
DisplayInterval Property

Interval of time before the appointment at which to display the reminder.
Public Property DisplayInterval As Integer
public int DisplayInterval {get; set;}
This example creates a new Appointment object, and adds it to the component's Appointments collection. It also sets a Reminder and an AppointmentAction for the Appointment.

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule

    Private Sub SetupAppointment()

        '	Create a new Appointment object. Make its start time five minutes from now, and
        '	make its end time a half an hour later
        Dim appointment As Appointment = New Appointment(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5.0F), DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(35.0F))

        '	Set the subject of the appointment
        appointment.Subject = "Appointment subject"

        '	Set the location of the appointment
        appointment.Location = "Appointment location"

        '	Set the description of the appointment
        appointment.Description = "Appointment description"

        '	Set up a reminder for the appointment, set to activate 5 minutes before
        '	the appointment's start time
        Me.SetReminder(appointment, 5)

        '	Set the AllDayEvent property to false
        appointment.AllDayEvent = False

        '	Set the bar color to red...note that this will only be
        '	displayed by the UltraDayView control.
        appointment.BarColor = Color.Red

        '	Set the Tag property to the form on which the component is sited
        appointment.Tag = Me

        '	Now that the appointment has been configured, add it to
        '	the UltraCalendarInfo object's Appointments collection

        '	See if the day that corresponds to the appointment's StartDateTime
        '	is Selected, if it is, make the appointment selected as well
        If appointment.Day.Selected Then appointment.Selected = True

        '	Set up an action to be performed when the appointment activates

    End Sub

    Private Sub SetAction(ByVal appointment As Appointment)

        '	Demonstrates how to use an appointment's Action object property

        '	Make sure the appointment is useable before continuing
        If appointment Is Nothing Or appointment.Disposed Then Return

        '	Create a new AppointmentAction object
        Dim action As AppointmentAction = New AppointmentAction()

        '	Set the action's command string to launch Notepad
        action.Command = "Notepad.exe"

        '	Create a simple text file, and write the appointment's
        '	description out to it
        Dim fileName As String = Application.CommonAppDataPath + "\action.txt"
        Dim output As TextWriter = File.AppendText(fileName)

        '	Set the action's Parameters property to the text file
        '	we created, so that it will be opened when the action
        '	is launched
        action.Parameters = fileName

			' Set the Action type to 'Execute Program'
			action.Type = AppointmentActionType.ExecuteProgram
        '	Set the Tag property to the form on which the component is sited
        action.Tag = Me

        '	Assign the AppointmentAction object to the
        '	specified Appointment's Action property
        appointment.Action = action

        '	Enable the action
        appointment.Action.Enabled = True

    End Sub

    Private Sub SetReminder(ByVal appointment As Appointment, ByVal minutes As Integer)

        '	Sets a reminder for the specified appointment

        '	Make sure the appointment is useable before continuing
        If appointment Is Nothing Or appointment.Disposed Then Return

        '	Make sure the value of the minutes parameter is valid
        If minutes < 0 Then Return

        '	Create a new reminder and assign it to the Appointment
        Dim reminder As Reminder = New Reminder()

        '	Set the reminder's Enabled property to false until we are
        '	finished configuring it
        reminder.Enabled = False

        '	Since this method specifies the time to wait in minutes, set
        '	the reminder's DisplayIntervalUnits property to Minutes
        reminder.DisplayIntervalUnits = DisplayIntervalUnits.Minutes

        '	Set the DisplayInterval property to the value of the 'minutes' parameter
        reminder.DisplayInterval = minutes

        '	Set the DialogText property
        reminder.DialogText = "My Reminder"

        '	Set the Tag property to the form on which the component is sited
        reminder.Tag = Me

        '	Set the appointment's Reminder property to the
        '	Reminder object we just created
        appointment.Reminder = reminder

        '	Now that it has been configured, set the reminder's
        '	Enabled property to true. This will start the timer.
        reminder.Enabled = True

    End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;

		private void SetupAppointment()

			//	Create a new Appointment object. Make its start time five minutes from now and
			//	make its end time a half an hour later
			Appointment appointment = new Appointment( DateTime.Now.AddMinutes( 5.0F ), DateTime.Now.AddMinutes( 35.0F ) );

			//	Set the subject of the appointment
			appointment.Subject = "Appointment subject";

			//	Set the location of the appointment
			appointment.Location = "Appointment location";

			//	Set the description of the appointment
			appointment.Description = "Appointment description";

			//	Set up a reminder for the appointment, set to activate 5 minutes before
			//	the appointment's start time
			this.SetReminder( appointment, 5 );
			//	Set the AllDayEvent property to false
			appointment.AllDayEvent = false;

			//	Set the bar color to red...note that this will only be
			//	displayed by the UltraDayView control.
			appointment.BarColor = Color.Red;

			//	Set the Tag property to the form on which the component is sited
			appointment.Tag = this;

			//	Now that the appointment has been configured, add it to
			//	the UltraCalendarInfo object's Appointments collection
			this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Appointments.Add( appointment );

			//	See if the day that corresponds to the appointment's StartDateTime
			//	is Selected; if it is, make the appointment selected as well
			if ( appointment.Day.Selected )
				appointment.Selected = true;

			//	Set up an action to be performed when the appointment activates
			this.SetAction( appointment );


		private void SetAction( Appointment appointment )

			//	Demonstrates how to use an appointment's Action object property

			//	Make sure the appointment is useable before continuing
			if ( appointment == null || appointment.Disposed )

			//	Create a new AppointmentAction object
			AppointmentAction action = new AppointmentAction();

			//	Set the action's command string to launch Notepad
			action.Command = "Notepad.exe";

			//	Create a simple text file, and write the appointment's
			//	description out to it
			string fileName = Application.CommonAppDataPath + @"\action.txt";
			TextWriter output = File.AppendText( fileName );
			output.WriteLine( appointment.Description );

			//	Set the action's Parameters property to the text file
			//	we created, so that it will be opened when the action
			//	is launched
			action.Parameters = fileName;

			// Set the Action type to 'Execute Program'
			action.Type = AppointmentActionType.ExecuteProgram;

			//	Set the Tag property to the form on which the component is sited
			action.Tag = this;

			//	Assign the AppointmentAction object to the
			//	specified Appointment's Action property
			appointment.Action = action;

			//	Enable the action
			appointment.Action.Enabled = true;


		private void SetReminder( Appointment appointment, int minutes )

			//	Sets a reminder for the specified appointment

			//	Make sure the appointment is useable before continuing
			if ( appointment == null || appointment.Disposed )

			//	Make sure the value of the minutes parameter is valid
			if ( minutes < 0 )

			//	Create a new reminder and assign it to the Appointment
			Reminder reminder = new Reminder();

			//	Set the reminder's Enabled property to false until we are
			//	finished configuring it
			reminder.Enabled = false;

			//	Since this method specifies the time to wait in minutes, set
			//	the reminder's DisplayIntervalUnits property to Minutes
			reminder.DisplayIntervalUnits = DisplayIntervalUnits.Minutes;

			//	Set the DisplayInterval property to the value of the 'minutes' parameter
			reminder.DisplayInterval = minutes;

			//	Set the DialogText property
			reminder.DialogText = "My Reminder";

			//	Set the Tag property to the form on which the component is sited
			reminder.Tag = this;

			//	Set the appointment's Reminder property to the
			//	Reminder object we just created
			appointment.Reminder = reminder;

			//	Now that it has been configured, set the reminder's
			//	Enabled property to true. This will start the timer.
			reminder.Enabled = true;


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also