Version 24.2 (latest)

AfterSelectChange Event

Occurs after one or more row, cell, or column objects were selected or deselected.
public event AfterSelectChangeEventHandler AfterSelectChange
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type AfterSelectChangeEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following AfterSelectChangeEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

Type The select change (read-only). Indicates whether the change is selection of cells, rows, group-by rows or columns took place.

The selectchange argument indicates what type of object or objects involved in the selection: rows, cells, or columns. When a row or column is selected, the cells contained in it are not considered selected.

This event is generated before one or more objects have been selected or deselected, either programmatically, or by user interaction.

The control's Selected property can be used to determine what object or objects are currently selected.

The BeforeSelectChange event, which occurs before one or more row, cell, or column objects have been selected or deselected, is generated before this event.

Following code shows some of the information available in AfterSelectChange event. It writes out information on the new selection.

For an overview of how to handle events in Visual Basic or Visual C#, see Event Handlers in Visual Basic and Visual C#. For specific information and code examples illustrating how to consume events in your application, see Consuming Events in the .NET Framework Developer's Guide.

Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid
Imports System.Diagnostics

   Private Sub UltraGrid1_AfterSelectChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.AfterSelectChangeEventArgs) Handles ultraGrid1.AfterSelectChange

       Debug.Write("AfterSelectChange: ")

       ' Check the type to find out whether rows, columns or cells were seelcted.
       If e.Type Is GetType(UltraGridGroupByRow) Then

           ' Item type is a group-by-row so use Rows property off the Selected to access those items.
           If Me.ultraGrid1.Selected.Rows.Count = 0 Then
               Debug.WriteLine("No group-by rows selected.")
               Debug.WriteLine(Me.ultraGrid1.Selected.Rows.Count & " group-by rows selected.")
           End If

       ElseIf e.Type Is GetType(UltraGridRow) Then

           ' Item type is a row so use Rows property off the Selected to access those items.
           If Me.ultraGrid1.Selected.Rows.Count = 0 Then
               Debug.WriteLine("No rows selected.")
               Debug.WriteLine(Me.ultraGrid1.Selected.Rows.Count & " rows selected.")
           End If

       ElseIf e.Type Is GetType(UltraGridColumn) Then

           ' Item type is a column so use Columns property off the Selected to access those items.
           If Me.ultraGrid1.Selected.Columns.Count = 0 Then
               Debug.WriteLine("Columns are being unselected.")
               Debug.WriteLine(Me.ultraGrid1.Selected.Columns.Count & " columns are being selected.")
           End If

       ElseIf e.Type Is GetType(UltraGridCell) Then

           ' Item type is a cell so use Cells property off the Selected to access those items.
           If Me.ultraGrid1.Selected.Cells.Count = 0 Then
               Debug.WriteLine("Columns are being unselected.")
               Debug.WriteLine(Me.ultraGrid1.Selected.Cells.Count & " cells are being selected.")
           End If

       End If

   End Sub
Public Event AfterSelectChange As AfterSelectChangeEventHandler
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void ultraGrid1_AfterSelectChange(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.AfterSelectChangeEventArgs e)

	Debug.Write( "AfterSelectChange: " );

	// Check the type to find out whether rows, columns or cells were seelcted.
	if ( typeof ( UltraGridGroupByRow ) == e.Type )
		// Item type is a group-by-row so use Rows property off the Selected to access those items.
		if ( this.ultraGrid1.Selected.Rows.Count == 0 )
			Debug.WriteLine( "No group-by rows selected." );
			Debug.WriteLine( this.ultraGrid1.Selected.Rows.Count + " group-by rows selected." );
	else if ( typeof( UltraGridRow ) == e.Type )
		// Item type is a row so use Rows property off the Selected to access those items.
		if ( this.ultraGrid1.Selected.Rows.Count == 0 )
			Debug.WriteLine( "No rows selected." );
			Debug.WriteLine( this.ultraGrid1.Selected.Rows.Count + " rows selected." );
	else if ( typeof( UltraGridColumn ) == e.Type )
		// Item type is a column so use Columns property off the Selected to access those items.
		if ( this.ultraGrid1.Selected.Columns.Count == 0 )
			Debug.WriteLine( "Columns are being unselected." );
			Debug.WriteLine( this.ultraGrid1.Selected.Columns.Count + " columns are being selected." );
	else if ( typeof( UltraGridCell ) == e.Type )
		// Item type is a cell so use Cells property off the Selected to access those items.
		if ( this.ultraGrid1.Selected.Cells.Count == 0 )
			Debug.WriteLine( "Columns are being unselected." );
			Debug.WriteLine( this.ultraGrid1.Selected.Cells.Count + " cells are being selected." );
Public Event AfterSelectChange As AfterSelectChangeEventHandler

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also