For a list of all members of this type, see UltraGridColumn members.
Name | Description | |
AllowGroupBy | Determines whether this column can be dragged into the GroupByBox to become a GroupBy column. The Default is resolved to True. | |
AllowRowFiltering | Set this to False to explicitly disable row filtering on this column. | |
AllowRowSummaries | Indicates whether to allow the user to be able to specify a summary for this column. | |
AutoCompleteMode | Gets/sets the mode for automatic completion of text typed in the edit portion. | |
AutoCompleteModeResolved | Returns the resolved value of the AutoCompleteMode property. | |
AutoEditMode | Returns or sets whether pressing a key automatically enters edit mode on the active cell. | |
AutoSizeEdit | Determines if the column will allow auto-expanding pop-up edit windows. | |
AutoSizeMode | Specifies column autosizing mode. If UltraGridOverride.AllowColSizing is set to None, then this is ignored. | |
AutoSuggestFilterMode | Gets/sets a value which determines the the filtering criteria for items which appear in the dropdown that is displayed when the AutoCompleteMode property is set to 'Suggest' or 'SuggestAppend'. | |
AutoSuggestFilterModeResolved | Returns the resolved value of the AutoSuggestFilterMode property. | |
Band | Returns the associated Band object. | |
ButtonDisplayStyle | Returns or sets a value that determines how cell buttons are displayed for a column's cells. | |
Case | Returns or sets the case to use when editing or displaying column text. | |
CellActivation | Returns or sets a value that determines how an object will behave when it is activated. | |
CellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the cells in a band or the grid. Infragistics.Win.Appearance | |
CellButtonAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the buttons in the cells of this column. | |
CellClickAction | Returns or sets a value that indicates what will occur when a cell is clicked. | |
CellDisplayStyle | CellDisplayStyle specifies how the cells get rendered. You can use this property to speed up rendering of cells by setting it to FormattedText or PlainText. Default is resolved to FullEditorDisplay. | |
CellMultiLine | Determines if the cell's data should be displayed in a multi-line format. | |
CellSizeResolved | Resolved cell size. This property returns the actual width and the height of the cells associated with the column. | |
CharacterCasing | Returns or sets the case to use when editing or displaying column text. | |
ColSpan | Returns or sets a value that determines the number of columns to skip when synchronizing columns across multiple bands. | |
ColumnChooserCaption | The caption displayed in the column’s header in the column chooser. Default is resolved to the column header’s Caption. | |
CustomFilterDialogCaption | The caption displayed in the custom filter dialog for this column. | |
DataType | Returns the column's underlying data type. This property is read-only for bound columns. | |
DefaultCellValue | Gets or sets the default cell value that will be assigned when new rows are added via the add-row feature or the add-new box. | |
Disposed | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject) | |
Editor | Gets or sets the editor that this column will use for editing and displaying cells. By default or when it's assigned null it will get the editor from the EditorControl property. | |
EditorComponent | Component that implements IProvidesEmbeddableEditor. Attempt to set a component that does not implement IProvidesEmbeddableEditor interface will cause an exception. | |
ExcludeFromColumnChooser | Forces the column to be excluded from the column chooser control. This also specifies whether the user can unhide the column. | |
FilterCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the associated cells in filter rows. | |
FilterClearButtonVisible | Specifies whether to display the filter clear button in the filter cells fo this column. Default is resolved to True. | |
FilterComparisonStyle | Gets/Sets type of grid filter comparison style | |
FilterComparisonType | Specifies whether the filtering is performed case-sensitive. Default is to perform filtering case-insensitive. | |
FilterEvaluationTrigger | Specifies when the filter input into filter row cells is applied. | |
FilterOperandDropDownItems | Gets or sets the items that will be displayed by the grid when showing a dropdown filter list. | |
FilterOperandStyle | Specifies the style of operand input in the filter row cells. Default is be resolved to UseColumnEditor for DateTime and Boolean columns and Combo for other types of columns. This can be overridden on each column using the column's FilterOperandStyle property. | |
FilterOperatorAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the associated operator indicators in filter rows. | |
FilterOperatorDefaultValue | Specifies the default value of the operator cells in the filter row. If operator cells are hidden, this is used as the filter operator for values entered in the associated filter operand cells. This can be overridden on each column. Default is resolved to Equals for DateTime and Boolean columns and StartsWith for other column types. | |
FilterOperatorDropDownItems | Specifies which operators to list in the operator drop down in filter rows. Default is resolved to a value that is based on the column's data type. | |
FilterOperatorLocation | Specifies the style of operator input in the filter row cells. Default is resolved to WithOperand. | |
