For a list of all members of this type, see UltraGridOverride members.
Name | Description | |
ActiveAppearancesEnabled | Gets or sets a value that determines whether Appearances for the active state are included in the appearance resolution order. | |
ActiveCardCaptionAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the card Label in a band or the grid. | |
ActiveCellAppearance | Returns or sets the active cell's Appearance object. | |
ActiveCellBorderThickness | Gets or sets the thickness of the border that is drawn over the active cell. | |
ActiveCellColumnHeaderAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance of the column header associated with the row of the active cell. | |
ActiveCellRowSelectorAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance of the row selector associated with the row of the active cell. | |
ActiveRowAppearance | Returns or sets the active row's Appearance object. | |
ActiveRowCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the cells of the active row. | |
AddRowAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied add-rows. | |
AddRowCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to cells of add-rows. | |
AddRowEditNotificationInterface | Gets or sets the order of the interfaces that the grid looks for when committing or cancelling the addition of a new row to the data source. | |
AllowAddNew | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the user is allowed to add a new row of data and if so what kind of user interface is exposed for adding rows. | |
AllowColMoving | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the user is allowed to move columns. | |
AllowColSizing | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the user is allowed to size columns. | |
AllowColSwapping | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the user is allowed to swap columns. | |
AllowDelete | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the user is allowed to delete rows. | |
AllowEditingBandHeaders | Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the band headers can be edited by the user. | |
AllowEditingColumnHeaders | Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the column headers can be edited by the user. | |
AllowEditingGroupHeaders | Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the group headers can be edited by the user. | |
AllowGroupBy | Determines whether columns from this band can be dragged into the GroupByBox to become GroupBy columns. If resolved to default will assume 'Yes'. | |
AllowGroupCollapsing | Returns or sets whether expansion indicators are visible in Group Headers. | |
AllowGroupMoving | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the user is allowed move groups. | |
AllowGroupSwapping | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the user is allowed to swap groups. | |
AllowMultiCellOperations | Specifies if and which of the multi-cell operations the user is allowed to perform. | |
AllowRowFiltering | Determines whether row filtering will be enabled on column headers in this band. | |
AllowRowLayoutCellSizing | Indicates whether the user is allowed to resize cells in the row-layout mode. | |
AllowRowLayoutCellSpanSizing | Specifies whether cells can be span resized by the user at run-time. | |
AllowRowLayoutColMoving | Specifies whether columns can be moved by the user at run-time in RowLayout mode. | |
AllowRowLayoutLabelSizing | Indicates whether the user is allowed to resize cell labels (column labels associated with the cells) in the row-layout mode. | |
AllowRowLayoutLabelSpanSizing | Specifies whether labels can be span resized by the user at run-time. | |
AllowRowSummaries | Enables the user interface that lets the user add or remove column summaries. By default the functionality is disabled. Default is resolved to False. | |
AllowUpdate | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the user is allowed to update the data. | |
AllRowsFilteredOutExpansionIndicatorBehavior | Determes whether row expansion (plus/minus) indicators are shown for a row in the case where all of the child rows of the row are filtered out. | |
AutoEditMode | Returns or sets whether pressing a key automatically enters edit mode on the active cell. | |
AutoResizeColumnWidthOptions | Gets/Sets various factors that should be taken into consideration while calculating width of a column. | |
BorderStyleCardArea | Returns or sets a value that determines the border style of Cards. | |
BorderStyleCell | Returns or sets a value that determines the border style of cells. | |
BorderStyleEmptyMessageRow | Returns or sets a value that determines the border style of empty message rows. | |
BorderStyleFilterCell | Specifies the border style of the filter cells. | |
BorderStyleFilterOperator | Specifies the border style of the operator ui elements in filter row. | |
BorderStyleFilterRow | Specifies the border style of the filter rows. | |
