also, it is possible to collapse the hierarchical display so that any children of the rows in the current band are hidden.


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also