
SpellOptions Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see SpellOptions members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAllowCapitalizedWordsGets or sets whether to ignore words with all capital letters. If set to true, misspelled words in all capitals will not be marked misspelled.  
Public PropertyAllowCaseInsensitiveSuggestionsGets or sets whether misspelled words are converted to all lower case before looking for suggestions. If set to true, “tHE” and “tHe” will have the same suggestions.  
Public PropertyAllowMixedCaseGets or sets whether to allow the mixing of cases within a word. If set to true, “hELLo” will be correct. Otherwise it is marked misspelled.  
Public PropertyAllowWordsWithDigitsGets or sets whether to ignore the spelling of words with digits in them. If set to true, “hel123lo” will not be marked misspelled.  
Public PropertyAllowXmlGets or sets whether to allow XML/HTML tags in the text.  
Public PropertyCheckCompoundWordsGets or sets whether to check for words that are combined (“helloworld” would be correct when this is true).  
Public PropertyCheckHyphenatedTextGets or sets whether to look for each part of a hyphenated word in the dictionary, or to look for the hyphenated word as a whole in the dictionary. If set to true, “hello-world” would be spelled correctly, otherwise it would be incorrect.  
Public PropertyConsiderationRangeGets or sets the size factor for words to consider for suggestions. Increasing this value can have a large impact on performance.  
Public PropertyDisposed (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.DisposableObject)
Public PropertyIncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestionsGets or sets whether words from the user dictionary file should be included in the suggestion list.  
Public PropertyLanguageParserGets or sets the language parser to use. This should match the language of the dictionary file.  
Public PropertySeparateHyphenWordsGets or sets whether to treat a word with a hyphen in it as two separate words when checking for errors. If set to true, only the first word of “heelo-world” would be marked misspelled. Otherwise, the entire text is misspelled.  
Public PropertySplitWordThresholdGets or sets the minimum size a word needs to be in a combined word to become a suggestion. If set to a value greater than 2, “myhouse” would not have “my house” as a suggestion.  
Public PropertySuggestionMethodGets or sets the value which tells the spell checker engine how to find suggestions.  
Public PropertySuggestSplitWordsGets or sets whether to look for connecting words in words with errors. If set to true, “helloworld” would have “hello world” as one of its suggestions.  
Public PropertyTag (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertySubObjectPropChangeHandler (Inherited from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase)
See Also