BorderStyleHeader | An integer expression or constant that determines the appearance of the border of a header. | |
BorderStyleRow | Returns or sets a value that determines the border style of rows. | |
BorderStyleRowSelector | Gets or sets the border style of row selectors. | |
BorderStyleSpecialRowSeparator | Specifies the border style of the filter rows. | |
BorderStyleSummaryFooter | Returns or sets a value that determines the border style of summary footers. | |
BorderStyleSummaryFooterCaption | Returns or sets a value that determines the border style of summary footer caption. | |
BorderStyleSummaryValue | Returns or sets a value that determines the border style of summaries in summary footers. | |
BorderStyleTemplateAddRow | Returns or sets a value that determines the border style of template add-rows. | |
ButtonStyle | Gets/sets the style of the buttons in the columns and the AddNew box. | |
CardAreaAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the card area in a band or the grid. | |
CardCaptionAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the card's caption in a band or the grid. | |
CardSpacing | Returns or sets the amount of spacing, in pixels, between cards. | |
CellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the cells in a band or the grid. | |
CellButtonAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the buttons in cells in a band or the grid. | |
CellClickAction | Returns or sets a value that indicates what will occur when a cell is clicked. | |
CellDisplayStyle | CellDisplayStyle specifies how the cells get rendered. You can use this property to speed up rendering of cells by setting it to FormattedText or PlainText. Default is resolved to FullEditorDisplay. | |
CellMultiLine | Determines if the cell's data should be displayed in a multi-line format. | |
CellPadding | Returns or sets the amount of spacing, in pixels, between the cell's border and the cell's contents. | |
CellSpacing | Returns or sets the amount of spacing, in pixels, between cells. Also determines the spacing between the cell's border and the row's border. | |
ChildBandExpansionIndicatorHeaderAppearance | Returns or sets the default Appearance object for the child band expansion indicator header. | |
ColumnAutoSizeMode | Specifies column autosizing mode. If AllowColSizing is set to None, then this is ignored. | |
ColumnHeaderTextOrientation | Gets or sets the default orientation of text in column headers. | |
ColumnSizingArea | Returns or sets a value that determines which part of the grid's interface may be used to resize columns. | |
DataErrorCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the cells with data errors. A cell is considered to have a data error if the associated row's underlying list object implements IDataErrorInfo interface and querying that IDataErrorInfo indicates that the cell has errors. | |
DataErrorRowAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the rows with data errors. A row is considered to have a data error if it's underlying list object implements IDataErrorInfo interface and querying that IDataErrorInfo indicates that the row has errors. | |
DataErrorRowSelectorAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the row selectors of rows with data errors. A row is considered to have a data error if it's underlying list object implements IDataErrorInfo interface and querying that IDataErrorInfo indicates that the row has errors. | |
DefaultColWidth | Returns or sets a value representing the default column width. | |
DefaultRowHeight | Returns or sets a value representing the default row height. | |
DefaultSummaryRowHeight | Returns or sets a value representing the default summary row height. | |
Disposed | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject) | |
DragDropIndicatorSettings | Gets a DragDropIndicatorsSettings instance which contains the custom settings for the drag-drop indicators | |
EditCellAppearance | Determines the Appearance object applied to the UltraGridCell object when it is in editing mode. | |
ExpansionIndicator | Returns or sets a value that determines whether row expansion (plus/minus) indicators are displayed for "regular rows". For GroupBy rows use GroupByRowExpansionStye property. | |
FilterCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the cells of filter rows. | |
FilterCellAppearanceActive | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the filter row cells that contains active filters. | |
FilterClearButtonAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the filter clear buttons of filter rows. | |
FilterClearButtonLocation | Specifies if and where clear filter buttons are displayed in the filter rows. Options are to display in the filter row selecotor, filter cells or both. A filter clear button is used to clear the filter in the cell or the entire row. Default is resolved to RowAndCell. | |
FilterComparisonStyle | Gets/Sets type of grid filter comparison style. | |
