For a list of all members of this type, see UltraGridOverride members.
Name | Description | |
CreateObjRef | Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) | |
Dispose | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject) | |
GetLifetimeService | Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) | |
InitializeLifetimeService | Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) | |
NotifyPropChange | Overloaded. (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
Reset | Resets all properties back to their default values | |
ResetActiveAppearancesEnabled | Reset AllowDelete to its default value (default). | |
ResetActiveCardCaptionAppearance | Resets the ActiveCardCaptionAppearance. | |
ResetActiveCellAppearance | Reset Active Cell's appearance | |
ResetActiveCellBorderThickness | Resets the ActiveCellBorderThickness property to its default value. | |
ResetActiveCellColumnHeaderAppearance | Resets ActiveCellColumnHeaderAppearance | |
ResetActiveCellRowSelectorAppearance | Resets ActiveCellRowSelectorAppearance | |
ResetActiveRowAppearance | Resets Active Row's Appearance | |
ResetActiveRowCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetAddRowAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetAddRowCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetAddRowEditNotificationInterface | Resets AddRowEditNotificationInterface to its default value. | |
ResetAllowAddNew | Resets AllowAddNew to its default value (default). | |
ResetAllowColMoving | Resets AllowColMoving to its default value (default). | |
ResetAllowColSizing | Resets AllowColSizing to its default value (default). | |
ResetAllowColSwapping | Resets AllowColSwapping to its default value (default). | |
ResetAllowDelete | Reset AllowDelete to its default value (default). | |
ResetAllowEditingBandHeaders | Resets the AllowEditingBandHeaders property to its default value. | |
ResetAllowEditingColumnHeaders | Resets the AllowEditingColumnHeaders property to its default value. | |
ResetAllowEditingGroupHeaders | Resets the AllowEditingGroupHeaders property to its default value. | |
ResetAllowGroupBy | Resets AllowGroupBy to its default value (default). | |
ResetAllowGroupCollapsing | Resets the AllowGroupCollapsing Appearance. | |
ResetAllowGroupMoving | Resets AllowGroupMoving to its default value (default). | |
ResetAllowGroupSwapping | Resets AllowGroupSwapping to its default (default). | |
ResetAllowMultiCellOperations | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetAllowRowFiltering | Resets the property to its default value | |
ResetAllowRowLayoutCellSizing | Resets the AllowRowLayoutCellSizing property to its default value of Default. | |
ResetAllowRowLayoutCellSpanSizing | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetAllowRowLayoutColMoving | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetAllowRowLayoutLabelSizing | Resets the AllowRowLayoutLabelSizing property to its default value of Default. | |
ResetAllowRowLayoutLabelSpanSizing | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetAllowRowSummaries | Resets the property to its default value | |
ResetAllowUpdate | Resets AllowUpdate to its default value (default). | |
ResetAllRowsFilteredOutExpansionIndicatorBehavior | Resets AllRowsFilteredOutExpansionIndicatorBehavior to its default setting. | |
ResetAppearanceHolders | Resets all appearanceHolders in the appearanceHolder array | |
ResetAppearances | Resets all appearances in the appearances array | |
ResetAutoEditMode | Resets the AutoEditMode Appearance. | |
ResetAutoResizeColumnWidthOptions | Resets AutoResizeColumnWidthOptions to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleCardArea | Resets BorderStyleCardArea to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleCell | Resets BorderStyleCell to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleEmptyMessageRow | Resets BorderStyleEmptyMessageRow to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleFilterCell | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleFilterOperator | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleFilterRow | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleHeader | Resets BorderStyleHeader to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleRow | Resets BorderStyleRow to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleRowSelector | Resets the BorderStyleRowSelector property to its default value of Default. | |
ResetBorderStyleSpecialRowSeparator | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleSummaryFooter | Resets BorderStyleSummaryFooter to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleSummaryFooterCaption | Resets BorderStyleSummaryFooterCaption to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleSummaryValue | Resets BorderStyleSummaryValue to its default value. | |
ResetBorderStyleTemplateAddRow | Resets BorderStyleTemplateAddRow to its default value. | |
ResetButtonStyle | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetCardAreaAppearance | Resets the CardAreaAppearance. | |
ResetCardCaptionAppearance | Resets the CardCaptionAppearance. | |
ResetCardSpacing | Resets CardSpacing to its default value (-1). | |
ResetCellAppearance | Resets the Cell's appearance | |
ResetCellButtonAppearance | Resets the CellButtonAppearance. | |
ResetCellClickAction | Resets CellClickAction to its default value. | |
ResetCellDisplayStyle | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetCellMultiLine | Resets CellMultiline to its default value. | |
ResetCellPadding | Resets CellPadding to its default value (-1). | |
ResetCellSpacing | Resets CellSpacing to its default value (-1). | |
ResetChildBandExpansionIndicatorHeaderAppearance | Resets the ChildBandExpansionIndicatorHeaderAppearance Appearance. | |
ResetColumnAutoSizeMode | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetColumnHeaderTextOrientation | Resets the ColumnHeaderTextOrientation property to its default value. | |
