
CalendarInfoEventManager Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by CalendarInfoEventManager.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAllEventsEnabled (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.EventManagerBase)
Public PropertyCalendarInfoReturns the UltraCalendarInfo component which owns the CalendarInfoEventManager object. This property is read-only.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyAfterEventIndexesReturns a lazily loaded array of indexes for all the 'After' events.  
Protected PropertyBeforeEventIndexesReturns a lazily loaded array of indexes for all the 'Before' events.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCanFireEventIndicates whether the event identified by the CalendarInfoEventIds can be fired.  
Public MethodInProgressOverloaded. Indicates whether the event identified by the eventid is in progress.  
Public MethodIsEnabledOverloaded. Returns true if the event is enabled  
Public MethodSetEnabledOverloaded. Enables or disables the specified event.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodDecrementInProgress (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.EventManagerBase)
Protected MethodIncrementInProgress (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.EventManagerBase)
See Also