FilterComparisonType | Specifies whether the filtering is performed case-sensitive. Default is to perform filtering case-insensitive. | |
FilteredInCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to cells of rows that are filtered in (not filtered out). | |
FilteredInRowAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to rows that are filtered in (not filtered out). | |
FilteredOutCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to cells of rows that are filtered out. | |
FilteredOutRowAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to rows that are filtered out. | |
FilterEvaluationTrigger | Specifies when the filter input into filter row cells is applied. | |
FilterIgnoreDiacritics | Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the column filters will ignore diacritics when doing text comparisons. | |
FilterOperandDropDownItems | Gets or sets the items that will be displayed by the grid when showing a dropdown filter list. | |
FilterOperandStyle | Specifies the style of operand input in the filter row cells. Default is be resolved to UseColumnEditor for DateTime and Boolean columns and Combo for other types of columns. This can be overridden on each column using the FilterOperandStyle property. | |
FilterOperatorAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the operator indicators in filter rows. | |
FilterOperatorDefaultValue | Specifies the default (initial) value of the operator cells in the filter row. If operator cells are hidden, this is used as the filter operator for values entered in the associated filter operand cells. This can be overridden on each column. Default is resolved to Equals for DateTime and Boolean columns and StartsWith for other column types. | |
FilterOperatorDropDownItems | Specifies which operators to list in the operator drop down in filter rows. Default is resolved to a value that is based on the column's data type. | |
FilterOperatorLocation | Specifies the style of operator input in the filter row cells. This can be overridden on each column using the UltraGridColumn.FilterOperatorLocation property. Default is resolved to WithOperand. | |
FilterRowAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the filter rows. | |
FilterRowAppearanceActive | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to filter rows that contain active filters. | |
FilterRowPrompt | Specifies the prompt text to display in the filter row. By default no prompt is displayed. Once the filter row is activated the prompt disappears (and reappears when it’s deactivated). The text spans multiple cells unless UltraGridBand.SpecialRowPromptField has been set to a valid column key in which case the prompt is displayed in the associated cell. | |
FilterRowPromptAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the filter row prompt. | |
FilterRowSelectorAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the row selectors of filter rows. | |
FilterRowSpacingAfter | Returns or sets the amount of spacing (in pixels) rendered after a filter row (between the bottom of the filter row and the top edge of the following object.) | |
FilterRowSpacingBefore | Returns or sets the amount of spacing (in pixels) rendered after a filter row (between the bottom of the filter row and the top edge of the following object.) | |
FilterUIProvider | Gets or sets the UI provider that should be used for providing the drop-down UI for individual column filtering. | |
FilterUIType | Specifies the type of user interface for filtering rows. Options are to display filter icons in headers or to display a filter row. AllowRowFiltering property must be set to True in order for this property to have any effect. | |
FixedCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to cells associated with fixed headers in a band or the grid. | |
FixedCellSeparatorColor | Specifies the color of the separator line that separates the cells associated with fixed headers and cells associated with non-fixed headers. | |
FixedHeaderAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to fixed headers in a band or the grid. | |
FixedHeaderIndicator | Specifies whether the user is allowed to fix or unfix headers in a band or a grid. NOTE: This property is ignored in Row-Layout mode as headers can't be fixed in Row-Layout mode. | |
FixedRowAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the rows that are fixed. | |
FixedRowCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the cells of fixed rows. | |
FixedRowIndicator | Specifies if and how the user is allowed to fix rows. Setting this to Button shows state buttons in the row selectors for fixing and unfixing rows. Also the default row selector width is increased to accommodate the buttons. Setting this to None shows no indicator. Default is resolved to None. | |
FixedRowSelectorAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the row selectors of fixed rows. | |
FixedRowsLimit | Specifies the limit on how many rows of a row collection can be fixed at a time. The default value is -1 which is resolved 0. 0 means there is no limit. | |