ResetColumnSizingArea | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetDataErrorCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetDataErrorRowAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetDataErrorRowSelectorAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetDefaultColWidth | Resets DefaultColWidth to its default value (-1). | |
ResetDefaultRowHeight | Resets DefaultRowHeight to its default value (-1). | |
ResetDefaultSummaryRowHeight | Resets DefaultSummaryRowHeight to its default value (-1). | |
ResetDragDropIndicatorSettings | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetEditCellAppearance | Resets the Edit Cell's Appearance object | |
ResetExpansionIndicator | Resets ExpansionIndicator to its default setting. | |
ResetFilterCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterCellAppearanceActive | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterClearButtonAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterClearButtonLocation | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterComparisonStyle | Resets FilterComparisonStyle to its default value. | |
ResetFilterComparisonType | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilteredInCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilteredInRowAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilteredOutCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilteredOutRowAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterEvaluationTrigger | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterIgnoreDiacritics | Resets the FilterIgnoreDiacritics property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterOperandDropDownItems | Resets the FilterOperandDropDownItems property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterOperandStyle | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterOperatorAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterOperatorDefaultValue | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterOperatorDropDownItems | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterOperatorLocation | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterRowAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterRowAppearanceActive | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterRowPrompt | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterRowPromptAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterRowSelectorAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterRowSpacingAfter | Resets FilterRowSpacingAfter to its default value (-1). | |
ResetFilterRowSpacingBefore | Resets FilterRowSpacingBefore to its default value (-1). | |
ResetFilterUIProvider | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFilterUIType | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFixedCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFixedCellSeparatorColor | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFixedHeaderAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFixedHeaderIndicator | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFixedRowAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFixedRowCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFixedRowIndicator | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFixedRowSelectorAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFixedRowsLimit | Resets the FixedRowsLimit property to its default value of -1. | |
ResetFixedRowSortOrder | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFixedRowStyle | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetFixHeadersOnRight | Resets the FixHeadersOnRight property to its default value. | |
ResetFormulaErrorAppearance | Resets the FormulaErrorAppearance property to its default value. | |
ResetFormulaRowIndexSource | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetGroupByColumnAppearance | Resets GroupByColumnAppearance | |
ResetGroupByColumnHeaderAppearance | Resets GroupByColumnHeaderAppearance | |
ResetGroupByColumnsHidden | Resets the property to its default value | |
ResetGroupByRowAppearance | Resets GroupByRowAppearance | |
ResetGroupByRowConnectorAppearance | Resets GroupByRowConnector's Appearance | |
ResetGroupByRowDescriptionMask | Reset GroupByRowDescriptionMask | |
ResetGroupByRowExpansionStyle | Resets GroupByRowExpansionStyle to its default value. | |
ResetGroupByRowHotTrackAppearance | Resets GroupByRowHotTrackAppearance | |
ResetGroupByRowInitialExpansionState | Resets GroupByRowInitialExpansionState to its default value. | |
ResetGroupByRowPadding | Reset GroupByRowPadding | |
ResetGroupByRowSpacingAfter | Resets GroupByRowSpacingAfter to its default value (-1). | |
ResetGroupByRowSpacingBefore | Resets GroupByRowSpacingBefore to its default value (-1). | |
ResetGroupBySummaryDisplayStyle | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetGroupBySummaryValueAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetGroupHeaderTextOrientation | Resets the GroupHeaderTextOrientation property to its default value. | |
ResetHeaderAppearance | Resets the Header Appearance | |
ResetHeaderCheckBoxAlignment | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetHeaderCheckBoxSynchronization | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetHeaderCheckBoxVisibility | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetHeaderClickAction | Resets HeaderClickAction to its default value. | |
ResetHeaderPlacement | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetHeaderStyle | Resets HeaderStyle to its default value. | |
ResetHotTrackCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetHotTrackHeaderAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetHotTrackRowAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetHotTrackRowCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetHotTrackRowSelectorAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetInitialSortDirection | Resets HeaderClickAction to its default value. | |