Format | Returns or sets a string used to control the formatting of displayed text. | |
FormatInfo | Gets or sets the culture specific information used to determine how values are formatted. | |
Formula | Specifies the formula. UltraGridBase.CalcManager property must be set to a valid instance of Infragistics.Win.CalcEngine.IUltraCalcManager for this property to have any affect. | |
FormulaAbsoluteName | Returns the absolute name of the column that you can use to refer to it in formulas. | |
FormulaDialogReferenceNode | Returns null. | |
FormulaErrorAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the cells containing formula errors. | |
FormulaErrorValue | Specifies the value to assign to the data source if the column’s formula evaluates to an error. If the column doesn’t have Formula set, this property is ignored. | |
FormulaValueConverter | Interface for providing custom logic for converting formula results and the formula source values. | |
Group | Returns or sets the UltraGridGroup object that the column is associated with. This property is not available at design-time. | |
GroupByComparer | Property used for specifying a custom comparer to sort group-by rows. | |
GroupByEvaluator | Property used to perform non-default group by comparisons. | |
GroupByMode | Gets/sets the setting which determines how the values in this column will be grouped when using the 'OutlookGroupBy' setting for UltraGridLayout.ViewStyleBand. | |
GroupByRowAppearance | Gets or sets the default appearance of all the GroupByRows associated with this column. | |
GroupByRowConnectorAppearance | Determines the appearance of the area that exists to the left of the child rows of a GroupByRow. | |
GroupResolved | Returns the group which contains the column. | |
HasCellAppearance | Returns true if an CellAppearance object has been created. | |
HasCellButtonAppearance | Returns true if an CellButtonAppearance object has been created. | |
HasMaskLiteralsAppearance | Returns true if an CellAppearance object has been created. | |
Header | Returns the Header object associated with the column. This property is read-only at run-time. This property is not available at design-time. | |
Hidden | Determines whether the object will be displayed. This property is not available at design-time. | |
HiddenResolved | Unlike the Hidden property, this property takes into account whether the column is in a hidden group, or if the band is displaying groups and the column is not in any group. | |
HiddenWhenGroupBy | Determines if this column will be hidden when it is a groupby column. By default groupby columns are hidden. | |
HiddenWhenParentGroupCollapsed | Determines if this column will be hidden when it's parent group is collapsed. 'Group' in this case refers to colunn grouping or UltraGridGroup and should not be confused with OutlookParentGroupCollapsed which affects the grouping of rows. | |
IgnoreMultiCellOperation | Specifies whether to ignore multi-cell operations on cells of this column. Default value of the property is Default which is resolved to False. If set to True, any multi cell operations that will end up modifying the cell values will be ignored for the cells associated with this column. | |
ImeMode | Specifies the IME mode for the column. | |
Index | The index of this column in the band's column collection | |
InitialSortDirection | Gets or sets the initial sort direction. | |
InvalidValueBehavior | Specifies behavior when the user attempts to leave a cell after entering an invalid value. | |
IsBound | Indicators whether this is a bound or unbound column. This property is read-only. | |
IsChaptered | Returns true if this is a chaptered column (represents a child set of rows) | |
IsClone | Gets if the column being accessed is a clone or not. | |
IsFirstVisibleColumnOnLevel | Returns true if this is the first visible column on this level. Note: Multiple levels are only supported within groups. | |
IsGroupByColumn | Indicates whether rows are grouped by this column or not. (Whether this is a group by column or not). | |
IsReadOnly | Returns whether the column is read only (based on its bindings) | |
IsVisibleInLayout | Indicates whether this column is visible in row-layout mode. | |
Key | Overridden. Returns or sets a value that uniquely identifies an object in a collection. | |
Layout | Returns the UltraGridLayout object that determines the layout of the object. This property is read-only at run-time. | |
Level | Returns or sets the level of a band in which a column resides. | |
LockedWidth | Determines if the width of the column can be changed by the user. | |
MaskClipMode | Returns or sets a value that determines how cell values for a column will be copied to the clipboard when data masking is in enabled. | |
MaskDataMode | Returns or sets a value that determines how cell values for a column will be stored by the data source when data masking is enabled. | |
MaskDisplayMode | Returns or sets a value that determines cell values will be displayed when the cells are not in edit mode and data masking is enabled. | |
MaskInput | Returns or sets the input mask associated with the masked edit control. | |
MaskLiteralsAppearance | If the cell has MaskInput set or is using a UltraMaskedEdit control then this appearance will be applied to the literal chars while in edit mode. | |
MaxLength | Returns or sets the maximum length of the text that can be entered into a cell. Zero indicates that there is no limit. | |