FixedRowSortOrder | Specifies whether the UltraGrid sorts the fixed rows. If set to Sorted then the fixed rows will be sorted according to the same sort criteria as non-fixed rows. If set to FixOrder then the fixed rows remain in the order they are added to the fixed rows collection. The RefreshSort method of the FixedRowsCollection can be called to explicitly sort the fixed rows this mode. Default is resolved to Sorted. | |
FixedRowStyle | Specifies whether the fixed rows are display at the top or the bottom of the row collection. Default is resolved to Top. | |
FixHeadersOnRight | Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the columns or groups will be fixed to the right side of the grid when they are fixed. | |
FormulaErrorAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the cells containing formula errors. | |
FormulaRowIndexSource | Specifies which row index to use in formula calculations. Default is resolved to VisibleIndex. | |
GroupByColumnAppearance | Returns the default GroupByColumnAppearance | |
GroupByColumnHeaderAppearance | Returns the default GroupByColumnHeaderAppearance | |
GroupByColumnsHidden | Determines if groupby columns will be displayed. If this resolves to 'default' then groupby columns are hidden. | |
GroupByRowAppearance | Returns the default GroupByRowAppearance | |
GroupByRowConnectorAppearance | Determines the appearance of the area that exists to the left of the child rows of a GroupByRow. | |
GroupByRowDescriptionMask | A string that determines what text be shown in groupby rows. It can include special substitution strings (e.g. to specify child row count). | |
GroupByRowExpansionStyle | Gets/sets the value which determines how GroupBy rows can be expanded/collapsed by the end-user. Setting this property to 'DoubleClick' or 'Disabled' will prevent expansion indicators from appearing in the GroupBy rows. Note, The GroupBy rows can be expanded/collapsed via the Left and Right arrow keys as well as Enter for all settings except 'Disabled'. | |
GroupByRowHotTrackAppearance | Determines the appearance of the GroupByRow when it is hot tracked. | |
GroupByRowInitialExpansionState | Gets/sets the value which determines if the GroupBy rows will all be collapsed or expanded when a band groups on a column. | |
GroupByRowPadding | Specifies padding in pixels used around the GroupByRow's description. If set to -1 then 1 will be used. Default is -1. | |
GroupByRowSpacingAfter | Returns or sets the amount of spacing (in pixels) rendered after a row (between the bottom of the row and the top edge of the following object.) | |
GroupByRowSpacingBefore | Returns or sets the amount of spacing (in pixels) rendered before a row (between the top of the row and the bottom edge of the above object.) | |
GroupBySummaryDisplayStyle | Specifies how summaries in group-by rows are displayed. | |
GroupBySummaryValueAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the cells of filter rows. | |
GroupHeaderTextOrientation | Gets or sets the default orientation of text in group headers. | |
HasActiveCardCaptionAppearance | Returns true if an ActiveCardCaptionAppearance object has been created. | |
HasActiveCellAppearance | Returns true if an ActiveCellAppearance object has been created. | |
HasActiveCellColumnHeaderAppearance | Returns true if an ActiveCellColumnHeaderAppearance object has been created. | |
HasActiveCellRowSelectorAppearance | Returns true if an ActiveCellRowSelectorAppearance object has been created. | |
HasActiveRowAppearance | Returns true if an ActiveRowAppearance object has been created. | |
HasCardAreaAppearance | Returns true if an CardAreaAppearance object has been created. | |
HasCardCaptionAppearance | Returns true if an CardCaptionAppearance object has been created. | |
HasCellAppearance | Returns true if an CellAppearance object has been created. | |
HasCellButtonAppearance | Returns true if an CellButtonAppearance object has been created. | |
HasChildBandExpansionIndicatorHeaderAppearance | Returns true if an ChildBandExpansionIndicatorHeaderAppearance object has been created. | |
HasDragDropIndicatorSettings | Returns true if a DragDropIndicatorSettings object has been created. | |
HasEditCellAppearance | Returns true if an EditCellAppearance object has been created. | |
HasGroupByColumnAppearance | Returns true if an GroupByColumnAppearance object has been created. | |
HasGroupByColumnHeaderAppearance | Returns true if an GroupByColumnHeaderAppearance object has been created. | |
HasGroupByRowAppearance | Returns true if an GroupByRowAppearance object has been created. | |
HasGroupByRowConnectorAppearance | Returns true if an GroupByRowConnectorAppearance object has been created. | |
HasGroupByRowHotTrackAppearance | Returns true if an GroupByRowHotTrackAppearance object has been created. | |
HasHeaderAppearance | Returns true if a HeaderAppearance object has been created. | |