ResetInvalidValueBehavior | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetKey | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
ResetMaskLiteralsAppearance | Resets the MaskLiteralsAppearance | |
ResetMaxSelectedCells | Resets MaxSelectedCells to its default value (-1). | |
ResetMaxSelectedRows | Resets MaxSelectedRows to its default value (-1). | |
ResetMergedCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetMergedCellContentArea | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetMergedCellStyle | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetMinRowHeight | Resets the MinRowHeight to its default value of -1. | |
ResetMinSummaryRowHeight | Resets MinSummaryRowHeight to its default value (-1). | |
ResetMultiCellSelectionMode | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetNoRowsInDataSourceMessageAppearance | Resets the NoRowsInDataSourceMessageAppearance property to its default value. | |
ResetNoRowsInDataSourceMessageEnabled | Resets the property to its default value of DefaultableBoolean.Default. | |
ResetNoRowsInDataSourceMessageText | Resets the property to its default value of string.Empty. | |
ResetNoVisibleRowsMessageAppearance | Resets the NoVisibleRowsMessageAppearance property to its default value. | |
ResetNoVisibleRowsMessageEnabled | Resets the property to its default value of DefaultableBoolean.Default. | |
ResetNoVisibleRowsMessageText | Resets the property to its default value of string.Empty. | |
ResetNullText | Resets NullText to its default value ("null"). | |
ResetReadOnlyCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetReserveSortIndicatorSpaceWhenAutoSizing | Resets ReserveSortIndicatorSpaceWhenAutoSizing to its default value. | |
ResetRowAlternateAppearance | Resets the alternate Row's appearance | |
ResetRowAppearance | Resets the RowAppearance | |
ResetRowEditTemplateRowSelectorImage | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetRowEditTemplateUIType | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetRowFilterAction | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetRowFilterMode | Resets the property to its default value | |
ResetRowLayoutCellNavigationVertical | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetRowPreviewAppearance | Resets the RowPreviewAppearance | |
ResetRowSelectorAppearance | Resets the RowSelector Appearance. | |
ResetRowSelectorHeaderAppearance | Resets the RowSelectorHeaderAppearance Appearance. | |
ResetRowSelectorHeaderStyle | Resets RowSelectorHeaderStyle to its default value. | |
ResetRowSelectorNumberStyle | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetRowSelectors | Resets RowSelectors to its default value. | |
ResetRowSelectorStyle | Resets RowSelectorStyle to its default value. | |
ResetRowSelectorWidth | Resets the RowSelectorWidth property to its default value of 0. | |
ResetRowSizing | Resets RowSizing to its default value. | |
ResetRowSizingArea | Resets RowSizingArea to its default value. | |
ResetRowSizingAutoMaxLines | Resets RowSizingMaxLines to its default value (-1). | |
ResetRowSpacingAfter | Resets RowSpacingAfter to its default value (-1). | |
ResetRowSpacingBefore | Resets RowSpacingBefore to its default value (-1). | |
ResetSelectedAppearancesEnabled | Reset AllowDelete to its default value (default). | |
ResetSelectedCardCaptionAppearance | Resets the SelectedCardCaptionAppearance. | |
ResetSelectedCellAppearance | Resets the selected cell appearance | |
ResetSelectedRowAppearance | Resets the selected Row's Appearance. | |
ResetSelectTypeCell | Resets SelectTypeCell to its default value. | |
ResetSelectTypeCol | Reset SelectTypeCol to its default value. | |
ResetSelectTypeGroupByRow | Reset SelectTypeGroupByRow | |
ResetSelectTypeRow | Resets SelectTypeRow to its default value. | |
ResetSequenceEmptyMessageRow | Resets the SequenceEmptyMessageRow property to its default value of -1. | |
ResetSequenceFilterRow | Resets the SequenceFilterRow property to its default value of -1. | |
ResetSequenceFixedAddRow | Resets the SequenceFixedAddRow property to its default value of -1. | |
ResetSequenceSummaryRow | Resets the SequenceSummaryRow property to its default value of -1. | |
ResetShowCalculatingText | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetShowInkButton | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetSortComparisonType | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetSpecialRowSeparator | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetSpecialRowSeparatorAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetSpecialRowSeparatorHeight | Resets the SpecialRowSeparatorHeight property to its default value of -1. | |
ResetSummaryDisplayArea | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetSummaryFooterAppearance | Resets the SummaryFooterAppearance | |
ResetSummaryFooterCaptionAppearance | Resets the SummaryFooterCaptionAppearance | |
ResetSummaryFooterCaptionVisible | Resets SummaryFooterCaptionVisible property to its default value. | |
ResetSummaryFooterSpacingAfter | Resets SummaryFooterSpacingAfter to its default value (-1). | |
ResetSummaryFooterSpacingBefore | Resets SummaryFooterSpacingBefore to its default value (-1). | |
ResetSummaryValueAppearance | Resets the SummaryValueAppearance | |
ResetSupportDataErrorInfo | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetTemplateAddRowAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetTemplateAddRowCellAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetTemplateAddRowPrompt | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetTemplateAddRowPromptAppearance | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ResetTemplateAddRowSpacingAfter | Resets TemplateAddRowSpacingAfter to its default value (-1). | |
ResetTemplateAddRowSpacingBefore | Resets TemplateAddRowSpacingBefore to its default value (-1). | |
ResetTipStyleCell | Resets TipStyleCell to its default value. | |
ResetTipStyleHeader | Resets TipStyleHeader to its default value. | |
