For a list of all members of this type, see UltraGridBand members.
Name | Description | |
AddButtonCaption | Returns or sets the caption text of the Band's Add button. | |
AddButtonToolTipText | Returns or sets the text used as the Add button's tool tip | |
AutoPreviewEnabled | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the AutoPreview area will be displayed. | |
AutoPreviewField | Returns or sets the name of the field used to supply the text for the AutoPreview area. | |
AutoPreviewIndentation | Returns or sets the amount of horizontal indentation for a row's AutoPreview area. | |
AutoPreviewMaxLines | Returns or sets the maximum number of lines to be auto-previewed | |
BorderStyleHeaderResolved | Returns the resolved border style of the headers in this Band. | |
BorderStyleSummaryFooterCaptionResolved | Returns the resolved value, if the band's Override value is default it will call the Layout's BorderStyleSummaryFooterCaptionDefault property. | |
BorderStyleSummaryValueResolved | Returns the resolved value, if the band's Override value is default it will call the Layout's BorderStyleSummaryValueDefault property. | |
CardLabelWidthResolved | The width of the card label area | |
CardSettings | Returns a UltraGridCardSettings object that contains information specifying how the band will appear when in card view mode. | |
CardView | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the band is Card View mode. | |
CardWidthResolved | The width of a single card | |
ColHeaderLines | Returns or sets the number of lines to display for column headers. | |
ColHeadersVisible | Determines if column headers are visible. | |
ColumnFilters | Column filters for filtering all the rows in this band. NOTE: They will apply only if the UltraGridOverride.RowFilterMode is set to AllRowsInBand. | |
Columns | Returns the ColumnsCollection of UltraGridColumns that make up the band. This property is read-only. | |
Disposed | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject) | |
ExcludeFromColumnChooser | Forces the band to be excluded from the column chooser control. Default is resolved to False. | |
Expandable | Returns or sets a value that determines if the band is expandable. | |
FormulaRowIndexSourceResolved | Gets the resolved formula source index. | |
GroupHeaderLines | Returns or sets the number of lines of text to display for groups headers. | |
GroupHeadersVisible | Determines if group headers are visible. | |
Groups | Returns the GroupsCollection of UltraGridGroup objects that are present in the band. This property is read-only. | |
HasCardSettings | Returns true if a CardSettings object has been created. | |
HasOverride | Returns true if an Override object has been created. | |
HasSortedColumns | Returns true if there are any sorted columns in the band. | |
Header | Returns the associated BandHeader object which represents this band's header. | |
HeaderPlacementResolved | Returns the resolved header placement. | |
HeaderVisible | Determines if band headers are visible. | |
Hidden | Determines whether the object will be displayed. This property is not available at design-time. | |
HiddenResolved | Returns true if the Hidden property for this band is set to true or any of this band's ancestor bands have their hidden property set to true. | |
Indentation | Returns or sets a value that determines the amount of indenting used for this band. | |
IndentationGroupByRow | Gets/sets the number of pixels that the band's groupby rows will be offset. The default value is -1, which means that the grid will determine the offset. | |
IndentationGroupByRowExpansionIndicator | Gets/sets the number of pixels that the expansion indicators in the band's groupby rows will be offset. The default value is -1, which means that the grid will determine the offset. | |
IndentationGroupByRowResolved | Returns the resolved IndentationGroupByRow for this band. | |
Index | Number that specifies the band's position in the Bands collection.. | |
Key | Overridden. The internally assigned key value for the band. The Key property is read-only for the Band object. | |
Layout | Returns the associated UltraGridLayout object. | |
LevelCount | Returns or sets the number of levels that will be displayed for a single record. | |
MaxRows | Gets/sets the maximum number of rows allowed in the band. This value is inclusive. The default is practical infinity (Int32.MaxValue). | |
MinRows | Gets/sets the minimum number of rows allowed in the band. This value is inclusive. The default is 0. If an attempt is made to delete rows from a band and the remaining number of rows would be less than MinRows, the rows are not deleted and the UltraGrid.Error event will fire. | |
Override | Returns or sets the UltraGridOverride obejct that specifies the formatting and behavior of the band. | |
ParentBand | Returns the parent UltraGridBand object of the current band (if it is a child band) or Null for band 0. This property is read-only. | |
ParentColumn | Returns the UltraGridColumn object for the chaptered column in the current band's parent (if the current band is a child band) or Null for band 0. This property is read-only. | |
RowEditTemplate | Gets or sets the template used for editing rows in the band. | |
RowFilterActionResolved | Resolved RowFilterAction. | |
RowLayoutLabelPosition | Gets or sets the label position. Label position indicates the position of the column labels in the row layout mode. | |
RowLayoutLabelStyle | Gets or sets the row-layout label style. Row-layout label style specifies whether the column labels are shown in a separate area above the rows or with the cells in each row. Default is Separate. | |
RowLayouts | Returns an instance of RowLayoutsCollection to which you can add new RowLayout objects using method. | |
RowLayoutStyle | Enables row-layout functionality in the band. | |
RowSelectorHeaderStyleResolved | Returns the resolved value, if the band's Override value is default it will use the Layout's RowSelectorHeaderStyleDefault property. | |
RowSelectorWidthResolved | Returns the resolved row selector width. Returns 0 if the row selectors are not visible. | |
ScrollTipField | ScrollTipField specifies the key of the column contents of which UltraGrid will use to display the scroll tips. | |
SortedColumns | Returns the SortedColumnsCollection which contains all the UltraGridColumn objects that are currently being sorted in the band. | |
SortedIndex | Number that specifies the band's position in the SortedBands collection. | |
SpecialRowPromptField | Specifies the key of the column whose cell to position the special row prompts in. Default value is null which specifies that the prompt should not be positioned in any particular cell but rather it should be overlaid on the special row spanning multiple cells if necessary. | |
Summaries | A collection of SummarySettings objects. Use this collection to add new summaries as well as remove any existing summaries. | |
SummaryFooterCaption | Gets or sets summary footer caption substitution string. | |
Tag | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
TotalHeaderHeight | Returns the total height of all the headers. (Column headers, group headers and band header). If the headers are not visible, then it returns 0. | |
VisiblePosition | Determines the position of the band relative to its siblings. |
Name | Description | |
KeyLowercaseInterned | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
PrimaryCollection | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
SubObjectPropChangeHandler | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) |