HasMaskLiteralsAppearance | Returns true if an CellAppearance object has been created. | |
HasNoRowsInDataSourceMessageAppearance | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created. | |
HasNoVisibleRowsMessageAppearance | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether an Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase object has been created. | |
HasRowAlternateAppearance | Returns true if a RowAlternateAppearance object has been created. | |
HasRowAppearance | Returns true if a RowAppearance object has been created. | |
HasRowPreviewAppearance | Returns true if an RowPreviewAppearance object has been created. | |
HasRowSelectorAppearance | Returns true if an RowSelectorAppearance object has been created. | |
HasRowSelectorHeaderAppearance | Returns true if an RowSelectorHeaderAppearance object has been created. | |
HasSelectedCardCaptionAppearance | Returns true if an SelectedCardCaptionAppearance object has been created. | |
HasSelectedCellAppearance | Returns true if a SelectedCellAppearance object has been created. | |
HasSelectedRowAppearance | Returns true if an SelectedRowAppearance object has been created. | |
HasSummaryFooterAppearance | Returns true if an SummaryFooterAppearance object has been created. | |
HasSummaryFooterCaptionAppearance | Returns true if an SummaryFooterCaptionAppearance object has been created. | |
HasSummaryValueAppearance | Returns true if an SummaryValueAppearance object has been created. | |
HeaderAppearance | Returns or sets the Appearance object used to set the header formatting attributes. | |
HeaderCheckBoxAlignment | Determines the position of the Header checkbox relative to the header caption. | |
HeaderCheckBoxSynchronization | Determines which cells will be synchronized with the Header checkbox. | |
HeaderCheckBoxVisibility | Determines whether the Header checkbox is visible. | |
HeaderClickAction | Returns or sets a value that determines what will occur when the user clicks on a header. | |
HeaderPlacement | Specifies if and how headers are displayed. | |
HeaderStyle | Gets/sets the visual style of the column headers. Setting this property will also determine the visual style of the row selectors. The visual style of the row selectors can be specified with the RowSelectorStyle property. | |
HotTrackCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the cell that's currently hot-tracked. | |
HotTrackHeaderAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the header that's currently hot-tracked. | |
HotTrackRowAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the row that's currently hot-tracked. | |
HotTrackRowCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the cells of the row that's currently hot-tracked. | |
HotTrackRowSelectorAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the row selector of the row that's currently hot-tracked. | |
InitialSortDirection | Returns or sets a value that determines in which direction the column will be sorted when the user clicks the column header and it was previously unsorted. | |
InvalidValueBehavior | Specifies the behavior when the user attempts to leave a cell after entering an invalid value. Default is resolved to RetainValueAndFocus. | |
Key | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
MaskLiteralsAppearance | If the cell has MaskInput set or is using a UltraMaskedEdit control then this appearance will be applied to the literal chars while in edit mode. | |
MaxSelectedCells | Determines the maximum number of cells that a user can select at any one time. | |
MaxSelectedRows | Determines the maximum number of rows that a user can select at any one time. | |
MergedCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the merged cells. | |
MergedCellContentArea | Specifies whether to position the contents of a merged cell in the entire area of the merged cell or just the visible area of the merged cell. Default is resolved to VirtualRect. | |
MergedCellStyle | Specifies if and how cell merging is performed. Default is resolved to Never. | |
MinRowHeight | Specifies the minimum row height. By default the row heights are restricted by the font size and any drop down buttons that the cell may have. You can use this property to prevent the UltraGrid from imposing such a limit so you can programmatically set the row height to a smaller value than what UltraGrid calculates the minimum row height to be. Default value is -1. Setting this property to 0 will throw an exception since minimum row height has to be at least 1. | |
MinSummaryRowHeight | Specifies the minimum summary row height. By default the summary row heights are restricted by the font size and any images that the summary value may have. You can use this property to prevent the UltraGrid from imposing such a limit so you can programmatically set the summary row height to a smaller value than what UltraGrid calculates the minimum summary row height to be. Default value is -1. Setting this property to 0 will throw an exception since minimum row height has to be at least 1. | |
