
AutoFit Property

Returns or sets whether cards will be automatically increased in size to use all the width available in the card area.
Public Property AutoFit As Boolean
public bool AutoFit {get; set;}

When card view is used for a band, the cards that correpond to data records appear in a rectangular section of the grid called the card area. The horizontal size of the card area is determined by the number of cards being displayed, but it is also dependent on the visible size of the grid. The card area will always extend horizontally from its left origin to the right edge of the control. If there are more cards than can fit within the available area, a horizontal scroll bar appears.

Cards are arranged in the card area in one of three ways, depending on the setting of the UltraGridCardSettings object's Style property. However they are arranged, the number of cards that can fit within the visible card area is determined by the width of the cards themselves. (All cards share the same width.)

The AutoFit property specifies whether cards will expand to fill the card area based on their width. When AutoFit is True, the cards "snap" to specific size when being resized. The control calculates how many cards can fill the area and then divides their widths evenly, until the width is changed enough to alter the number of cards that will fit in the area.

For example, suppose you have a card view band that is displaying three "stacks" of cards, and has AutoFit set to True. The cards' width is set to take up one-third of the card area. Then, suppose click on the right edge of a card and begin reducing the width. At first, nothing will happen, as the width remains at one-third of the available card area width. However, as you pass a threshold point, the control will determine that four cards can be displayed in the card area, and the width of all cards will be changed to one-fourth of the card area's width. If you begin to widen the cards, four will be displayed horizontally until the threshold width is passed, when the display will snap to show three cards across.

If AutoFit is set to False, card width will not be automatically adjusted, and you will see blank parts of the card area where no cards are being displayed.

Following code illustrates how to use Card View feature in the UltraGrid. Following code turns on the card-view for the first band. All the descendants of that band will automatically get hidden.

Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid

  Private Sub Button18_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button18.Click

      ' Following code illustrates how to use Card View feature in the UltraGrid.
      ' Following code turns on the card-view for the first band. All the 
      ' descendants of that band will automatically get hidden.

      ' Get the band that you want in card-view.
      Dim band As UltraGridBand = Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0)

      ' Turn the card-view on for that band. All the descendants of that band 
      ' will automatically get hidden.
      band.CardView = True

      ' Optinally set the style to desired card-view style.
      band.CardSettings.Style = CardStyle.MergedLabels

      ' If desired, further customize the card-view's visual and behavioural aspects.

      ' Set the CaptionField to the key of the column value of which you want 
      ' displayed on captions of rows.
      band.CardSettings.CaptionField = "CustomerID"

      ' Whether to show the caption for each row or not.
      band.CardSettings.ShowCaption = True

      ' Set the LabelWidth to control the width of the label area which is the area
      ' where all the column headers are displayed.
      band.CardSettings.LabelWidth = 120

      ' Whether the user can resize width of the label area.
      band.CardSettings.AllowLabelSizing = False

      ' Set the Width to control the width of the cell area which is the area where 
      ' where all the cells are displayed.
      band.CardSettings.Width = 140

      ' Whether the user is allowed to resize the width of the cell area.
      band.CardSettings.AllowSizing = True

      ' Should card auto-fit, that is occupy the all of the available horizontal space.
      band.CardSettings.AutoFit = False

      ' Number of lines of the card captions. This controls the height of the card 
      ' captions.
      band.CardSettings.CaptionLines = 1

      ' A card row visually contains a whole collection of rows. It typically lays out cards
      ' in a grid-like fashion. By default it tries to fit as may cards as possible within
      ' available width and height. MaxCardAreaCols and MaxCardAreaRows dictate the max number of
      ' columns and rows a card row will display.
      band.CardSettings.MaxCardAreaCols = 4
      band.CardSettings.MaxCardAreaRows = 1

      ' Set the spacing bettween cards in pixel.
      band.Override.CardSpacing = 20

      ' Set various appearance related properties.
      band.Override.BorderStyleCardArea = UIElementBorderStyle.Raised

      ' CardAreaAppearance applies to the whole card area.
      band.Override.CardAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightGray

      ' SelectedCardCaptionAppearance appearance applies to the card captions of selected 
      ' cards in card-view.
      band.Override.SelectedCardCaptionAppearance.BackColor = Color.Green
      band.Override.SelectedCardCaptionAppearance.ForeColor = Color.White

      ' ActiveCardCaptionAppearance appearance applies to the card caption of the active
      ' card in card-view. 
      band.Override.ActiveCardCaptionAppearance.BackColor = Color.Red
      band.Override.ActiveCardCaptionAppearance.ForeColor = Color.LightYellow

      ' Also various appearance and border related properties used for setting up objects like
      ' cells, rows, headers in non-card view also apply in card-view. 

