Version 24.2 (latest)

OwnerDataErrorEventArgs Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see OwnerDataErrorEventArgs members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyBoundValueReturns the converted value retrieved from the bound field. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DataErrorEventArgsBase)
Public PropertyMemberNameReturns the name of the bound field whose value caused the error to occur. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DataErrorEventArgsBase)
Public PropertyMessageGets/sets the message that will be displayed to the end user. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DataErrorEventArgsBase)
Public PropertyOwnerReturns a reference to the Owner whose corresponding data row contains invalid data.  
Public PropertyPropertyIdReturns the property identifier that describes the Owner property whose data binding returned an invalid value.  
Public PropertyShowMessageBoxDetermines whether a MessageBox is displayed when a data binding error occurs. (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DataErrorEventArgsBase)
See Also