MultiCellSelectionMode | Specifies how multiple cells are range selected using mouse and keyboard. | |
NoRowsInDataSourceMessageAppearance | ||
NoRowsInDataSourceMessageEnabled | Determines if the NoRowsInDataSourceMessageText should appear when the grid has no rows. | |
NoRowsInDataSourceMessageText | The NoRowsInDataSourceMessageText is a string of text that appears on the surface of the grid below the column headers when the grid has a data source that contains no rows. | |
NoVisibleRowsMessageAppearance | ||
NoVisibleRowsMessageEnabled | Determines if the NoVisibleRowsMessageText should appear when all of the rows in a RowsCollection have been filtered out. | |
NoVisibleRowsMessageText | The NoVisibleRowsMessageText is a string of text that appears on the surface of the grid below the column headers when the grid has no visible rows. | |
NullText | Returns or sets the string displayed in cells with null values. | |
ReadOnlyCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the cells that are read-only. | |
ReserveSortIndicatorSpaceWhenAutoSizing | Gets or sets the value indicating when to reserve space for the sort indicator during an auto-size operation. | |
RowAlternateAppearance | Returns or sets the Appearance object for alternate rows. | |
RowAppearance | Returns or sets the Appearance object for non-alternate rows. | |
RowEditTemplateRowSelectorImage | Gets or sets the image places in the row selectors when the RowEditTemplateUIType includes RowSelectorImage. | |
RowEditTemplateUIType | Gets or sets when the grid will show the RowEditTemplate, if available. | |
RowFilterAction | Specifies the action that the UltraGrid should take on rows that are filtered out. | |
RowFilterMode | Determines whether row filtering is done at the band level or individual rows collection level. If the view style is horizontal, this property is ignored and the RowFilterMode is always taken to be AllRowsInBand. Default is resolved to AllRowsInBand for the root band or if the view style is horizontal. Otherwise it's resolved to SiblingRowsOnly. | |
RowLayoutCellNavigationVertical | Specifies how cells are navigated when using up and down arrow keys. | |
RowPreviewAppearance | Returns or sets the Appearance object that controls the formatting of row's AutoPreview area. | |
RowSelectorAppearance | Returns or sets the default Appearance object for the row selectors. | |
RowSelectorHeaderAppearance | Returns or sets the default Appearance object for the row selector header. | |
RowSelectorHeaderStyle | Returns or sets a value that determines the style of the row selector header area. | |
RowSelectorNumberStyle | Specifies if and what kind of row numbers are displayed in the row selectors. | |
RowSelectors | Returns or sets a value that determines whether row selectors will be displayed. | |
RowSelectorStyle | Gets/sets the visual style of the row selectors. | |
RowSelectorWidth | Gets or sets the row selector widths. Default value is 0 which means a reasonable default width will be used for row selectors. | |
RowSizing | Returns or sets a value that determines the type of row sizing. | |
RowSizingArea | Returns or sets a value that determines which part of the grid's interface may be used to resize rows. | |
RowSizingAutoMaxLines | Returns or sets the maximum number of lines a row will display when Auto-Sizing is enabled. | |
RowSpacingAfter | Returns or sets the amount of spacing (in pixels) rendered after a row (between the bottom of the row and the top edge of the following object.) | |
RowSpacingBefore | Returns or sets the amount of spacing (in pixels) rendered before a row (between the top of the row and the bottom edge of the above object.) | |
SelectedAppearancesEnabled | Gets or sets a value that determines whether Appearances for the active state are included in the appearance resolution order. | |
SelectedCardCaptionAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the selected card's caption in a band or the grid. | |
SelectedCellAppearance | Returns or sets the default Appearance object for a selected cell. | |
SelectedRowAppearance | Returns or sets the default Appearance object for a selected row. | |
SelectTypeCell | Returns or sets a value that determines the cell selection type. | |
SelectTypeCol | Returns or sets a value that determines the column selection type. | |
SelectTypeGroupByRow | Determines how and if GroupByRows can be selected. Default is resolved to Extended. | |
SelectTypeRow | Returns or sets a value that determines the row selection type. | |
SequenceEmptyMessageRow | This property in conjuction with other Sequence properties determines the order in which the associated special rows are displayed. The special row with a smaller sequence number is displayed before the ones with the larger sequence numbers. | |