      ' BorderStyleRow sets the border style of cards.
      band.Override.BorderStyleRow = UIElementBorderStyle.Raised

      ' BorderStyleCell applies to cells in the cards.
      band.Override.BorderStyleCell = UIElementBorderStyle.Inset

      ' BorderStyleHeader applies to column captions in the card.
      band.Override.BorderStyleHeader = UIElementBorderStyle.Raised

      ' CellAppearance applies to cells in the cards.
      band.Override.CellAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightYellow

      ' HeaderAppearance applies to column captions in the card.
      band.Override.HeaderAppearance.FontData.Bold = DefaultableBoolean.True

  End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void button18_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	// Following code illustrates how to use Card View feature in the UltraGrid.
	// Following code turns on the card-view for the first band. All the 
	// descendants of that band will automatically get hidden.

	// Get the band that you want in card-view.
	UltraGridBand band = this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0];

	// Turn the card-view on for that band. All the descendants of that band 
	// will automatically get hidden.
	band.CardView = true;
	// Optinally set the style to desired card-view style.
	band.CardSettings.Style = CardStyle.MergedLabels;

	// If desired, further customize the card-view's visual and behavioural aspects.

	// Set the CaptionField to the key of the column value of which you want 
	// displayed on captions of rows.
	band.CardSettings.CaptionField = "CustomerID";

	// Whether to show the caption for each row or not.
	band.CardSettings.ShowCaption = true;			

	// Set the LabelWidth to control the width of the label area which is the area
	// where all the column headers are displayed.
	band.CardSettings.LabelWidth = 120;
	// Whether the user can resize width of the label area.
	band.CardSettings.AllowLabelSizing = false;

	// Set the Width to control the width of the cell area which is the area where 
	// where all the cells are displayed.
	band.CardSettings.Width = 140;
	// Whether the user is allowed to resize the width of the cell area.
	band.CardSettings.AllowSizing = true;

	// Should card auto-fit, that is occupy the all of the available horizontal space.
	band.CardSettings.AutoFit = false;

	// Number of lines of the card captions. This controls the height of the card 
	// captions.
	band.CardSettings.CaptionLines = 1;

	// A card row visually contains a whole collection of rows. It typically lays out cards
	// in a grid-like fashion. By default it tries to fit as may cards as possible within
	// available width and height. MaxCardAreaCols and MaxCardAreaRows dictate the max number of
	// columns and rows a card row will display.
	band.CardSettings.MaxCardAreaCols = 4;
	band.CardSettings.MaxCardAreaRows = 1;

	// Set the spacing bettween cards in pixel.
	band.Override.CardSpacing = 20;

	// Set various appearance related properties.
	band.Override.BorderStyleCardArea = UIElementBorderStyle.Raised;

	// CardAreaAppearance applies to the whole card area.
	band.Override.CardAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightGray;

	// SelectedCardCaptionAppearance appearance applies to the card captions of selected 
	// cards in card-view.
	band.Override.SelectedCardCaptionAppearance.BackColor = Color.Green;
	band.Override.SelectedCardCaptionAppearance.ForeColor = Color.White;

	// ActiveCardCaptionAppearance appearance applies to the card caption of the active
	// card in card-view. 
	band.Override.ActiveCardCaptionAppearance.BackColor = Color.Red;
	band.Override.ActiveCardCaptionAppearance.ForeColor = Color.LightYellow;

	// Also various appearance and border related properties used for setting up objects like
	// cells, rows, headers in non-card view also apply in card-view. 
	// BorderStyleRow sets the border style of cards.
	band.Override.BorderStyleRow = UIElementBorderStyle.Raised;

	// BorderStyleCell applies to cells in the cards.
	band.Override.BorderStyleCell = UIElementBorderStyle.Inset;

	// BorderStyleHeader applies to column captions in the card.
	band.Override.BorderStyleHeader = UIElementBorderStyle.Raised;

	// CellAppearance applies to cells in the cards.
	band.Override.CellAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightYellow;

	// HeaderAppearance applies to column captions in the card.
	band.Override.HeaderAppearance.FontData.Bold = DefaultableBoolean.True;


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also