MaxValue | Specifies the maximum value that can be entered in the cell. Default value is null meaning no maximum constraint. The object assigned to this property should be the same type as the column's DataType or compatible otherwise it won't be honored. | |
MaxValueExclusive | Gets/sets the first value greater than the maximum value that can be entered in the cell. Default value is null (Nothing) meaning no maximum constraint. The object assigned to this property should be the same type as the column's DataType or compatible otherwise it won't be honored. | |
MaxWidth | Returns or sets the maximum width of the object in container units. | |
MergedCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the merged cells. | |
MergedCellContentArea | Specifies whether to position the contents of a merged cell in the entire area of the merged cell or just the visible area of the merged cell. Default is resolved to VirtualRect. | |
MergedCellEvaluationType | Specifies whether to merge cells based on their values or display text. | |
MergedCellEvaluator | Used for specifying custom logic for determining which cells should merge. | |
MergedCellStyle | Specifies if and how cell merging is performed. Default is resolved to Never. | |
MinLength | Gets/sets the minimum length of the text that can be entered into a cell. The default value is 0. | |
MinValue | Specifies the minimum value that can be entered in the cell. Default value is null meaning no minimum constraint. The object assigned to this property should be the same type as the column's DataType or compatible otherwise it won't be honored. | |
MinValueExclusive | Gets/sets the first value less than the minimum value that can be entered in the cell. Default value is null (Nothing) meaning no maximum constraint. The object assigned to this property should be the same type as the column's DataType or compatible otherwise it won't be honored. | |
MinWidth | Returns or sets the minimum width for a column. | |
Nullable | Determines how the control stores null or empty data in the database. | |
NullText | Returns or sets the string displayed in cells with null values. | |
NullTextResolved | Returns the string that will actually be used for cells that are null in this column.. | |
PadChar | Determines the pad character used for formatting text with mask. | |
PromptChar | Returns or sets a value that determines the prompt character used during masked input. | |
PropertyDescriptor | The property descriptor is used for data binding | |
ProportionalResize | Determines adjustment of column width when a group is resized. | |
RegexPattern | Gets/sets a regular expression to which the cell values must conform. All of the characters in the cell's text must be a part of the match for validation to succeed. | |
ReserveSortIndicatorSpaceWhenAutoSizing | Gets or sets the value indicating when to reserve space for the sort indicator during an auto-size operation. | |
ReserveSortIndicatorSpaceWhenAutoSizingResolved | Gets the resolved value of ReserveSortIndicatorSpaceWhenAutoSizing. | |
RowFilterComparer | Comparer used to evaluate comparison operators for the row filtering functionality. The values passed in the Compare method of the IComparer will be the two values that are to be compareed. | |
RowLayoutColumnInfo | Gets the instance of RowLayoutColumnInfo associated with this column. | |
ShowCalculatingText | Specifies whether cells or summaries in the column will display "#Calculating" in when calculating with an UltraCalcManager. | |
SortComparer | Property used to perform custom sort comparisons when sorting rows by this column. The values passed in the Compare method of the IComparer will be two UltraGridCell objects. | |
SortComparisonType | Gets/sets the type of sorting which will be performed the column. Note, this setting can be set for all columns via the SortComparisonType property on the Override object. | |
SortIndicator | Returns or sets a value that indicates the sorted order of the column. | |
SpellChecker | Gets/sets the component that will perform spell checking on this control. | |
Style | Determines the style of the column. | |
SupportDataErrorInfo | Specifies whether to make use of IDataErrorInfo interface implemented on the underlying row objects to display error info in the associated cells. | |
TabIndex | Used for specifying the order the UltraGrid traverses the cells when tabbing. Default value is -1. | |
TabStop | Determines if the cells in the column can get focus when tabbing through the columns. | |
Tag | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
TipStyleCell | Returns or sets a value that determines whether a tip will be displayed when the mouse pauses over a cell. | |
UseEditorMaskSettings | Specifies whether to use the editor's mask related settings rather than the column's mask settings. Default value of this property is false. | |
ValueBasedAppearance | Gets/sets the Infragistics.Win.IValueAppearance object that will be used to apply condition-based appearance resolution. | |
ValueList | Returns a reference to a ValueList object containing the list of values used by a column. This property is not available at design-time. | |
VertScrollBar | Returns or sets a value that determines if a vertical scrollbar is displayed in a multiline cell. | |
Width | Determines the width of the column. |
Name | Description | |
KeyLowercaseInterned | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
PrimaryCollection | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
SubObjectPropChangeHandler | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) |