SequenceFilterRow | This property in conjuction with other Sequence properties determines the order in which the associated special rows are displayed. The special row with a smaller sequence number is displayed before the ones with the larger sequence numbers. | |
SequenceFixedAddRow | This property in conjuction with other Sequence properties determines the order in which the associated special rows are displayed. The special row with a smaller sequence number is displayed before the ones with the larger sequence numbers. | |
SequenceSummaryRow | This property in conjuction with other Sequence properties determines the order in which the associated special rows are displayed. The special row with a smaller sequence number is displayed before the ones with the larger sequence numbers. | |
ShowCalculatingText | Specifies whether cells or summaries in the grid will display "#Calculating" when calculating with an UltraCalcManager. | |
SortComparisonType | Gets/sets the type of sorting which will be performed by columns. Note, this setting can be overridden by a column via it's SortComparisonType property. | |
SpecialRowSeparator | Specifies which special rows should display the separators. | |
SpecialRowSeparatorAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the special row separator elements. | |
SpecialRowSeparatorHeight | Specifies the height of the special row separator elements. This element separates filter row, fixed add-row, summary footer row, fixed rows and non-fixed rows from each other. Default value of -1 is resolved to 6. If this property is set to 0, no separator element is displayed. | |
SummaryDisplayArea | Specifies if and which area(s) the summaries will be displayed. This property is exposed off the SummarySettings object as well. This also affects the summaries selected by the user at runtime. | |
SummaryFooterAppearance | Returns or sets the Appearance object that controls the formatting of summary footers. | |
SummaryFooterCaptionAppearance | Returns or sets the Appearance object that controls the formatting of captions over summary footers. | |
SummaryFooterCaptionVisible | Set this property to False to hide the summary footer captions. | |
SummaryFooterSpacingAfter | Returns or sets the amount of spacing (in pixels) rendered after a summary footer. | |
SummaryFooterSpacingBefore | Returns or sets the amount of spacing (in pixels) rendered before a summary footer. | |
SummaryValueAppearance | Returns or sets the Appearance object that controls the formatting of summaries in summary footers. | |
SupportDataErrorInfo | Specifies whether to make use of IDataErrorInfo interface implemented on the underlying row objects to display error info in rows and cells. | |
Tag | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) | |
TemplateAddRowAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to template add-rows. | |
TemplateAddRowCellAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to cells of template add-rows. | |
TemplateAddRowPrompt | Specifies the prompt text to display in the add row. By default no prompt is displayed. Once the add row is activated the prompt disappears (and reappears when it’s deactivated). The text spans multiple cells unless UltraGridBand.SpecialRowPromptField property has been set to a valid column key in which case the prompt is displayed in the associated cell. | |
TemplateAddRowPromptAppearance | Determines the formatting attributes that will be applied to the template add-row prompt. | |
TemplateAddRowSpacingAfter | Returns or sets the amount of spacing (in pixels) rendered after a template add-row (between the bottom of the row and the top edge of the following object.) | |
TemplateAddRowSpacingBefore | Returns or sets the amount of spacing (in pixels) rendered before a template add-row (between the top of the row and the bottom edge of the above object.) | |
TipStyleCell | Returns or sets a value that determines whether a tip will be displayed when the mouse pauses over a cell. | |
TipStyleHeader | Returns or sets a value that determines whether a tip will be displayed when the mouse pauses over a header. | |
TipStyleRowConnector | Returns or sets a value that determines whether a tip will be displayed when the mouse pauses over a row connector line. | |
TipStyleScroll | Returns or sets a value that determines whether a tip displayed over the scrollbar when the scroll bar thumb is dragged. | |
UseExternalSummaryCalculator | 12.1 External Summary Calculations | |
WrapHeaderText | Gets/sets a value which indicates whether headers in the grid will automatically wrap their text and adjust their height, if necessary. Note, this property is not honored if Row Layout mode is being used. |
Name | Description | |
KeyLowercaseInterned | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
PrimaryCollection | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectBase) | |
SubObjectPropChangeHandler | (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase) |