ResetTipStyleRowConnector | Resets TipStyleRowConnector to its default value. | |
ResetTipStyleScroll | Resets TipStyleScroll to its default value. | |
ResetUseExternalSummaryCalculator | Resets the property to its default value | |
ResetWrapHeaderText | Resets the property to its default value. | |
ShouldSerializeKey | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
ShouldSerializeTag | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
ToString | Returns an empty string. | |
VerifyNotDisposed | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject) |
Name | Description | |
DeserializeTag | Overloaded. (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
InitializeTag | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
MemberwiseClone | Overloaded. Creates a shallow copy of the current System.MarshalByRefObject object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) | |
OnAddedToCollection | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
OnDispose | Overridden. Called when this object is Disposed of | |
OnObjectPropChanged | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
OnRemovedFromCollection | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
OnSubObjectPropChanged | Overridden. Called when a property has changed on a sub object | |
ResetInternedKey | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
ResetTag | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
SerializeTag | Overloaded. (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
ShouldSerializeActiveRowCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeAddRowAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeAddRowCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeAllowEditingBandHeaders | Returns true if the AllowEditingBandHeaders property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeAllowEditingColumnHeaders | Returns true if the AllowEditingColumnHeaders property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeAllowEditingGroupHeaders | Returns true if the AllowEditingGroupHeaders property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeAllowMultiCellOperations | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeAppearanceHolders | Returns true if any appearance properties need to be persisted | |
ShouldSerializeAutoResizeColumnWidthOptions | Returns true if AutoResizeColumnWidthOptions property is not set to its default value. | |
ShouldSerializeDataErrorCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeDataErrorRowAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeDataErrorRowSelectorAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilterCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilterCellAppearanceActive | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilterClearButtonAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilterComparisonStyle | Returns true if FilterComparisonStyle property is not set to its default value. | |
ShouldSerializeFilteredInCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilteredInRowAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilteredOutCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilteredOutRowAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilterIgnoreDiacritics | Returns true if the FilterIgnoreDiacritics property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilterOperatorAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilterRowAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilterRowAppearanceActive | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilterRowPromptAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFilterRowSelectorAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFixedCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFixedHeaderAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFixedRowAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFixedRowCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFixedRowSelectorAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeFormulaErrorAppearance | Returns true if the property is set to a non-default value. | |
ShouldSerializeGroupByRowExpansionStyle | Returns true if this property is not set to its default value. | |
ShouldSerializeGroupByRowInitialExpansionState | Returns true if this property is not set to its default value. | |
ShouldSerializeGroupBySummaryValueAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeHeaderStyle | Returns true if this property is not set to its default value. | |
ShouldSerializeHotTrackCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeHotTrackHeaderAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeHotTrackRowAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeHotTrackRowCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeHotTrackRowSelectorAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeMergedCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeMergedCellContentArea | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeMergedCellStyle | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeMultiCellSelectionMode | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeNullText | Returns true if this property is not set to its default value | |
ShouldSerializeReadOnlyCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeRowLayoutCellNavigationVertical | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeRowSelectorStyle | Returns true if this property is not set to its default value. | |
ShouldSerializeShowCalculatingText | Returns true if the property is set to a non-default value. | |
ShouldSerializeShowInkButton | Returns true if the property is set to a non-default value. | |
ShouldSerializeSpecialRowSeparatorAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeTemplateAddRowAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeTemplateAddRowCellAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. | |
ShouldSerializeTemplateAddRowPromptAppearance | Returns true if the property needs to be serialized. |