
Task Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see Task members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyBindingListIndexReturns the ordinal position of the list object corresponding to this Task in the data source to which the Tasks collection is bound, or -1 if the Tasks collection is not bound.  
Public PropertyBindingListObjectReturns the list object corresponding to this Task in the data source to which the Tasks collection is bound, or null if the Tasks collection is not bound.  
Public PropertyCompleteThroughReturns the date/time through which this Task is complete.  
Public PropertyConstraintReturns or sets the constraint for this task.  
Public PropertyConstraintDateTimeReturns or sets the constraining date/time for this task.  
Public PropertyDeadlineReturns or sets the deadline for this task.  
Public PropertyDependenciesReturns a collection of TaskDependency objects which define the tasks on which this task is dependent, as well as the nature of the dependency.  
Public PropertyDisposed (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject)
Public PropertyDurationReturns or sets the amount of time spanned by the task.  
Public PropertyDurationResolvedReturns the resolved value of the Duration property.  
Public PropertyEndDateTimeReturns or sets the DateTime at which the task ends.  
Public PropertyEndDateTimeResolvedReturns the resolved value of the EndDateTime property.  
Public PropertyExpandedReturns or sets a boolean value indicating whether this task is expanded. Applicable only when the IsSummary property returns true.  
Public PropertyGridSettingsReturns a Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGanttView.TaskGridSettings object which determines grid-specific properties of the task, such as the appearance of the row and the settings for the cells.  
Public PropertyIdReturns a globally unique identifier which identifies this instance.  
Public PropertyIsRootReturns whether this task is a root-level task.  
Public PropertyIsSummaryReturns whether this task is considered a summary of other tasks, i.e., whether this task contains subtasks.  
Public PropertyLevelReturns a zero-based integer which defines the level at which this Task resides within the hierarchy, where zero represents a root task. If the task does not belong to any collection, this property returns -1.  
Public PropertyMilestoneReturns or sets a boolean value indicating whether the task marks a milestone in the associated project.  
Public PropertyMilestoneResolvedReturns the resolved value of the Milestone property.  
Public PropertyNameReturns or sets the name of the task.  
Public PropertyNotesReturns or sets the notes to be associated with the task.  
Public PropertyParentReturns the Task whose Tasks collection contains this task, or null if this is a root-level task  
Public PropertyPercentCompleteReturns or sets a floating-point value indicating the percent of completion for the task, with the value zero representing a task that has not yet been started, and the value of 100 representing a task that has been fully completed.  
Public PropertyProjectReturns or sets the associated Project, or null if this task is not specifically associated with a project.  
Public PropertyProjectKeyReturns the key of the associated Project, or an empty string if this task is not specifically associated with a project.  
Public PropertyResourcesReturns a collection of Owner objects which represent the entities available to assist in the completion of a task.  
Public PropertyRowHeightReturns or sets the height of the row which represents this Task in the user interface.  
Public PropertyRowNumberReturns or sets a one-based integer value which describes this Task's ordinal position within the flattened out list of all tasks that belong to the same project.  
Public PropertyStartDateTimeReturns or sets the DateTime at which the task begins.  
Public PropertyTag (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Public PropertyTasksReturns a collection of Task objects which represent the immediate children of this task.  
Public PropertyTaskSettingsReturns a TaskSettings object which determines whether the user can edit or delete the task.  
Public PropertyTimelineSettingsReturns a Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGanttView.TimelineSettings object which determines Timeline-specific properties of the task, such as the appearance and behavior of the bars and whether dragging is allowed.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertySubObjectPropChangeHandler (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
See Also