Version 24.2 (latest)

CalendarDateSettings Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see CalendarDateSettings members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyDateReturns the date with which this instance is associated.  
Public PropertyDisposed (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject)
Public PropertyIsWorkDayReturns or sets whether the date associated with this instance is considered to be a work day. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.TimeSlotSettings)
Public PropertyTag (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Public PropertyWorkingHoursReturns a collection of TimeRange objects, each of which represents a range of time that is considered to be a continuous block of working hours. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.TimeSlotSettings)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertySubObjectPropChangeHandler (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
See Also